初来日したアメリカのバイデン大統領車列が六本木のヘリポートから赤坂のアメリカ大使館へ!専用車「ビースト」2台とシークレットサービスなどのド迫力車列をご紹介します!車列通過直前、コース上には警察車両に完全包囲された乗用車の姿が!緊迫の警備風景もご覧ください!現場で親切にご対応下さった警視庁の皆さん、ありがとうございました! Motorcade of the U.S President Joe Biden in Tokyo Japan #Motorcade #Biden #警視庁


  1. Its funny how japanesse used blinkers while americans did not… How disrespectfull 😂

  2. biden don’t walk the talk creating a lot of pollution, like most politicians….. action does not reflect on his words affecting climate .

  3. I want to know what kind of car those black/white police cars are – they are nice looking! I think they are Toyota Crowns – I like them!

  4. I don't know about all of you, but that "toy" looking Japanese Police van with the siren was ridiculous…

  5. アメリカが誇る地上最強の大統領専用車と日本が世界に誇るランクル警護車のコラボ好き

  6. I wish he would have stayed there, he's the worst president my country has ever seen.

  7. The 2 japanese land cruisers following the beast are the boss. Even secret service cannot follow that close.

  8. このチャンネルを見ている間、私はポッカバーを食べてコーヒーを飲んでいます☕️