Newly released helmet camera video obtained by ABC News shows the moments law enforcement raced to the roof after a sniper killed the gunman who opened fire at a Trump rally.

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  1. The secret service has been a complete joke for decades. You can't expect great things from government employees. 2.3 million government employees and less than 14% are considered productive. Remember the 2012 Cartagena Columbia investigation that showed the that 32 members of the secret service was using more than 20 local prostitutes? The secret service employee that sighted in the rifle and said it was good to go is no longer employed either… LOL

  2. Senor George.
    Notice any difference from Trump rallies and Biden rallies. Trump attracts thousands, biden had those six people in security rings and the media fawning over what? No metric is better under the DNC, none. Unless you count immigrants, politicians, government bureuacracies, oligarchs monopolies, and the Military and Homeless Industrial Complexes. Taxed to death for who, George?
    Whats it like to be able to buy clothes, underwear, socks all worn bare like the old days. No eating out, never zero nada. No vaca, no alcohol. Behind on all bills.
    The inflation ate my monthly income. I could survive 4 years ago on 1400 a monthn, now my 1600 a month is vaporized by mortgage, bills, oh that other stuff, food.

    Not bitter, stupified as to how our country could be mis managed so magnificently?

  3. So it appears the USSS had absolutely no defense for a kamikaze drone attack? Any hobby drone today can carry a lethal payload. Look what Ukraine is doing with drones. They better not allow outdoor rallies anymore, just like we don't see president's be driven around in convertible cars. The kid had all the stuff for a lethal drone attack. Drone, explosives in his van, detonator on his person.

  4. First guy counts 5 shells now this guy counts 8 thats sus and crooks blood trail doesn't add up to a head shot from a sniper not even close . The fact they shorted djt share and all the open windows the 3 weird female ss flailing around like chickens without heads and so much more this no way happened like there telling us and google and youtube are deleting tons of video's

  5. ABC news so corrupt. No surprise the Democrats are calling for not having open rallies? The Democrats would love to try and curtail these any way they can, because they can’t have them, because no one shows up at theirs. How about, instead, stop trying to assassinate the Republican candidate because you can’t beat him fairly? Nobody trusts the FBI anymore, or news from these lying liberal Democratic stations.

  6. A roof so flat you could hold a family picnic on it, dangerously sloped, according to the head democratically appointed secret service head, after the failed assassination attempt on her party’s chief rival, Trump. The Democrats just tried a JFK on Trump.

  7. Not to worry, George, you still have the FBI to do another JFK Warren commission “we don’t know who ordered it” report, just like they did with the Mueller report on fake Russian and Ukraine collusion. The FBI is very very very sorry about the mistakes.

  8. Are all these liberal Democratic news outlets just corrupt or criminally simpleminded? It’s amazing how they never ask the hard questions anyone really would, about criminal wrongdoing by the Democratic government, just completely at a loss about the obvious, criminal intent of the FBI and DOJ, to subvert and mislead all investigations into Democratic corruption.

  9. It’s unbelievable to watch these mainstream liberal media outlets deliberately never ask any criticism questions whatsoever about democratically controlled FBI and DOJ investigations clearly covering up Democratic corruption. Their job is to be neutral, asking hard questions of the Democrats, to keep things fair and honest in government. Instead, they go all out, not even trying to hide their clear bias, destroying balanced fair news, tilting the balance of power in America towards the Democrats. A direct threat to our democracy.

  10. Since the mainstream liberal media controls 90% of the news market, choosing to be biased and not report corruption in the Democratic Party, instead covering up for them, tilts the balance of power in America, unfairly distorting news coverage.

  11. Has anyone noticed tgat EVERY SINGLE VIDEO know opens with Kamala harris asking for donations????Do ya think Google is trying to sway the election? Unbeleivable! The Democrats
    will cheat anywhere they possibly can.
    This should be illegal! All Big Tech working for the Democratic Party. Disgusting. The only people
    that will do better if Harris wins are ILLEGALS AND HER BILLIONAIRE DONERS.

  12. Oh, and about this coverup of Trump shooting.
    Pretty sure the communication breakdown was deliberate. You can’t put anything past Democrats and the Federal Govt. that works for them exclusively. Anyone remember the story of the lady in Minnesota or that region that printed out 64 thousand fake ballots and mailed them.
    Yes, she worked directly for the Democratic party.
    She got fired. That was it. The Democrats will cheat to win. They can not and will not have a fair hinest election in November. This is a FACT.

  13. The usa government is totally incompetent. It took them 30 years to catch the unibomber. 30 years to catch the btk killer although btk got himself caught. If he would've shut up then he would've never been caught. There are countless examples of how stupid the usa government is. What a joke this system is. Its pure trash. Stop voting people then we can get a new system that works for everyone.

  14. #1 – Doesn't look to frantic. #2 – With the release of the "sniper's nest" video, this was NOT seconds after the shooting, at least a few minutes.
    Why does the news always have to sensationalie everything?
    Why was the secret service agent looking at pics on his phone if they couldn't get into his phone? I guess it was the agent's phone, although he said "THEY saw this bicycle and gear" not like he saw it and took the pic.

  15. OMG … if that is a dangerous slope roof … Then I think Secret Service Agents should avoid even get in their cars … who knows they might slip & injure their selves while getting it because how fragile they are 😂

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