1. I think RFK only did it , endorsed Trump just to insult Democrats………i don't think he was sincere doing it ,but he has to to hurt Democrats

  2. Harold, don't you dare put this on Trump. He has not put up a complaint about debate rules at all so far. He has had 0 say in this. He has just agreed to them and did them. This crap on the rules is 100% on the dems.

  3. What about an anti establishment proclamation is this what the LIBERALS want and only want?😊 Can't American people have theuyown opinions and voices thats the 1st amendment so if America has no first amendment and the media is government run and Only they can say what is correct or not and they are able to push BS and disinformation like its the truth, isn't that fascist and against the Constitution of the USA?? Hmmmm?!😊

  4. The fact of the matter is, KAMALA HAS NO IDEA WHAT SHE’S DOING! She was out of her league in 2020 and she’s out of her league now!! You can only fake it so long before your found out!! And she’s terrified of the people,” finding out”! 🤷‍♀️ THAT’S WHY SHE IS HIDING!!!

  5. the last debate between Trump and Biden was the most anticipated one of my life, but I gotta say, this one, I am more anxious to see! I can’t wait!!!

  6. Notes…. 😂😂 at a debate …..shes trying to manage, just deeing how FAR she van push him….. Id say No karmela we gona do it the way biden and I agreed…

  7. Why didn't they finish the wall that Trump started ,the material was already there.Her and Biden wanted too let all these people in here and make voters out of them.Now she wants too say build the wall.Just too get your vote ,copy cat Harris. Trump said that is what he was going too do months ago.Trump said no tax on tips ,now Harris is ssying that is what she will do..She had almost 4 years to do these things and did nothing. Biden and Harris have been selling off the material for the wall that taxpayers paid for. Now they are going too have too do it again. If Harris would have done her job the wall would have been finidhed an all these people from all walks of life would not be here. They cause all the drugs coming in ,the human trafficking that is all on Harris. The lies she has told you can't believe anything she says. People needs too wake up .

  8. When the contradiction is as vast and glaring as the difference between Trump's relationship with Americans and Kamal's relationship with Americans, do we buy that polls have them neck and neck? We are treated like we are stupid, and here is a perfect example revealing why they think we are blind. Every election is close to ensure the one they want wins. When it is near, if their choice loses, close polling makes it easy to cheat without backlash. We are being played, punked, and duped so savagely that I am sick of Bill Hemmer standing and reading those close pollings like they were real. The "sick" feeling I got was overwhelming!

  9. Listen, Greg, if the press DIDN'T criticize Bobby, we'd be worried. Like you all said, no one even listens to the MSM anymore except for the wingers on both sides. The "tight" election story also makes it easier to cheat when it comes down to it. Btw, we can expect a Monkey Pox lockdown a month from now. October is going to be very unhealthy.

  10. Biden went so far as to say that we did not lose one soldier under his admin.? An absolute lie! His state dept did everything in their power to stop independent people from getting people out of Afghanistan! Biden abandoned the very people that helped our soldiers. Left them to be murdered by the Taliban. A horrible disgrace.

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