Building a factory that’s been converted into a house!

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This video is family friendly, but The Sims 4 is rated T for Teen and this video is intended for an audience aged 13 and up.

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  1. LOVE this build and the Werewolf build!!! watched both streams and downloaded them for my legacy once they were on the gallery! you do such a good job even when its outside your normal build style! truly amazing builds! can't wait to see more and more Kayla!!

  2. “I have laundry sitting in the dryer from yesterday afternoon”

    Me, staring at my laundry from 2 weeks ago that needs to be folded: 👁️👄👁️

  3. I would love to see more walking tours of your builds, I personally feel more motion sick when the camera looks down on each room and it's harder to see details that way 😅 adore your videos though and good luck with the wedding 🩷

  4. My legacy family needed a new house and I was too lazy to go through the gallery looking for something that is teen ready

  5. Some friends of my family moved into a renovated fin-de-siècle (1890/1900) factory building when I was little. It had a giant two-story living room with the kids' rooms, bathroom and kitchen on the ground floor and kind of a maisonette corridor going up to the middle level, with bathroom and parents' room. And the best thing: They had SWINGS hanging from the ceiling for us kids. It felt like an urban fairytale.

  6. those windows that open should open outwards from the bottom btw!! to stop rain getting in

  7. i’ve had that same glitch where things disappear from higher floors! i haven’t used platforms recently but it happens when i make lofts

  8. Simsie I've been a fan of yours since years and I must say this is like one of your best builds. I think top 5. This is amazing and really makes me wanna play the game. Unfortunately I don't have that many packs but wow this is great. You are so creative and talented

  9. AND btw I think creating a backstory for the build and the sims that live in it is such a great idea! It gives us inspiration for our games too

  10. Just a heads up, with the Save The Date. Send one to the Sims 4 team so they KNOW not to announce or post something during that week lol. If you know you know 😂😂😂

  11. i love these pack builds! please dont feel bad about using a lot of packs, because it can really spark your creativity.

  12. Great luck with the wedding and all your dress adventures! Love knowing how it goes, don't doxx yourself but have so much fun! Congrats 🎉🎉🎉🎉

  13. O literally started playing a single dad who is an artist in this very lot! I'm replacing the build for this one immediately 😂

  14. sometimes i'm very upset all your streams are like in middle of the night, and somewhy on this wednesday i'll finally be able to watch just because it's around 15 till 18 so like around 3pm to 6 pm, and not like literally middle of the night

  15. 7:49 i’m not new but at the time i was 12 with a flip phone and no access to social media lol also got the sims 4 for my 15th birthday but never had a computer to play it on so FINALLY at 21 years old im barely able to play the game and have no clue about the background stories of townies and packs 🤣

  16. Kayla, you will look beautiful in a wedding dress, just go with the one that makes you feel the most comfortable in your body and your beauty will shine!!!

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