Welcome back to Ghost of Tsushima. I’m back with some more stealth gameplay as usual. This is has been really phenomenal, every time I think I’m done with it, something always pulls me back in eventually. I’m very much looking forward to more entries in the future. Let me know if you enjoyed, thank you for watching 😀


  1. Can wait to see Ubisoft's AC Red butcher its lore and Japan setting with woke trash. GOT git it right and was successful just because of that. Hate this woke shit infecting gaming.

  2. so this game also has the same abilities and stuff but everyone praises it unlike Mirage

  3. This game was so good bru wish there was another thing to do in it though after you finish it all like some roaming bosses or something

  4. Swifty the goattttt. So glad you’re still uploading content from this game. I love it. No other game has really come close to it for me

  5. I watch your video, i get empowered, i load up, i ATTEMPT to replicate, i die miserably. Still my favorite game of all time

  6. The mongols completely ignore Jin when he's wearing black robes in white grass. Seems like normal game logic.

  7. I got an outfit idea for you : sugis hat, ghost mask (default), ghost armor lvl 2 (default), fujins secret

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