Hello! This is the second installment of this series of Enhypen Vocal Analysis, with the first one being Jungwon. If you want to look at that first before reading this post, here is the link! [Part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/enhypen/comments/kc4v65/enhypen_vocal_analysis_postdebut_part_1_jungwon/)

I will be using some terms that may be unfamiliar. Refer to [this link](https://kpopvocalanalysis.net/) if you want to gain a greater understanding of them.

Also, a minor edit, I realized that Jungwon and Heeseung’s vocal range expands to A2, not only Bb2. The problem was I had a hard time figuring out which note they were trying to sing because it was not very clear (Niki’s Birthday singing) as they were not very precise with their intonation. Their opening note was somewhere in the middle of A2 and Bb2 so I just put them in Bb2. But for a few moments I did hear them in tune to A2, though most of the time it was slightly off. I also realized that the rest of the notes they sung afterwards align with the key of A, not Bb after hearing the same clip again for Heeseung’s analysis, so it must be A2 instead of Bb2. I have edited Jungwon’s Vocal range in the OP accordingly. Apologies for slight misinformation.


Engenes and non-engenes alike know of Heeseung as an unofficial Main Vocalist of Enhypen. He has captured the hearts of many fans and he is usually widely praised for his vocal ability. Ever since I-land, eggies knew him as the best singer among the contestants, and more or less, this remains true after Debut.

In this analysis, we will be looking at Heeseung’s ability in the most major and important areas of singing, and gain a greater understanding of how good exactly is he and what he can improve on.

Heeseung is a singer who sings with quite a bit of style, consequently, it is a little more difficult to objectively evaluate him in comparison to Jungwon who tends to be very consistent in the way he sings. Heeseung can be inconsistent but it is sometimes intentional, so the following analysis will be done to my best ability despite this in mind.


**Known Vocal Range*** – A2(Chest) ->B4 (Mixed) -> C#5 (Head Voice) ->E5(Falsetto)

**Supported Range** – E3/F3*-> E4 (problem is, I haven’t found a clip with Heeseung singing an E3 so I am not entirely sure if he supports it. I can find clips of Heeseung supporting an F3 but again because of the keys of the songs of I-land and Enhypen I don’t see any clips with Heeseung supporting an E3 :(. If someone finds a clip with Heeseung singing an E3, please dm me and I will edit accordingly if he supports it!)


– **Heeseung has the most developed sense of agility in En-**. He can execute runs fairly well, as shown as in his I’m so tired cover and the bridge of Given Or Taken. It is really impressive. He usually gets all the notes preceding the high note in tune and it is still fairly clear. I’m really impressed by him for this aspect. When doing runs, he lightens his tone, pulls more from his head voice to create a light, free-flowing sound which in most cases, works well for him.

– **Can support quite consistently when singing from F3->E4.** While people may know Heeseung more for his higher notes, his best register is his chest register which he constantly makes a supported sound. I have inferred this through his singing in 10 months(live) as well as other clips. His E4 is also supported pretty consistently, and other clips have shown him supporting in this range. He loses support whenever he sings anything below F3(though I am not sure if he supports the E3 yet, unconfirmed), but he keeps this consistent support otherwise. Anything sung in this range sounds easy, open and free. Heeseung has definitely been trained. No one in En- produces resonance yet, but Heeseung (along with Jungwon) definitely have capability to in the future.

– **When Heeseung is in his peak condition, his intonation can be absolutely amazing.** This usually happens especially within his supported range (I’m so tired cover). As I said in the past, when Heeseung gets it, he really gets it. He has had some amazing moments in terms of intonation. Butterfly (not the practice version) is also another accomplishment of his, and in some moments of their recent Given-Taken live performances, he has been near 90% in tune.

– **Heeseung usually remains relaxed when singing for a wide portion of his vocal range**. From F3s to around F#4s, he has consistently kept that general neutral larynx position. He starts getting more inconsistent upwards, although sometimes it is for stylistic effect. For example, in Butterfly, his larynx raises up considerably when singing the Ab4 (when he is singing the opening of the chorus in ‘jule’), but it also creates this slight distortion of sound and conveys the required emotion for the song. He also likes to raise his larynx when singing 10 months for the effect of the song, and it is mostly situated in the F#4 -Ab4 ish range, to portray the emotion of the song. But we’ve seen in the past that Heeseung can still keep general neutrality in the Ab4 area, for example, Fake Love, (although that may have been post processed AF, but despite autotune you can tell if someone is raising their larynx), which suggest he has control over this. This tells me that Heeseung is a singer who definitely has some control over his voice. .

– The latter paragraph leads to my next point: **Heeseung has a more developed sense of style in comparison to the rest of members.** He knows how to add flavour and flair to his vocal performances, when to add distortion, when to change his tone slightly etc. This shows his passion and a sense of musicality he has when singing. As I have already expressed, he can add certain effects if the song requires it, and he has some control over this. In 10 months post chorus for example, he adds certain effects when singing and purposely distorts his intonation towards the end of his phrases and it really adds a nice effect to the song.

– **Heeseung’s control over his instrument is developed to some extent**. In some parts of his voice, he can make his voice sound really metallic and autotuned, even though he isn’t(10 months is a great example), and it really gives a different effect to Enhypen’s songs. Other times, Heeseung can be soft and gentle as seen in butterfly. His tone can be more robust and raw if the song requires it to be, like in Fake Love. It is clear he has explored his voice and what sounds it can make, although as I will show later, he can be inconsistent with this. But as we’ve seen, he is versatile.

– **Heeseung has decent stability in live performances**. He can continuously sing and produce a decent tone throughout Given-Taken promotions so far (albeit can be inconsistent) and the rough choreography does not stop him from singing his parts live and to a decent standard. His intonation is relatively good, and his voice does not sound overly wobbly and shaky, most of the time.

– **Heeseung has the best vocal projection in Enhypen.** This was clear to me from day one. What helps him is how he is definitely one of the more trained singers in Enhypen with 3 years of idol training. This, in turn**,** helps him produce some of the most open and well projected sounds from the group. He makes certain choices with his vowels that in some parts of his voice and some moments in his singing, produce the most optimum sound which projects very well. For his supported range especially, he sings with an open throat and an ideal placement which allows the air to exit his mouth unhindered, which shows in his singing. He does not sound muffled or hindered at all in this area. He consciously does this. Being decently fluent in English, his pronunciation is quite developed and only second to Jake in Enhypen. This also helps him produce good vowels when singing the english verses (which is something that Jungwon can sometimes struggle with) and in turn, also help his vocal projection greatly. In this area, he constantly delivers, only sometimes hindered back with inconsistent placement in the notes on the extreme spectrum of his range (the High Note in Given Taken or in Niki’s birthday). He also starts becoming inconsistent outside of his supported range but still, overall, he definitely has the best sense of vocal projection in Enhypen. He shows that he can still project well outside of his supported range (B4 Given Taken) most of the time.

– **Heeseung has that power potential to belt**. Into the I-Land Chorus Finale showcases this really well, which btw, is one of his best moments in live singing (assuming little post production because it was aired live I-Land’s finale, unless autotune mics are on then I am clowned). He can sing with power through effectively mixing his chest and head voice which achieves the desired effect. (at least when he mixes it well)


– **Heeseung suffers from considerable amount of intonation inconsistencies.** This is something I have been trying my best to ignore for the last couple of months after hearing his singing, but the fact that cannot be denied is that Heeseung, overall, has hit or miss intonation. Sometimes it is amazing and mind blowing, but other times there are inconsistencies in multiple places. His live performances of Given Taken, his clips all the way from I-Land(including his promotional video), and some other post debut clips have been inconsistent. I don’t really see much of a pattern in his ‘off’ moments, because it is not like he leans into making things more sharp or more flat. It is really random. The most I can really tell is that he tends to go ‘off’ in his passaggio area, the F4 usually, but then it is really weird because the next time I hear him sing it sounds fine! I am not sure how to accurately judge Heeseung in intonation because his patterns in terms of intonation are bizzare. He goes ‘off’ in his chest register (Ex. Verse 1 in Given and Taken has been flat and sharp in the past), in his mixed and head register (Ex. 10 months chorus in the Show, Butterfly practice, Given Taken high note) and Falsetto (Ex. Savage Love). Usually, a singer will have relatively consistent intonation in a particular area of his voice, but as for Heeseung, there is inconsistency throughout. Everyone will have off moments in all parts of their voice. This we need to establish. But there is still a certain level of consistency that should be met.

I’ll use Jungwon as an example because he is closest to him in skill level. While he does go off here and there, he generally is consistent through his chest register, and still quite consistent in his mixed though this is where he does have more ‘off’ moments. But Heeseung’s ‘off’ moments happen not only more frequently than Jungwon’s, but a pretty even number of times in each different register. We can’t really give him the leeway of singing while dancing because even while singing still, he has had several intonation problems in the past. No one expects perfect intonation especially in k-pop but I think Heeseung’s inconsistencies of intonation are a little too much. Although this may also be the case because we have a fair share of clips from Heeseung in comparison to the rest of the group (besides Jungwon, who has only a few less than him), all I can say is at the end of the day, he would be best for him to be more consistent. He is the unofficial Main Vocalist after all and represents Enhypen’s vocal line. With constant practice, he will improve over time. He already practices singing every day as he has mentioned in one of Enhypen’s videos (I think it is one of their goal setting ones), so with the dedicated practice and proper guidance, Heeseung’s intonation will become more consistent over time. For now, I will be critical of this, but I will be looking forward to his improvement in keeping pitch.

– **Heeseung does not have consistent transitions**, especially between his Head or Mixed voice to his Falsetto. ‘Savage Love’ exposed this problem of his, he gets wobbly, unstable, and slightly out of tune when constantly switching between his mixed belt to his falsetto. He was cracking slightly too, which is unfortunate. Sometimes though, his transitions in ‘Butterfly’ were fairly good, but he also cracked once in the performance (though not obvious thankfully, but consistency is key!) Other sources just show his inconsistency. His transitions between his chest and mixed voice can also be a bit rough. When he sings Given Taken Verse 1 live, it shows him going from his chest voice to his mixed voice at the F#4, and he sometimes is not able to place his singing optimally which causes him to go flat or sharp in singing the ‘bichwo’ part. In the latter case, he was overly pushing his chest voice, and it would have been better to mix just a bit, to keep that strength intended to be portrayed in the line, but at the same time, not sacrifice it for an ‘off moment’. It would be good for him to work on easing his transitions. He can look towards Jungwon for advice, who has a fairly developed sense of transitions from his chest to his mixed voice, as well as whoever their vocal coach is. There are certain vocal exercises that are specifically designed to ease transitions between passaggios, and correct practice and usage of these vocal exercises may help. It will be up to their vocal coach to make the best decision for him and his future progress as a singer.

– **Heeseung likes to/unintentionally switch up the percentage of chest and head voice he wants to mix, and sometimes it does not work at all.** There was one 10 months live performance in where I was convinced that everything was lipsynced. Until, Heeseung sung the chorus, mixed too much chest voice into his mixed voice, caused him to push slightly too much and it made his singing sharp and really stand out from the backing track. I think it happened on the Show live performance. If you overly mix chest voice, there is a tendency to go sharp because you tend to put more effort to hit the note as there is more resistance when you are singing with this chest register. Singers can learn to control this with again more practice and training, but at the moment, it would be best to keep a more balanced mix. Other times though, he is usually fine and does sings in a balanced mix. I am not sure if he does this intentionally or not. Heeseung can take extra care in the future to shift the balance of his mixed register. This relates to my next point.

– **Heeseung’s mixed register can be imbalanced and inconsistent**. This causes him some tonal inconsistencies and unnecessary struggles. His mix can be overly chesty, which causes him to struggle more then necessary to sing the chorus of Given-Taken and 10 months (while again in other times it is fine). Unlike Jungwon (I forgot to mention this in my last vocal analysis), he sometimes does not attempt to thin it out a little using either nasality or shifting placements more to the head instead of the chest, which would be much easier for him. (the thing is Heeseung DOES know how to do this, it is just that he does not attempt to sometimes, which is frustrating) Consequently, he sometimes sounds like he is struggling more than he probably should be, and in the worst case scenario, it contributes to his inconsistent intonation. If you listen to how Heeseung sounds in the chorus of both Given-Taken and 10 months in comparison to when Jungwon sings it, who do you think sounds more relaxed and getting more notes in tune? Jungwon, by a decent margin, because he is mixing really nicely. This is slightly reminiscent of one of Jennie’s (Black pink) main problems in her singing, her mixed is imbalanced and very chesty, causing her unnecessary struggles to reach higher notes and it also contributes to her inconsistent intonation. (just using her as an example, not to shade Jennie, she is a good singer in her own right!) Both Heeseung and Jennie are not tone deaf by any means, but thanks to some inconsistent mixing, it affects other parts of their singing. I hope Heeseung will be able to balance his mix more so he can struggle less and possibly improve his intonation.

**Extra note**: *The thing is though, sometimes Heeseung pushes his chest voice for an effect, so you can argue it is for style, but looking at the technical perspective, I think it would be better if he tones it done. He can still achieve the desired effect without singing unsustainably. It is fine when he does it once in a while of course, to spice things up in performances. But too much would not be great. If he decides to continue this, then he should gain more control over his more chesty mix so when he uses it in the future, his intonation inconsistencies in this area of his voice will be less.*

– **This, also relates to my next point, Heeseung’s tonal production can be inconsistent**. (Have y’all noticed a pattern yet?). It is probably due to stylistic choices that Heeseung really likes to make in his singing, but it can be more harmful than beneficial. I’ve heard Heeseung sing the chorus line of 10 months in three 3 different ways already, with 1 of them being the most optimum (well mixed, placed and executed) while the other 2 sounding different but it isn’t really sustainable (throaty, off balanced mix). The unnecessary tension he makes this somewhat unsustainable. He should learn how to make these stylistic choices but sing them in a more sustainable way. Of course, some stylistic choices are simply not sustainable ways of singing but for Heeseung’s case, his choices don’t have to force him to sing unsustainably. There are ways in where it can be easier for him. All it would take is a simple vowel change or placement shift or etc., which would enable him to keep this stylistic choice, without all the added unnecessary tension and throatiness. He already knows how to produce a nice tone for his voice. He has done this already. It is good to experiment, but not at the cost of unsustainable singing.

– **Heeseung can still be quite unstable when doing difficult choreography, usually, a bit more than Jungwon**. This may be due to the sheer number of lines he gets so may be getting tired, but still, a little more stability will not hurt either of them. Heeseung especially. Look at this [MR Removed](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9rrRt6Uj-LE) for example. But it must be commended how he sings live while doing the high kick in Given-Taken. We all know we cannot expect perfect singing when dancing at the same time, that is realistically impossible. What we can expect, is singing that is a bit more stable, a bit more consistent with intonation, than what Heeseung can achieve at the moment. The fact they are singing live in many of their promotions should be commended. However, now that they have established where they are in terms of ability in live singing, steps should be taken to further improvement. Heeseung especially has a bit more burden to carry as non-engenes even know him as the unofficial main vocal, so improving stability further would help him so much.

– **Heeseung, while being the most well-rounded vocalist of Enhypen, still has plenty of room for improvement in all areas of his voice**, most especially his mixed register. He still has a decent mixed register, but as I’ve already said, it is inconsistent and can be imbalanced + unnecessary tension somewhere. He will greatly benefit from relaxing even more. I can tell Heeseung was taught to relax when singing (which really benefits him) and this is apparent whenever he is singing in his comfy lower range. He can work on maintaining his relaxation further up, where it gets more inconsistent.

**General Comments**

Heeseung, is a vocalist who **definitely has potential**. He has innate singing ability, and this paired with his longer training time has given him a great advantage over the rest of the members in terms of singing ability. He is very passionate about singing, and through looking at his body of work so far, it is evident in his performances. He seems the happiest when he is singing, like he returns to his happy place. This also shows in some aspects of his vocals. As I have already mentioned, Heeseung has the greatest sense of style. He adds little things here and there that spice up his singing which in turn, usually makes his performances exciting. He has a very nice voice which is versatile. As Bang PD puts, it is ‘trendy’, and he has showed the versatility in his voice and the potential it has. He definitely has explored his range, probably partially due to his passion into becoming a singer, and he really strives to become a great one at that.

*Unfortunately, more on the technical side, Heeseung has proved to be inconsistent*. He has had some very amazing singing moments in where I could totally see his hype around his vocals, but then there are also quite a number of others that make me lose some faith over his abilities. This in turn, has actually caused me to very confused with his true ability (until now, I am more certain about Jungwon’s skill level than Heeseung’s). However, I think with the right coaching, he will get where he needs to be. . Fixing his foundations would definitely be one of Heeseung’s major POIs for probably the next few years. He has some skill over some more difficult aspects in singing like agility especially in comparison to other members, but there are more basic aspects like Tonal production and intonation in where he needs to fine tune. **Because he has so much going for him honestly, it would be a real shame if he couldn’t fulfill his full potential.** In this sense, I feel similarly with Heeseung and Jungwon. Both are really talented. Both have different strengths. But if they are not coached right, they will not get to where they can be.

**I would like to highlight Heeseung’s I’m so tired of love songs short cover from I-Land** which I will link down below, because this is one of those moments where I saw a glimpse of where he could be in the next 5 to 10 years. He really can be up there. He was so soulful and he sung it with ease. It was almost thoughtless, as if he just started humming a song randomly. But it sounded really great. He really can do those little riffs here and there quite accurately and he was just great.

It is moments like this in where I hope more from him in the future. While Heeseung is not there yet, he has the potential.

**Heeseung’s scores in Vocals in different aspects (this time, my perspective is considering other k-pop vocalists in the industry outside of Enhypen)**

I realized that I shouldn’t limit myself to whole numbers.

**Tonal Production** – 7.5/10 (would be higher with more consistency)

**Intonation** – 6/10 (leaning more on the 5 but I’ll round it up because of SOME moments which he was great)

**Suppor**t – 5/10 (similar to Jungwon, except Heeseung due to stylistic choices can be inconsistent)

**Agility** – 7.5/10 (Much better than Jungwon. If he were to showcase doing more difficult runs with a good execution, he will go higher)

**Stability** – 6/10 (As I have expressed already, Jungwon has been more stable overall. But that is probably because Heeseung has many lines but for now, Heeseung’s score will be this)

**Transitions** – 6.5/10 (overall still decent overall but he needs to be more consistent)

**Overall – 6.42/10 (Tier B-)**

Okay here you may be going like WHATTTTT???? Heeseung has a lower score than Jungwon and this guy is Jungwon biased so he is obviously biased???

Well, here is where I make an ammendment, not for Jungwon’s previous score but to demonstrate why Heeseung is overall a better singer **if we are going outside technicality**. Where Heeseung manages to triumph is as I have emphasized so much in this post, his sense of style. Jungwon has not done so to the same extent as Heeseung has, and this is why I mentioned so much about his passion for singing and his sense of style throughout this analysis.

If we were to give a score for Style and add it to the average, this is what it would look like.

Heeseung – 7/10

Jungwon – 4/10

**New Average**

**Heeseung- 6.5**

**Jungwon- 6.14**

But honestly speaking, the main reason why Jungwon ended up with a higher rating in terms of technique instead of Heeseung is mostly because of inconsistency. **Jungwon is the more consistent singer but when Heeseung is in his best, he is the best singer**. This is so difficult for me to do because I have been looking again and again at the sources we have so far and trying to validate my scores for both Heeseung and Jungwon, and I cannot afford to give Heeseung any more and Jungwon any less. Jungwon’s tonal production is really consistent and good, and the only thing really that prevents him from getting a 10 is keeping that tonal production good all the way up in notes above Ab4 in where more inconsistencies appear. I’ve already explained previously how Heeseung’s tonal production is inconsistent due to stylistic choices and some times isn’t doing him any favours. This lowers his otherwise score of 8 to a 7.5.

In terms of intonation, I was tempted to give Heeseung lower but I rounded him up because of those moments in where he was in tune and he really did very well. Despite the inconsistencies he has had (although obviously, they have been taken into account)

Heeseung would breach the 8s in agility if he were to do really difficult runs and still do them well. I already gave Jungwon the lowest score he could get because he isn’t that bad in riffs and runs to be given a 3 or a 3.5.

Stability, there is a gap between Heeseung and Jungwon. Jungwon’s consistency in his lines when singing while dancing definitely surpasses Heeseung’s.

**So overall, no matter where I look at it, at least if we are following this criteria, then Jungwon will triumph in terms of pure technique.**

Maybe in other criteria Heeseung would triumph. I am only one among those people who know about vocal analysis and are educated in this area. I may be a bit inaccurate. You can get a second opinion on this. This will generate discussion for sure, and if someone would be able to argue well on whether Heeseung in terms of PURE technique is better than Jungwon, please do. Because while I am trying to be objective, obviously I have already put it out there that Jungwon is my bias and this may or may not have influenced my decisions. Please tell me. Let us have an interesting debate. I have put out there on what I think of both Heeseung and Jungwon’s vocals, and it is now up to you to counterargue. There may be people in this sub who are more knowledgeable and I would be looking forward to learning more if I am corrected.

**Views on his Vocals over time**

Like Jungwon, I have been observing Heeseung’s singing all the way from I-Land. Here is how my opinion on his singing has changed over the period of time.

**Beginning End Debut**

**6/10 ——–> 6.5/10—-> 6.42/10 or 6.5 with the style criteria**

*The reason why he lowered slightly in the technical, is if you haven’t guess already, is inconsistencies,* whether it be intonation, tonal production, etc.

Anyways, here are my sources.


Note: I did not use any sources from their debut showcase. I also did not use FNS music festival. I also made sure that the MR removed channels I used are fairly reliable (most reliable is the NL MR removed Given Taken one from their recent Music Bank Performance). I used snippets of live vocals from their respective owners who recorded their singing through the online fanmeeting and posted on twitter. I also used the live radio show snippet. Finally, we still get the most sources from I-land which have mixed reliability so you can take it with a grain of salt. Most reliable ones are Butterfly performance and practice, promo vid, and Boss.

I-Land – [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IcydW6tYFFo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IcydW6tYFFo)

Boss – [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fc3psbDY_1Y](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fc3psbDY_1Y)

Promo vid I-Land – [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=15syKlA87aA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=15syKlA87aA)

Butterfly I Land – [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t3MwkpyHwaQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t3MwkpyHwaQ)

Butterfly Practice – [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Fmoh-b6PDs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Fmoh-b6PDs)

I’m so tired cover – [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dkmTda19694](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dkmTda19694)

Walk the Line- Live Version snippet from online fan meet- [https://twitter.com/seonluvr/status/1336300032883044353?s=20](https://twitter.com/seonluvr/status/1336300032883044353?s=20)

[https://twitter.com/heeseunged/status/1336336214379483137?s=20](https://twitter.com/heeseunged/status/1336336214379483137?s=20) – Happy birthday to Niki (New vocal range Bb2!!!)

Beautiful by Bazzi- [https://twitter.com/jayhoonspark/status/1336315823456014337?s=20](https://twitter.com/jayhoonspark/status/1336315823456014337?s=20)

10 months- [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wvZF6ajWfg4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wvZF6ajWfg4)

Savage Love (tiktok) – [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RdA-xKB9PaY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RdA-xKB9PaY)


Given Taken First Half of Bridge – [https://twitter.com/heeseunged/status/1336829424998576128?s=20](https://twitter.com/heeseunged/status/1336829424998576128?s=20)

+ A bunch of fairly reliable MR removes, using performances with softer backing track(did not bother to include them here cause my word count is getting high. You can look at the link to my previous post to look at them. [All Members Compilation Live Singing](https://www.reddit.com/r/enhypen/comments/k9r5b2/a_compilation_of_links_to_all_enhypen_members/)

Total (I think 16?) – 16 sources

Again, ideally, there should be at least 20-30 sources but because this is just a post debut analysis and we have limited information, this will suffice for now.

I hope this was helpful and please really correct me if you think I made a mistake. Ask any questions you have, and I will do my best to answer.

As for the future of this mini project, I realized that it would be unfair on the rest of the members to analyze their singing when we have considerably less clips from them in comparison to Heeseung and Jungwon. Consequently, I will hold back from making a comprehensive one like I did for Jungwon and Heeseung.

WACOCA: People, Life, Style.