These videos are recordings made in Japan between 1978 and the early 2020s.
Many of them have never been seen in the United States, and are here to serve as some of the examples I use for several classes I teach in television history, aesthetics,
and technology. As such, they are assumed to not have copyrighted material, and I will remove most of them from public view as soon as there is any question.
This channel is not now nor will it be in the future monetized.


  1. 山に詳しいものが妊婦連れて崖の上まで逃げていくかい??演出家が下手な芝居をさせたもんだ。このアップ者もへたくそなアップ技法で見られたもんじゃない

  2. なんでいいところで映像乱れる? 台無しだ😠

  3. 文句ばっかり…自分も一度でも動画の一本でもアップして、人を楽しませる側になろうとしてみれば良い。

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