RagedTugboat395’s Profile: https://beatleader.xyz/u/4108756995873238
RagedTugboat395’s Livestream: https://www.twitch.tv/ragedtugboat395 | Click “Show more” for an explanation of what the game is all about!

Sabers: x
Headset: Oculus Quest 2
Map Leaderboard: https://beatleader.xyz/leaderboard/global/3ce7axxxxxxxxxxx91/1
Map Download: https://beatsaver.com/maps/3ce7a
Mappers Beat Saver: https://beatsaver.com/profile/2


Beat Saber is a 2018 virtual reality rhythm game created by Czech-based indie studio Beat Games in which the player slashes blocks representing musical beats with a pair of energy blades resembling sabers. http://beatsaber.com/

Cube Community
Discord: https://discord.gg/dwe8mbC
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CubeCommunityVR
Twitch: https://twitch.tv/CubeCommunity
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/CubeCommunity
Website: https://cube.community

Title explanation:
PlayerName | Artist – Song [Difficulty] +ModificationOfMap (LeaderboardUsed #-RankOnTheMap) | PlayerAccuracyOnMap% PointsAwardedForThisPlayPP

#CubeCommunity #BeatSaber #toontubers


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