日本との経済戦争が始まり、私はこのような状況がどれくらい持続するのかとても不思議になりました。日韓経済戦争の中で、私が今後どんな心構え、行動を持っていればよいか考えるようになる意味ある時間でした^^ In this special edition of Dream Money, MK TV has invited professor Hosaka Yuji, who has been sharing his insights on Korean vs Japan relations by appearing on numerous TV channels whenever there is a conflict between the two countries. He is currently teaching political science and Japanese studies at Sejong University. We invited him to MK TV because we believe that he is the person to give us the clear view on the Abe administration’s economic sanctions against Korean. If you want to know the real intention of the Abe administration, be sure to check out this video clip! ————————————————- Introduction of Mk Kim Mikyung Kim, she is an influential mentor, author, entrepreneur and inspirational speaker in Korea. Mk Kim has been giving lectures on leadership and self-development for the past 27 years. Mk Kim is also the founder of a nonprofit organization that helps single mothers. *ドリームマネー特別編ですので、今回のドリームマネーの課題はありません〜 余裕を持って勉強してください! 🏫キム・ミギョンテレビYouTube大学生になりたいですか? 👉https://cafe.naver.com/kmktv1 ▶購読:https://goo.gl/q2hA59 ▶Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/mikyungkim_kr/ ▶カカオストーリー:https://story。 kakao.com/ch/kimmikyung ▶スター講師キム・ミギョン放送を見逃すことなくみんなを見るには「購読」、「いいね」クリック! #経済戦争 #日本 #mkkim 。

WACOCA JAPAN: People, Life, Style.