UFO Encounters can be very weird, but some are incredibly odd. Some contain extremely high levels of strangeness with unique or rarely seen features. These are the kinds of cases that provide important insights into the nature of the UFO phenomenon. This video presents ten exceptionally odd cases, reaching back to the 1930s up to the present day. They come from all over the world. And they provide undeniable evidence for the reality of the extraterrestrial visitations.

SOMETHING NOT OF THIS EARTH. In 1933, a young man was driving late at night near Cherryville, PA and saw a strange purple light out in a field. Approaching, he was amazed to come upon some type of weird craft. And the door was open. Peering inside, he saw bizarre, unrecognizable equipment. He had never heard of UFOs, and it wasn’t until years later that he realized that the object was probably an alien craft.

KNOCKED OVER BY A UFO. On Oct 21, 1963, the Moreno family of Trancas, Argentina was woken by six glowing discs landed near their home. One was very close to them and when they went to investigate, it exploded with light, knocking them to the ground. For the next 40 minutes, the craft targeted their home with beams of light, raising the temperature inside to over 100 degrees. Afterward, it left evidence behind that amazed everyone.

UFO BENDS CAR HEADLIGHTS. Late at night on Apr 4, 1966, Ron Sullivan drove near Ballarat, Australia and came upon a landed. As he approached, his headlights bent by themselves, veering off the road and onto the object. Ron was barely able to keep his vehicle on the road. The object took off, and so did Ron. Two days later, another man driving by the exact same spot suffered an unexplained fatal accident.

THE UFO AND THE BLOODMOBILE. On the evening of Mar 5, 1967, Beau Shertzer and a nurse were driving a bloodmobile along Route 2 in the Ohio Valley when a UFO appeared and began to pace them. To their shock, the UFO extended to weird arm-like devices as if trying to capture the bloodmobile. Thankfully, oncoming traffic aborted the encounter. Beau was so traumatized, he refused to drive that route ever again.

THE BUBBLE-CAR UFO. One night in Aug 1970, Mr. P was riding his bicycle to his home in Birr, Ireland when he saw a bright star-like object zoom toward him and stop overhead. He could now see that it was a craft with a clear glass-like dome. He could hardly believe what he saw inside: four men and four women in military uniform sitting in two rows of seats.

CAR COOKED BY AN ALIEN. While driving along I-75 near Ashburn, GA, late at night on Oct 19, 1973, Mrs. Robinson’s car inexplicably broke down. Sensing a presence, she looked to her left and saw a short robotic entity staring at her. For the next five minutes it walked around her car, and then disappeared. Afterward, her car engine was so hot, it practically melted.

STUCK TO THE WALL BY A UFO. In 1976, a young man was babysitting his younger brother in their home in Bangor, Ireland. Oddly, the younger brother suddenly went to bed, the house heated up and all traffic noise stopped. Looking outside, the witness saw a glowing craft hover over the road. Without warning, it struck him with a beam of light, lifted him off the floor, threw him against the wall, and held him there. When it left, strange landing traces were found outside.

LEVITATED BY A UFO. On Feb 12, 1979, a man walking along the train tracks in Headingly, England saw a green object pace him. Suddenly, it moved overhead, pulled him up into the air, and carried him several feet forward. Then it set him gently back down and zoomed off. The witness was so shocked, he refused to ever walk that route again.

CONVERSATION WITH A UFO. On Mar 24, 1988, Mr. R was drawn outside by a strange light over his home in Tetbury, England. Suddenly it was right over his head and struck him with a beam of light. To his shock, the UFO spoke to him. Mr. R ended up having a long conversation with the UFO, which warned him that humanity’s use of atomic power.

SOMETHING THAT SHOULDN’T EXIST. One night in Feb 2013, two teenagers from Richmond, BC, Canada were taking a walk, when a UFO appeared over their heads. They followed it to a nearby school and were shocked to see a black entity hanging upside from the monkey bars. It was an encounter that would change their lives forever. To learn more about this case (and many others,) check out my book, “Humanoids and High Strangeness: Twenty True UFO Encounters.” Now available!

These ten cases provide a fascinating glimpse into the high strangeness that seems to be a big part of the UFO phenomenon. And although they are all incredibly odd, the fact that there are so many of them, viewed by multiple witnesses and supported by a wide variety of evidence, makes them hard to dismiss, ignore or explain away. UFOs are real! We are being visited by a wide variety of ETs. The truth is coming out!

PRESTON DENNETT WEBSITE: https://prestondennett.weebly.com/


  1. Why does Preston pick only the nice story’s of Aliens and not the ones the US Govt engages combat with and many people die from aliens not being so nice to people. He needs to do one on all the people that were killed by aliens !👽

  2. I think ET is gonna break the rules and GIFT earth people with personal flight. It might have already started.

  3. Aquí se denomino el caso como ….CASO TRANCAS ,este caso fue muy importante es cierto además de este investigador lo investigó también otro gran investigador argentino que fue Fabio zerpa también investigó el caso y es un caso que marcó un antes y un después en la ovnilogia.. Argentina es un país con muchísimos casos de ovnis y de encuentro con seres .. imagínate Preston que estoy siguiendo el tema de los ovnis desde que tenía 12 años hoy tengo 62 imagínate los libros que he leído los casos que he visto he leído libros para informarme del tema de Frank Edwards de Donald keyhoe , de MAURICE CHATELAIN , de ANTONIO RIVERA JAQUES VALEE, de ALLEN HYNECK ,.. montones de libros ellos fueron mis maestros los que me iniciaron en el tema de tantos años que lo sigo y que me apasiona cada día más 👍😢

  4. #1 perhaps by entering the craft without permission it granted the aliens access to his house, without his permission?

  5. Another awesome video Preston! I'm curious, in the first one, about how long the witness stick around? I would love to sey that I would've camped there until someone/something showed up to claim their craft, but quite honestly I don't think I'm THAT brave!!

  6. I've heard all of these. I've probably read too much of this subject. The one about the blood mobile was in John Keel's Mothman Prophecies, or another of his books. Makes ya' wonder.

  7. I dreamed last night that my brother and I saw a ufo traveling at a moderate speed in the night sky. It was about the size of a half moon and had red neon bars at right angles on it on a black background. It reminded me of a billboard. 😁

  8. This is a really great and informative channel. Thank you Preston for your work on this very interesting subject. Preston have you ever had your own personal experience with a UFO or a being?

  9. What are your thoughts on UFO whistleblowers like Michael Herrera? I think his story is fascinating. Would love to see you do a video on it!

  10. I’m running out of your videos to watch. I do like your research and delivery. Awesome content I cannot get enough well done. Love from NZ.

  11. Hello Mr Preston! I have been in the hospital AGAIN, for 3 weeks practically… I am home, and I am actually in my own bed! I want you to know that, RIGHT NOW I AM RELISHING, AND I MEAN RELISHING, THIS MOMENT.! I haven't been able to even watch videos or TV. Medication or pain or surgery has kept me out or just barely aware of anything. So I am so excited to watch you tell more testimony, plus I get so focused and into the case, I forget about my woes 😎🌈🌎😷🤕. You remind me SO MUCH of my long time friend, HAL THOMPSON, that it makes me smile when I see or catch something to make me say, WOW, that was something Hal would say. 😎. So if you or anyone actually reads this.. please, smile and raise your fist in the air and feel the happy moment I am having now!!! Cheer out loud! It's the small things that we all miss when they are gone. I laid there and thought, if I could do something that I can't do laying in hospital beds tied to IV and machines, what would they be? I said… Go outside, drive my Camaro fast, get drunk or smoke satins lettuce, watch Preston and my usual group, and on and on…. Well… I realized I am climbing in my bed, 🤤😴, and I am alone and can emerse myself in my favorite UAP information guy. I have never spoken of my and my friends overnight obduction and I subsequently had a attempt a second time and I drove them off. I now know far more facts and I don't feel so frightened or alone anymore!!! I would shake your hand Mr Preston, and tell you thank you for being your self and presenting this information so coherently and not making a mockery of this hidden issue that affects the whole world!!! Well…on to the show!!!! I'm a giant smile closing this!!!

  12. Skeptics are very important whether you like it or not. To much deception not to have them. Without them no one would have any idea what is true what is not. UFO people will believe anything.

  13. Thank you for making these videos! Even though I have long considered the UFO phenomenon to be very real, Until I found your channel I wasn't aware to the enormous quantity and variety of reported encounters.

  14. Dear Preston , Thank You again💐🙏…"They"👽should play their games with the militaries , and spook them repeatedly and profoundly..and tell -them–off……what's the use of harming simple people.🥺😢..very odd…..and outrageous..😡.(just my opinion)😉

  15. the fact that in most cases whether here or tv, they give the same warnings about the earth, it clearly shows that the phenomenon is real, unless all these people that have experienced these made a pact to say the same things.
    I think the extraterrestrials could be the creators of this world hence they are concerned about the planet

  16. Preston, if you haven't already, can you consider a report on famous people's interaction with ETs? John Lennon, Ronald Reagan, Jimmy Carter come to mind, but there must be others. There are plenty of politicians who could do with being abducted and re-educated! Maybe some have, but daren't discuss, as it would damage their reputation.

  17. how can these be spiritual entities if they are using technology that has a physical presence?
    just advanced beings who have evolved different consciousness or psychic abilities ..

  18. Hi Preston…Not sure if there are any, but it would be interesting to hear about cases of possible phycical objects or atrifacts of ET origin that people posses.

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