I review two Burt’s Bees products (a cleanser and a scrub) as well as an ipad.


  1. ok, that is useless for my purposes so thanks for the info. now i know wanting an ipad is no longer an issue for me.

  2. Most Burt Bee's products do not work for me either. Not the hair care, not the lip balm, etc. There are a few products of theirs I still use and haven't replaced yet. Their blemish remover, I am about to replace, but it was okay. Their itch relief, I haven't found a good replacement yet. Their hand cream is good, but too oily so I will be replacing it asap.

    btw, I am thinking of buying clarisonic mia instead of nuetragena thing.

  3. Thank you for your review of the Ipad, I too wanted it but hesitated not sure of how I would use it. Whew!!!! I'm so glad I waited

  4. @quitejaded Yes, I too have been considering the clairsonic, I was just hesistant because of the price. I keep thinking, if it doesnt work for me then I spent over 100 for a useless device!!! I've only heard great things about it though.
    If you do get it please let me know how it works for you.

  5. @productjunkiediva Girl, I just checked ebay. Clarisonic is a no go for me until I get a job (hopefully in just a few short months), haha! It is expensive, even for a used one!

  6. I'm glad you're so honest about the ipad! My boyfriend has been looking at vids on here and is convinced it's the best thing ever made where as I think it's just a waste of time… I think the iphone is over hyped too, the itouch is good though. I really don't see the need for an ipad, you can't make calls from it can you?? Waste of money!

    Keep reviewing items, I love your videos!!x

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