I’m Toshi. I’m half-Japanese, streaming from Japan! I love video games, especially retro games! Many of my games are in Japanese but I can speak English & Japanese, so don’t be shy! Thanks for watching!

Twitter: https://twitter.com/RetroToshi
Donate: https://streamlabs.com/toshi675/tip

MON: River City Girls 2
TUE: Dragon Quest X Online
THU: Grandia
FRI: Yoshi’s Island

Consoles owned:

Game Boy Pocket
Super Famicom
Nintendo 64
Nintendo GameCube
Nintendo DS
Nintendo 3DS
Nintendo Switch
Nintendo Switch Lite

Sega Saturn

PlayStation 2
PS3 slim
PS3 slim 2
PS4 slim
PS4 Pro
PS5 with disc drive

Retro Freak

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