Alien Isolation | Responding to comments “Don’t run!” | Bonus rare death | tips | Close calls


  1. A few tips I missed :
    1:17 – I crouch +peek down, then alien begins unhappy noises as loud shutters disturb its sensitive hearing
    2:35 – I step on alien's tail while crouching!!
    4:29 – Tracker beeps AGAIN, but I don't realise danger ⚠️
    4:39 – Alien basketball noise, meaning?
    7:19 – alien dropped in room behind me
    9:22 – tracker beeps to warn me alien reentered my area
    9:40 – tracker warns me again

  2. In this level I go for deleting the server records and when I arrive at the movie theater I can go back to the shutters and run around until I disable the camera system and open the exit, that's when the alien reappears.

    For some reason it fucks off for a while when I do this, maybe to let me fight the facehuggers.

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