WOOHOo our second duet!!! finally.

Gomens for being the slowest duet partner ever — like over 2 years for a set of lines HAHAHHAA but thank you so much to Juby for being awesome despite it all and making this an awesome project!! /o//// weeheee

This cover is dedicated to Jaren Thomas who requested this song in 2012 😀 ……….. plsforgive \RUNNNSSs

Also it’s Miku Day! Yay Miku!!! Although this song has no miku…. srry i’m really tired and probably rambling i’ll stop now 8D

I hope you all will enjoy it! o/ Thank you for watching!!

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Song: Invisible // インビジブル
Producer: kemu
Illust: hastuko
Movie: ke-sanβ

English cover by

✿ham as GUMI

JubyPhonic as Rin

Mix by Juby
mp3: https://www.mediafire.com/?q9d6gbecc27a2ba

Lyrics: bit.ly/1HqWIuf

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  1. sounds a lot like a tale of six trillion years and a night at some parts it's almost like they were made by the same person

    oh wait
    they are

  2. Headcanon human voices for female Vocaloids :

    Rachie = Miku
    Ham = Luka
    Oktavia = Gumi
    Juby = Rin

    I know these don’t match up with the song or anything, I just feel like their voices fit these specific Vocaloids the best

  3. hey, so i had a kind of idea for this (that i might animate in the future???)

    there are two people singing (obviously)

    one is invisible. the other can see the invisible one. lets call them iv and si (invisible & sees invisible)

    si is kind of just sitting and waiting with iv so iv isnt so lonely. they are in a big area where lots of people come through, but everyone seems to avoid wherever si and iv try to go.

    for the beginning part of the song, si kind of mocks iv. telling them to get ready for a life full of loneliness. iv just explains their situation

    as it goes on, si becomes more empathetic for iv. iv explains they wish they had the choice to walk around that si has.

    this goes on, until someone passes close enough to iv. the ‘salaryman.’ iv is free and no longer invisible.

    but over the course of the song, si has become invisible.

    iv is free
    si is now invisible, stuck in the place they had once mocked.
    and the salaryman, the onlooker, has now become the new seer.

  4. Narsisist was turned to stone or immortal but how can and or else could he if it work*s with lap time the many world*s interpretation and quantum entanglement if and or but ?!???!???!?

  5. Heh, I was able to play this in the game. Great cover!
    Edit: if you want to know how, magic.

  6. For those who don't know, this song is a part of the series, Pandora Voxx. It includes songs like Jinsei Reset Button, Dear Doppelganger, and Six Trillion Years and an Overnight Story. It's about these gods who give this magical wish granting box to random people, and each song shows what those people do with it. (Save for the songs about the gods themselves.) It's got great songs and a cool story. I'd suggest checking it out

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