Art by R0ckyBirdy


Voice packs:
Rosemi Lovelock


✿ Rules ✿
■ Don’t bring up any other individuals unless they are brought up first on stream.
■ Be respectful towards others. No discrimination of any form is tolerated.
■ Stay on topic please.
■ No spamming or sharing of private information.
Violators will be banned from the livechat.

🌹- – – – – – – – – – – – – – 🌹

🌹 Rosemi Lovelock (ロゼミ・ラブロック)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Rosemi_Lovelock

🏆 Selen Tatsuki (セレン 龍月)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Selen_Tatsuki/

🐧❄ Petra Gurin (ペトラ・グリン)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Petra_Gurin/

✧༺♥༻∞ – – – ∞༺♥༻✧

Music bgm and bgm arragements by ikoany
Art by Chrone_co, Walfieee, Tuna, Kukie_nyan, Tsuki_nonono, Reulia1010, MelonbreadFBP, KaniKanizawa, bb83164978, rikak, Swon32826536, SyHan__, VTnate5sei, diszkr, maru_ccy, suminoja, gudanco, illustratoreri, hayateto2434, nagidazo, sowonhae, 2morgen1, x_kw_ix
Video production by mrn
Emotes by Chroneco and _universecat

▽ Guidance for minors

▽ For Business and PR Inquiries


  1. Thank you for the stream Rosemi I agree that Devil Trigger is catchy, I had it stuck in my mind for a whole summer. Subhuman is really good as well but It didn’t catch as well as DT. Bury the Light is another banger and my all time favorite is “Any special Orders?” (Nico’s shop theme)

  2. The only thing that could've made Rosemi more interested in playing as Dante: Make it more like Tekken and add more metal music. I know no one really mains Eddy Gordo, but hey.

  3. This was so much fun!! Thank you for the awesome DMC5 stream, Rosemi-sama! The way V bit his lips at Dante, oh my god… That plus the asthma, victorian arms, reading while walking, chuuni energy, cane, back- it's kinda scary how many similarities there are LOL. Oh yeah, I've really been enjoying the music too! I've been listening to Devil Trigger quite a bit, and I just can't stop. BANG BANG BANG

    Unrelated but I've been going through a bit of a stressful time as of lately… but I'm really glad that you're here because you always brighten my day Hope your wrist feels a lot better by next time! Also, wish you the best of luck with your recordings!!

  4. Finally DMC Vsemi is back in almost at full strength today it was a lot of fun discovering all the different mechanics this game has and god there's a TON of them. you could spend hundred of hours alone perfecting one character and that's the cool stuff hopefully the game wasn't too rough on your wrists and good luck at your offline work you got this wose

  5. 🕓 Timestamps by Rosecord

    04:49 Start

    05:30 Rosemi misplaced her glasses

    08:00 Playing with the wrist brace is uncomfortable

    Mission 6 – Steel Impact

    08:14 Customizing skills

    12:50 Training and relearning buttons

    18:09 Begin mission

    18:57 Girugamesh 👿

    20:20 "My arm is gone, just like real life!"

    22:48 Removes wrist brace

    26:00 Can Rosemi's hat be eaten?

    28:01 Clear

    29:00 Results

    29:27 Equips wrist brace

    30:15 Vibing to "Devil Trigger"

    34:17 Anime censorship

    34:40 "Big booty"

    Mission 7 – United Front

    36:10 Customizing skills

    39:49 Begin mission

    40:48 Brutal instinct, Riot 👿

    42:27 Reading 📖

    47:33 Singing "Mushroom" 🎵

    48:49 Taunting

    52:40 Air violin 🎻

    57:35 "Cry little piggy!"

    59:25 Calling Nico, enjoying the shop BGM

    1:03:48 Turning on A/C, "Pull my AC Trigger" ❄

    1:04:43 Wrist brace

    1:06:05 "Mm mm MMM!"

    1:07:09 🚺 Bathroom break until 1:09:16

    1:09:51 Proto Angelo, Scudo Angelo 👿

    1:11:04 "Fry little piggy!"

    1:12:30 "Pluck that one guy!"

    1:14:09 Results

    Mission 8 – Demon King

    1:16:10 Customizing skills

    1:23:40 Begin mission

    1:27:30 "Shut up, Nero! You're so lame!"

    1:27:34 "I didn't mean to click that"

    1:34:46 Rosemi has V instincts

    1:37:11 Talking about demons

    1:39:25 Elusive incator, Baphomet 👿

    1:43:09 Customize menu, enjoying the music

    1:43:50 British-semi 🇬🇧

    1:46:41 "Happy Birthday" to the ugly bat

    1:53:51 "Happy Birthday, bg weird armored thingie guy with a shield and a sword"

    1:58:39 "Ow!"

    2:01:57 Secret Mission 05

    2:05:45 Cleared, "Yippee!"

    2:08:22 "These are what the phone booths look like in London"

    2:13:37 Nico's dad

    2:15:08 Nefarious usurper, Urizen 👿

    2:19:38 Clear

    2:23:17 Results

    2:26:57 V bites lips

    Mission 9 – Genesis

    2:28:20 Customize skills, Dante is a Rosebud

    2:30:55 V's oshi is Ange

    2:31:33 🚺 Bathroom break until 2:34:08

    2:37:10 Begin mission

    2:39:24 Unstoppable appetite, Behemoth 👿

    2:46:32 Rosemi thinks the bat demon would taste the best

    2:51:09 Under where?

    2:52:33 Cool dog

    2:54:37 "Comin' at ya, baby!"

    2:57:53 V has an asthma moment like Rosemi

    3:03:46 Phone booth, customize time

    3:06:09 Abnormal avatar, Nobody 👿

    3:08:23 Clear

    3:11:24 Results

    Mission 10 – Awaken

    3:15:48 Customize

    3:16:47 Begin mission

    3:19:57 Listening to BGM

    3:24:33 "Ora-ora-ora-ora!"

    3:28:55 Barbed discord, Chaos 👿

    3:30:35 Rosemi's stomach made a sound

    3:34:23 "I'm in Ohio?"

    3:40:44 Insanity ablaze, Hellbat 👿

    3:47:23 Would Rosemi want a cape in a future outfit?

    3:51:26 vs Urizen 👿

    3:52:35 Raid from Finana Ryugu🐠

    3:52:53 Raid from Reimu Endou👻🎼

    3:53:37 Results

    3:56:50 V is wilting


    3:57:33 Stopping for now

    3:59:00 Removing wrist brace

    3:59:09 What playstyle does Rosemi like most?

    4:00:32 Nero looks like a tumblr sexyman

    4:01:41 Almost says she wants to be V

    4:02:28 Showing off her cane

    4:04:35 Jamming to "Devil Trigger"

    4:09:10 Air violin 🎻

    4:10:03 Raid from Yu Q. Wilson🥽

    4:10:20 Rosemi will do a flip

    4:11:40 Smugsemi taunts chat

    4:12:20 "Devil Trigger" lo-fi version

    4:15:06 Bye bye, raiding Millie Parfait🪄

  6. I thought Nero and V's gameplay was pretty cool, but when Dante starting busting out the Steve Fox moves with Eddy Gordo's capoeira.. I freaking lost it Thanks for the stream Rosemi! It seems that with every DMC5 stream, the V = Rosemi allegations continue to be more and more true.. I think you actually are V, bud..

  7. Came for to watch another fellow Vtuber experience DMC5 for the first time. Stayed to see how much they'll love playing as Dante.

  8. WOOHOO! Back to DCM5!! It feels great to watch you play more of this, it's such a fun game. Once again there were a lot of memorable stream moments – and yes, most of them were from when you played V. It's just so funny to see more and more similarities between the two of you, it always makes me laugh. I'd also like to point out that you consistently got S ranks on all of his missions this stream with your limiters (wrist brace) on! Speaking of, I hope your wrist starts to feel better in the coming weeks! Pinched nerves take a while to recover from, but it's definitely going to recover faster because you've been really good about taking the right precautions for it. We're all very proud of you for that by the way!

    Eventually I'll get around to playing this game – I did the same thing you did and picked it up on sale a while back and it's sat in my steam library untouched since then. Your DMC3 streams got me to start playing these games and was also around when I stopped lurking and started talking more, so your DMC streams always feel nostalgic for me. I started with DMC1 and worked my way up to about halfway through 3 before I stopped (no particular reason, just irl stuff got in the way + I got distracted with other games). But watching you play this makes me want to go back and play them again. I'll be sure to update you on how that goes!

    Also, it was good to see you bring out your cane at the end, it's been a while since we've seen it.

  9. Another 5 missions cleared. Thank you for pulling your Devil Trigger while reading Dune in London V-semi Loelock! It's nice seeing you back playing DMC5 after so long!
    I hope the game wasn't too demanding for your poor wrist, there's so much learn yet so many in depth mechanics for each individual characters. Dante is the craziest due to his insane weaponry and combat styles which becomes super fun to use once you know how is swapping gimmick work! Like you could parry with Eddy Gordo into 1 2 on Trickster then swap to Sword Master for an extra kick, activating your DT while Royal Guarding to flex and stinger the crap out of Chaos the Hedgehog until you finish him on the ground with a charged shot of Coyote-A (Dante's shotgun) It sounds complicated on paper but super satisfying to pull off once you've practiced enough!
    Nero honestly tho can be cringe sometimes, I agree BUT he's not completely at the bottom of LAME, he has his moments too you know? Come on Rose stop bad mouthing deadweight for one second, Dante wouldn't appreciate that after you've unsuccessfully tried to rizz him!
    Amondus aside, you must know that if your wrist pain isn't tolerable next time we totally won't mind if you want to shorten these streams to let it recover more. Remember to love yourself as well V!
    Rest amazing tonight and take care as usual. Athma, cane, urizen every 1 hour yep that's my awesome kami-oshi right there but she's the kindest tsundere on this planet so who cares…

  10. This stream was entertaining to watch. As a person who has played DMC5 before and completed it, I see this as an absolute win. If you need any help with the main campaign, don't hesitate to ask me. Also, once you're done with the Nero/V/Dante story, maybe you should try the Vergil campaign next. The DLC only costs $4.99, but trust me, it'll be worth it.

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