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  1. today I'm going to show you guys all the

    good tips and tricks on most of the maps

    in knockout if you master all of these

    you should be able to win almost every

    game of knockout in Fall Guys this video

    is going to be a little bit different

    style than my usual videos because my

    webcam is not going to be in it except

    for this intro but these tips will be

    useful to not only new players or casual

    players but also to competitive and

    dedicated players cuz there's a lot of

    specific tricks in this video that you

    might not know about all right so

    starting off we got heat and balance now

    this is definitely one of the more

    simple creative race Maps the start is

    very very simple you pretty much just

    walk in a straight line you can do some

    jumps to get some momentum off of the

    slopes and then at the boxes literally

    just as you would expect just jump

    across them um again just jump on the

    slopes and then at this part this is

    where the main skip of the level is you

    want to jump on the slope and then go

    straight to the next Rock that's a

    pretty big skip because a lot of other

    people will just go for the disc and

    you'll get ahead of most people now I

    usually just go through the middle on

    the hex tiles however there's a lot of

    people you might want to take the boxes

    um but if you're in the lead definitely

    go through the middle and then yeah

    that's pretty much it for that map all

    right this is where it gets interesting

    we got dual climb now I'm going to show

    two different variations of how to play

    this map this is the first one this is

    the usual path that I take it's not too

    difficult but yeah see I jumped across

    that fence there jump on that yellow

    bounc you can go straight to the

    conveyors then jump on the punching

    glove then you could go across the fence

    it's a little bit faster and then at

    this part uh you want just jump up on

    top of the platform from there you don't

    actually have to dive but I did dive

    there for some reason then go across the

    fence and then jump on these pegs you

    just go straight up to the top um and

    then walk across the fence now there is

    a skip here but we're not going to do

    that for this variation just take up the

    fan pretty easy um and then once you get

    to this part you're going to go straight

    down to that yellow bouncer literally

    just bounce on it and then you can grab

    up on that platform your already at the

    end watch out for the thick bonkus be

    patient if you need to and there we go

    simple as that so here's the second

    variation you jump off of this yellow

    bouncer at the start straight onto the

    conveyor and then you jump onto this

    little purple platform at the checkpoint

    that's slightly faster than going on the

    fence and again this is the second

    version of the run and it's a little bit

    harder so this might not be as

    consistent it is a lot tougher to do uh

    same skip there you just jump on the

    pegs but it does get a little bit

    different up here so this is the skip I

    was talking about at this part you

    basically jump off of that Ballard onto

    those pegs this might actually be slower

    than the fan and then this right here is

    the hardest skip you take the axe all

    the way to the end do the axe skip that

    is slightly faster than going for the

    yellow bouncer all right next up we got

    virtual Vista Vista can someone let me

    know in the comments if it's Vista or

    Vista because I still don't know but

    this map is actually very very

    straightforward you just jump on this

    disc and the bar is too high so it's not

    not going to hit you you're just going

    to go under it then you take this Lily

    Pad then you can go on to the Slime

    slide very simple they added these

    little platforms which it's not going to

    slow you down that much you just go down

    to the Slime slide dive down take the

    lily pad you can just dive straight past

    that turntable now there is a big

    hexagon there but it's just going to

    open if you touch it and then go across

    on the bouncer the big ballards and then

    just dive onto the puncher and boom

    you're at the end pretty quick map all

    right next up we got jukebox now this

    one is pretty interesting cuz there's

    actually two ways that you can play this

    map this is the normal way so you pretty

    much just go across the discs I know

    there are bars here but I'm going to be

    honest it's not worth trying to go for

    bar skips because the discs turn you in

    the opposite direction and honestly bar

    skips are just like not feasible unless

    you're an insanely cracked Pro Player

    you're only going to get those bar skips

    like 1% of the time if you try to go for

    them they're not very good so at this

    part you just dive on the Slime and then

    dive onto the lily pad make sure you

    dive on lily as quick cuz you can you

    might miss it sometimes go on this

    middle boom Blaster and you just go

    through the center here now get ready

    though because the second version of

    this map is pretty interesting I think

    I'm the first person to find it out but

    anyway this is the end of the first

    version of this map just dive straight

    to the Finish easy okay now here's the

    second version of how you can do it go

    on the fence and then grab the flag then

    literally just go on the outside and you

    can walk across the entire map you can

    literally just skip the entire map I

    call this the introvert method on

    jukebox for players that don't want to

    be around other people I don't know I

    don't think this is faster honestly this

    is probably slightly slower than going

    normally but you do get to just kind of

    do your own thing and play on your own

    uh you won't get body blocked by people

    or get grabbed this is just kind of a

    way that you can go on your own path cuz

    I highly doubt anyone else is going to

    do this with you unless you come across

    another player that saw this video I

    don't know but then at the end it's the

    exact same just dive in the lily pad and

    then uh take the boom Blaster the one in

    the center I think the boom blaster in

    the center is always going to be faster

    so if you could take it I always would

    and then same thing for the ending it's

    literally the exact same all right next

    up we got space ball now this one is

    really fun for speedr running you can go

    really quick so at the start obviously

    jump dive on the lily pad and take use

    of these little mini conveyor belts then

    once you get to this part you want to

    get a double speed boost meaning going

    through it twice take the hammer and

    look how fast you go when you get to

    this part you also want to get a little

    hit from that bar to give you a bit of a

    speed boost go down the Slime slide do

    not dive on the first Lily Pad there but

    then dive on the rest if you dive on

    that first Lily Pad you'll have too much

    momentum and you'll mess it up and then

    at this part it's pretty straightforward

    just go down the Slime slide and then

    you can just dive all the way to the

    Finish easy very quick map all right

    next up we got hoverboard Heroes now

    this is a really old map it's been

    around forever but ever since the new

    Fall Guys update there is one new thing

    you can do at the ending here watch this

    if you coyote jump time it perfectly you

    can jump straight to the finish line and

    qualify without even taking the flippers

    all right so next up we got Lake in the

    mountains now this is an extremely easy

    level it's so easy to survive all you

    have to do is just stay on the platform

    that I'm on right now do not go on the

    outside yellow platform because if you

    do that that's where you're vulnerable

    and stuff like this can happen so yeah

    literally as long as you just stay in

    the center of the map nothing can happen

    even if a blast ball or Rhino hits you

    you can easily recover now this next tip

    kind of contradicts my last one but if

    you're feeling dangerous you can go on

    the outside platform to get a rhino and

    you can do this where you throw the

    Rhino at the blue pillar and then have

    the Rhino hit you and then you can

    launch yourself on top of that little

    red sign now that's really difficult to

    do as you can see it literally took me

    multiple attempts before I successfully

    did it

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