1. Both graphics are great, but I think Hellblade 2 has more "lively" animations and models
    And I saw a lot of people saying "but tlou 2 is for the last generation" dude, this is the remastered version made precisely for this generation, and almost nothing changed in the game

  2. Senua expressions: changes your face depending on the environment and situation
    Allie expressions: 😐

  3. Because no one wants to take into account that this TLOU is Ramaster ??? This one has to be better because it was remastered with the PS5 in mind.

    It's the same thing as taking Hellblade 2 and remastering it for the next XBox.

  4. Actually Hellblade 2 made me appreciate TLOU 2 more. While graphic in Hellblade 2 graphic are more advanced, TLOU2 has more complex gameplay, interaction, and ingame animation while still maintining graphic fidelity and it's running in original PS4!

  5. If only this was the standard graphics of this generation two years ago, it would've helped boost interest and sales.

  6. even Series S version beats any ps5 sony game by a mile,especially attention to detail is 2 gens ahead at Hellblade 2

  7. Estoy a punto de terminar hellblade 2 en PC con rtx 3080 y ryzen 7 5700x y es un pasillo literalmente, en algunas sonas se ve muy bien, pero en otras no tanto. Para mí no hay punto de comparación, the last of as se ve infinitamente mejor y eso que salió para PS4, fat o sea el primer modelo, Sony está en otro nivel comparable con Rockstar Games.

  8. I think some people didn't read the title of the video, it clearly says "GRAPHIC COMPARISON". Just accept that Hellblade 2 is better, no one wants to know which game is longer or which game is from the old generation. Save this type of argument for any other video, not for a GRAPHIC comparison

  9. Jajajajaja nomás porque no le dejo bajarle más las texturas al hellblade, que si se las pudiera quitar se las quitaba el we. Lo bueno que tengo ambos y me pasé ambos y desde ahí te das cuenta de lo raaataaass que son estos canales de cuarta😂, texturas, HDR y todo lo que trae, deja en pañales al tlou2 aunque no quieran admitir

  10. TLOU2 holds up so well because they invested a ton into asset quality and the lighting is completely baked and carefully arted for the specific look. Hellblade easily surpasses it in geometric quality by a big margin, and while the overall look of the lightjng isn't in a different dimension, it's still far more accurate and most importantly fully real time and dynamic.

  11. the movement animation in TLOU2 is more believable, that is imo more important than graphical fidelity

  12. LoU 2 is a PS4 game and overall when it comes to gameplay, maps and environmental design LoU cleans the floor with HB 2. In LoU 2 you can have tactic, you have environments and verticality, you have stealth, you can jump from roofes, you can shoot, you can meele and you have tools and this all with looking fantastic. It's a whole different ball game.

  13. Still impressive what they have been able to achieve with the last of us 2. Naughty dog are going to wipe out everyone with their first current gen native title.

  14. It looks like Hellblade running at 1080p in this video, is that the Xbox Series S version of the game? It seems biased.

  15. Hellblade 2 is basically a tech demo showing off UE5. Crazy how Microsoft bought Ninja Theory for 100 mill and they released this game after 7 years of development and Sony bought Insomniac for only 100 mill..

  16. The last of us remake on pc with dlaa looks stunning. Cant wait for the pc port of the second one

  17. Hellblade looks way better. The comparison would be better with TLOU Remake tho. It's a real PS5 game (but it would still loose)

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