This week’s product of the week is Dr. Bronner’s Magic Soap. There are multiple uses for this product (hair, laundry, etc.), but I have tried it on my makeup brushes. The results were fantastic.

Follow me on Instagram, Google+, Twitter and Pinterest @face2fayce.

Have you seen my previous video? Here it is:

Tameka’s favorites video:

Cedlock’s video:

I was not compensated for making this video and I purchased this product with my own money.

The name of the song is Time to Move and Motivate” by The Insider.


  1. I use it as well!! I have the Lavendar, Tea Tree, Peppermint and Rose!! Love it!!

  2. Uses: I use it for shampoo, the Lavendar to shower, laundry, face wash.

  3. I keep hearing wonderful reviews about this soap too.  I've been looking for this, but can't seem to find it.  Hopefully, I can find it soon.  Thanks for sharing!

  4. You must dilute i will use three part water one part Dr Bronner`s it really cleans your locs and will not dry them out .a lot of lockers use only this as there the way i will be getting my lock installed on April 6 i can not wait out with the old in with the new .

  5. lol My dear you have not been watching my earlier videos. I used Dr Bronner's in the early days of my Loc journey. I stopped using it as it was not agreeing with mg hair. For me I think it was too much oil as it left a residue in my locs and in my wash cloth. I was also using it as a body wash.

  6. This is a "If I were stranded on a desert island" product. You can use it for everything. You can brush your teeth with it. I used it heavily about 20 yrs ago. The peppermint is the bomb!

  7. For some reason never thought of it as a shampoo, I've been using it as a cleaner… for the kitchen and bathroom.

  8. I own the peppermint and tge almond and rose hemp. I LOVE this soap. I have only used it as body wash. My husband used it to wash his hair and said it was wonderful!!! I heard it can be used for pretty much anything though. I'm going to try to wash my hair with it next week!

  9. I use the tea tree sugar soap by Dr. Bronnee as my face wash. I use the Castile Soap to wash my floors and other household things. I'm about to replace all my cleaners with Dr Bronner or the Sal Sud. It's more natural than anything I've found.

  10. I just found this soap about 2 weeks ago and I am in love! I have used it to wash myself, my dishes, my laundry, my kitchen and bathroom and i even brushed my teeth with it and cleaned my carpet! There are tons of uses and lots more great info and products at I love this stuff!

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