株式会社テイチクエンタテインメント 代表取締役社長 栗田秀樹 コメント:
株式会社テイチクエンタテインメント 取締役 マーケティング本部長 松尾佐和子 コメント:
Believe APAC 社長 シルヴァン・ドランジェ コメント:
Believe Japan合同会社 代表 小川エリカ コメント:
「対話を重ね、共通のビジョンを描くことができたテイチク社とのパートナーシップが、いよいよ実行に移せる段階に進んだことを大変嬉しく思います。テイチク社のデジタル強化戦略は、表面的な取り組みにとどまらず、経営層から各領域に至るまで根本的な推進を高めていらっしゃいます。日本が誇るアーティストや楽曲を開発する歴史的企業であるだけでなく、伝統と革新のバランスを見事に取り入れ、リーダーシップを発揮するテイチク社との出会いにより、実り多い成果を得る兆しを確信しています。Believe Japanチーム一同、テイチク社のカタログ活性化や次世代アーティストの開発に取り組み、アーティストがまだ出会えていないファンとの接点を最大化すべく、全力で挑戦し続けます。」
テイチクエンタテインメントは、1934年に「帝国蓄音器株式会社」として設立された、日本の音楽史を牽引する老舗レコードレーベルです。90年以上の歴史の中で、演歌や歌謡曲を筆頭に、ポップス、ロック、ジャズ、アニメソングまで幅広いジャンルの音楽制作を手掛け、世代を超えて愛される作品を数多く世に送り出してきました。レコードからカセットテープ、CD、そして現代のデジタル配信に至るまで、メディアの変遷に対応し、常に音楽業界をリードしてきました。近年では海外展開やデジタル分野での戦略にも積極的に取り組んでおり、「衆知を集め 常に改革の意識を持ち “音楽” を通じて “お客様” に求められる企業となる」という企業理念のもと、「Change & Challenge ~私たちにしか創れない音楽を~」の経営ビジョンを掲げ、日本の音楽文化の伝統を守りながらも、新しい音楽体験と価値創造に挑戦し続けています。
Believeのミッションは、インディペンデントアーティストやレーベルがデジタルの世界で成長できるよう、各々のキャリアや発展の段階に応じた最適なソリューションを提供することです。Believeの情熱的なデジタル音楽の専門チームは、グローバルな技術プラットフォームを活用し、アーティストやレーベルへのコンサルテーション、音楽の配信・プロモーションを行っています。50カ国以上に拠点を持つ2,037人の従業員が、インディペンデントアーティストやレーベルを、独自のデジタル「敬意」「公平性」「専門知識」「透明性」をもって支援しています。Believeは、「Believe」「TuneCore」「Nuclear Blast」「Naïve」「Groove Attack」「AllPoints」「Ishtar」「Byond」「PLAYCODE」「KithLabo」「BEEEF」などのブランドを通じて、多様なソリューションを提供しています。Believeは、ユーロネクスト・パリの規制市場の区分B(ティッカー:BLV、ISIN:FR0014003FE9)に上場しています。
【テイチクエンタテインメント 会社情報】
所在地: 東京都港区芝公園2-4-1 芝パークビルB館8階
設立: 1934年2月11日
URL: https://www.teichiku.co.jp/
【Believe 会社情報】
Believe Central Office
Company Address: 24 Rue Toulouse Lautrec, 75017 Paris, France
Cheif Executive Officer & Founder: Denis Ladegaillerie
Established: 2005
Believe Japan合同会社
本社所在地:東京都渋谷区神宮前6-12-18 5F
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/believeglobal/
・テイチクエンタテインメント webmaster@teichiku.co.jp
・Believe Japan | contact_believejp@believe.com
For Media – Embargoed Information – March 27, 2025 (Wednesday) 10:00 AM JST
Teichiku Entertainment Co., Ltd.
Believe Japan G.K.
[Joint Announcement]
Teichiku Entertainment and Believe Sign a Landmark Comprehensive Partnership Deal to Distribute their Entire Catalog Domestically and Worldwide
In February 2025, Teichiku Entertainment Co., Ltd.and Believe have signed a comprehensive deal. Through this partnership, Believe will distribute Teichiku’s entire catalog, both locally and worldwide helping to drive global expansion.
With a 90-year legacy, Teichiku has been dedicated to cultivating a rich catalog and nurturing the next generation of artists. This partnership will help Teichiku expand their digital footprint by leveraging Believe’s global DSP network, cutting-edge technology, and digital-first expertise to bring Japanese enka, kayōkyoku, and pop music to a wider global audience.
From timeless masterpieces to the latest releases, this collaboration will deliver a variety of music across different eras and genres to music fans in Japan and beyond, helping to expand the reach of this extensive catalog to new audiences around the world. .
Teichiku, a company that has long supported Japan’s music culture, and Believe, a company that has driven innovation in the music industry, are working together to accelerate the digital shift in Japan’s music market. By doing so, they aim to create new opportunities for Japanese artists to expand their reach globally.
Teichiku Entertainment Co., Ltd. President Hideki Kurita (left) and Believe APAC President Sylvain Delange (right)
Comments from Key Stakeholders
Teichiku Entertainment Co., Ltd. President Hideki Kurita:
“Teichiku Entertainment celebrated its 90th anniversary last year. Throughout our history, we have represented some of Japan’s most iconic artists and continue to work with top-tier talent, maintaining a strong presence in the enka and kayōkyoku genres. Our mission now is to bring our extensive catalog of hit songs beyond Japan’s borders and also contribute to the success of J-POP on a global scale. Over the past year, we have been exploring distribution services to strengthen our global and digital strategies.
We were particularly drawn to Believe’s global track record and passion, which we are confident will support our ambitious goals. Through this partnership, we will accelerate our growth in the digital domain and continue challenging ourselves to establish a strong position in the music industry both locally and globally as we approach our 100th anniversary.”
Teichiku Entertainment Co., Ltd. Director Sawako Matsuo:
“We deeply resonate with Believe’s philosophy of supporting artists and labels worldwide with expertise, fairness, respect, and transparency. We were also impressed by the passion of the Believe team. Over a year of preparation, we have built a strong foundation of trust, and now, we are ready to launch. This amicable partnership will undoubtedly aid our growth in the digital space and contribute to the success of both companies.”
Believe APAC President Sylvain Delange:
“Teichiku has been a success story ninety years in the making, as one of the most established record labels in Japan. By embracing digital with a first of its kind integrated partnership with Believe, they are today showing they are also one of the most innovative. We are extremely proud and excited to be carrying the legacy of Teichiku’s legendary artists to digital platforms in Japan – where we are fully committed to contributing to the acceleration of the growth of the domestic market – but also to the world, by providing international audiences with even more opportunity to explore the depths of Japanese music.”
Believe Japan G.K. General Manager Erika Ogawa-Arai:
“We are delighted that our partnership with Teichiku, built upon extensive dialogue and a shared vision, has now reached the stage of execution. Teichiku’s digital transformation strategy is not a surface-level effort.—it is being fundamentally driven across all levels of the company, from leadership to operational teams. We are confident that our collaboration with Teichiku, not only a historic company that has developed Japan’s most esteemed artists and songs but also a leader that masterfully balances tradition and innovation, will lead to highly fruitful outcomes. Believe Japan team is fully committed to revitalizing Teichiku’s catalog and supporting the development of next-generation artists. We will continue striving to maximize opportunities for artists to connect with new audiences.”
Teichiku Entertainment & Believe Japan – All-Staff Group Photo
About Teichiku Entertainment Co., Ltd.:
Teichiku Entertainment is a long-established record label that has played a leading role in Japan’s music history since its founding in 1934 as “Teikoku Chikuonki (Tokyo Gramophone)” Specializing in enka and kayōkyoku, the company has also produced a wide range of music genres, including pop, rock, jazz, and anime songs, bringing countless beloved works to audiences across generations.
With a history spanning over 90 years, Teichiku has continuously adapted to the evolution of music formats—from records and cassette tapes to CDs and modern digital distribution—maintaining its position at the forefront of the industry. In recent years, the company has been actively expanding its presence internationally and strengthening its digital strategy.
Guided by its corporate philosophy of “gathering collective wisdom, maintaining a spirit of constant innovation, and becoming a company sought after by customers through music,” Teichiku upholds its management vision, “Change & Challenge – Creating Music That Only We Can,” striving to preserve Japan’s rich musical heritage while embracing new music experiences and value creation.
About Believe:
Believe is one of the world’s leading digital music companies. Believe’s mission is to develop independent artists and labels in the digital world by providing them with the solutions they need to grow their audience at each stage of their career and development. Believe’s passionate team of digital music experts around the world leverages the Group’s global technology platform to advise artists and labels. distribute and promote their music. Its 2,037 employees in more than 50 countries aim to support independent artists and labels with a unique digital expertise, respect, fairness and transparency. Believe offers its various solutions through a portfolio of brands including Believe. TuneCore. Nuclear Blast. Naïve. Groove Attack. AllPoints. Ishtar. Byond. PLAYCODE. KithLabo and BEEEF. Believe is listed on compartment B of the regulated market of Euronext Paris (Ticker: BLV. ISIN: FR0014003FE9).www.believe.com
[Company Information]
Teichiku Entertainment Co., Ltd.
Head Office: Shiba Park Building B-8F, 2-4-1 Shiba Park, Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan
President: Hideki Kurita
Established: February 11, 1934
Website: https://www.teichiku.co.jp/
Believe Central Office
Central Office: 24 Rue Toulouse Lautrec, 75017 Paris, France
Chief Executive Officer & Founder: Denis Ladegaillerie
Established: 2005
Website: www.believe.com
Believe Japan G.K.
Office: 5F, 6-12-18 Jingumae, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, Japan
Japan Representative: Erika Ogawa-Arai
Established: March 2023
Website: https://www.believe.com/japan
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/believeglobal/
[Inquiries Regarding This Announcement]
Teichiku Entertainment Public Relations Contact:webmaster@teichiku.co.jp
Believe Japan | Head of Label & Artist Solutions Yukari Utsuhara: contact_believejp@believe.com
WACOCA: People, Life, Style.