Hi Folks, on this video, I am going to show what I believe is the biggest gamechanger EVER for Days Gone. Never before has it been possible to get from Cascade to Iron Butte, AT THE VERY START OF THE GAME. Once you get to Copeland’s Camp, you get the chance to explore, and on this video. I show every step in getting Deacon all the way to Iron Butte to pick up 2 fantastic weapons (US556 & MG45). Having these to take on Days Gone’s world around 40 minutes after reaching Cope’s camp for the first time is an insane game changer. Getting your first 4 horde kills to get the SMP9 now becomes an easy affair. Every situation you now face from the start of the game becomes instantly very manageable indeed. This video wouldn’t have been possible without 2 amazing YouTubers inputs. Greyghost Gamerz & PS5Secrets, you are both legends for what you have shown, thank you so much. I hope everyone enjoys this video, and Days Gone is well and truly destroyed in terms of difficulty now.


  1. Ya know now I'm curious, because you're not supposed to be in this area this early on, does the game even have a barrier to the south? Because if it doesn't, if we can somehow ride above the teilsen tunnel we might be able to get to the south and potentially get the superior metal axe.
    Edit: 26:40 ok. There is a way.

  2. There are also some very nice weapons/supply caches in lost lake and iron butte. Grenades, prox mines, and so forth that would come in handy early game.

  3. Whoa, just when you thought you’d seen it all…This isn’t just a game changer, it’s a game breaker! But that’s OK, it gives people options. I can handle any gameplay difficulty at this point, but I’ll be doing this more for novelty purposes than anything else. Can’t wait to see how this may impact certain game missions

  4. Incredible! Thank you man! I've played this game 4 times – once a year since it came out – and I NEVER came even close to your level of creativity. Am planning another playthrough in October this year and can't wait to put your amazing strategies to good use!

  5. Brilliant! It's funny I just watched the Grey Ghost's video this morning and now this one. Great team work y'all 😉

  6. You and I are two peas in the same pod I did this last night on my ps5 so I could get it right for my next play through on pc I was floored when I seen Grayghost do this last night. Great video Boris I enjoyed it you explain better Thank you mate!

  7. Isn’t this amazing?? What an absolute complete game changer! I saw GGG’s video he posted yesterday going from Cascades to Lost Lake and I was cheering! Lol. I’m so glad you’re sharing the info as well and showing it all in one. Your video has a few more tips and tricks in it that make it even better! I need to try this on my next New Game playthrough, just for fun! Great job as always!

  8. Excellent video, thanks Boris. I'll definitely be giving this a try.
    Out of curiosity, what kind of reception would Deek get at Lost Lake camp, if he rocked up at this point in the game? 😂

  9. Your videos are as good as anything on the telly right now (to be fair, it's better than 99% of what's on the fukkin telly at the moment). I just suck so bad at playing the damn game 🤣

  10. I watched the Greyghost Gamerz video earlier and I'm so stoked to do this on a new playthrough as well. Nice one Boris 🙂

  11. Brilliant. If you had taken on the Iron Butte Hoard you would have acquired the ears, but I’m guessing no trust points for completing the mission which I assume would have come later.

  12. Amazing! Love the way you explain exactly where to go. Definitely going to try this out next time i play. Wouldn't have worked that out in a million years. Brilliantly done Boris 🇬🇧

  13. I watched GGG's run through last night and had a go myself. I didn't bust myself back to first bike, I just took my tricked out bike across. Soooo just had a thought while I was watching this. Could you go plant some little goodies for the breaker??? Would they still be there for that mission? Probably not, but it did pop into my mind. 🤣🤣 I KNEW IT!! I knew you'd want to take out the Iron Butte horde. To be perfectly honest I'm shocked you didn't. 😂

  14. Boris could you please investigate the passage over the mountains from highway 97 over the iron lake? Right part of the map, starting from highway 97

  15. he totally changed me too im so thankful for grey ghost gamerz i thank him in yesterdays video deacon s legs of steel lol and your channel is mega/ content ilove your channel too

  16. Nice work Boris. I tried to get through from Tucks area with no luck, but this looks fairly easy. Have you tried opening up the ambush camps and achieving the crafting skills?

  17. Salute to GGG,and PS5 Secrets,and of course to you my friend. I just did it to make sure i could. I will use it in my next playthrough so my viewers will learn it too. ❤ my friend. Liked and shared

  18. I’ve already beaten days gone, twice. The first time I ever beat it I did it with your help, that sounds so bad lmao. Anyway, so now I am going on defeating the game for a third time but this time all I did was reset all of the camps hoards and infestations. I wish there were a way to reset The storyline also yet, keep the same weapons. so basically reset the whole game but keep the weapons I have that would be awesome. I probably watch more of your videos during gameplay than anybody else’s.

  19. Last video you said you were on vacation but the weather wasn't nice. By keeping you locked inside you came up with a gem of a video. Great tutorial ! Now I just hope the weather will co-operate so that you and your family may enjoy yourselves.

  20. you weren’t joking, this is amazing! ill be using this for sandbox style playthroughs! thanks for sharing 🙂

  21. It's amazing that breakthroughs are still being made in this game! I could sense your excitement too! Thanks for showcasing the method.

  22. Bravo @borislav247!! The precision with the waypoints is fantastic. 👏👍 I wholeheartedly appreciate the shoutout (don't know about the 'legend" part 😜) but hearing how excited you were at the start, that was priceless!! BTW, yeah, for someone like you and Spawnicus…F'K THE AXE!!! 🤣🤣🤣TBH, if I can say, I got SO freaked when I ran the bike up that rock the first time, not believing that it actually worked, I was shaking and couldn't WAIT to get the recorded ftg put together! Of course, it took a full other day for me to narrate b/c I suck and had to do a bazillion re-takes! It's okay, I know I'm still such a noob at YT but I hope to be here for a while, as long as the good folks wanna watch my s#it! 🤣

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