The Last of Us Part II R - No Return Trailer - Easy Allies Reactions

Cooling down from GTA VI, the team takes a first look at No Return, the rogulike mode coming to The Last of Us Part II Remastered. (Streamed Dec 4, 2023)

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  1. Huber knows what's up, booting up some Tlou 2 combat is such a fun time. Looking forward to this mode and how much quicker it'll be to load it all lol.

  2. I always wanted something like this in TLOU so this is worth getting day one. Plus, the unlockables, especially the skins, in Naughty Dog games is always overlooked and highly underrated.

  3. I'm mildly intrigued. I probably won't buy this – after TLOU II, I'm quite worn out by the "grimly-grim-grimacing-grimness" of the "not-zombies" post apocalyptic setting. But it looks interesting. Maybe in 5 years I'll give it a shot.

  4. I feel that due to the limited enemy and weapon variety, this mode would grow stale quite quickly. Most of the environments look the same, too. A very strange direction to take the game, imo.

  5. Apparently the invisible enemy is a mod. Naughty Dog confirmed it. Weird choice to put it in the trailer, cause of course the internet is gonna think it's a glitch…

  6. Trying to speed run missions in TLOU2 is insanely fun and there’s so many ways and options to clear things! A LOT of people hate the game, but the combat is incredible to me! Actually so hyped for this new mode!

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