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Lore of Dark Souls and Elden Ring is great, but sometimes it’s fun to dive into the gameplay of our favourite games. Here are some of our favourite things we’ve discovered lately! From tricks against Nito, Ornstein and Smough, or the Helkite Drake, to tips, tricks, and glitches. We hope you enjoy!
Thanks to SilentJordan for the Darkroot Farm all those years ago, thanks to Holyhippo3316 for explaining the Ornstein dodge loop, and thanks to hoboworm for sharing the Ornstein wall fall!

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The Colour Theory of Elden Ring: https://youtu.be/xcIEWVFSce8
Mapping the World: https://youtu.be/Kh0TcNNXYYk
Perfumers and Omenkillers: https://youtu.be/RuerOkQhSTs
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The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess OST – Death Mountain
Kameo: Elements of Power OST – Training
Stardew Valley OST – Summer (The Sun Can Bend An Orange Sky)
Age of Mythology OST – Suture Self

#darksoulslore #darksouls #gaming



  1. The amount of people who had and continue to cheese soulslikes is baffling to me. I'm like a mid tier gamer, these games have difficulty, but they're really not that hard.

  2. Dung pies can also be used as a bank. You can buy them from the female merchant and sell them back to frampt for full price. He loves eating shit.

  3. If you shoot the drake near the stairan run as fast as you can near the left side of the bridge(where the door to lower parish is) eventually the drake will use it's flying breath attack and to oblivion(works on remastered)

  4. One thing a lot of ppl dont know: the channaler in undead parish can boost gargules. I noticed blue particles, the same when channaler boosts hollows and gaping dragon

  5. In Dark Souls remastered you can rebind the Jump button, so no need to block to roll while sprinting.

  6. I literally never knew you could parry the boar but that's definitely a staple of my occasional knife only thief runs from now on

  7. I knew everything except
    – fire breath/stones against ornstein
    – double hand weapon block Nito
    – pendant triggers traps

    Not bad. I need to go outside more.

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