Against the backdrop of a brutal war, thousands of young Ukrainian hippies gathered in the mountains for a giant party: the annual Shypit Festival. Nudity, psychedelics, and dancing around the fire chanting “**** Putin” ensued.

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  1. Hippie? You mean Pegan. Why would you label this a Hippie festival when this has no American background from the 30s or 40s? Are you stupid?

  2. Today is Veterans Day here in the USA, the Man & Women that are fighting for their freedom are in our prayers. God is with our brothers & sisters of arms.

  3. This is the kind of stuff that hits me emotionally… The willingness for love and community in people, in a time where these souls are forced to kill one another.
    This is so absurd….
    "Heroes" is bullcrap, these people just want to go home and live a good life…
    This capitalist power and land politics makes me sick!!

  4. Ucrania is democratic???? No tv, no opositors …nothing but the nazi regime….

  5. First time i hear an Ukrainian speaking Ukrainian..good job Vice

  6. When hippies are willing to take up arms against you, you have NO friends.

  7. So while friends and family are fighting for their homeland he's getting high and sniffing trees

  8. Wow man… alot of us struggle day to day. Sometimes we don't see others struggle.

  9. A few last frames show some folk festival. Completely unconnected to the interview. Title: Hippie Commune Prevails Despite War!
    *face palm*

  10. Wow so sad to see what has been done and terribly inhumane, unnecessary. Just incredible so much hate in the world when there is truly no need. Beautiful spirit of this man, and missing your cat.. my goodness please can we have world peace. 😪🙏🕊

  11. Notice how all Ukranians are white. No Indian or Asian looking people. Dancing around bonfires. 🤔

  12. You are fighting for the fate of the world right now. You have no idea how much we support you in the USA, regardless of what the far right, racist, conservatives say. We support you and your right to be a free and individual country.

  13. What a lovely guy. Stay welll and stay strong brother. You’re a Ukrainian hero. We love you for your service ti your country. Slava ukraina. ❤️❤️❤️💋💋💋👏🏻👏🏻🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦

  14. I see the same guy in many vidoes about war in ukraina.

  15. His sad story has nothing to do with the conflict! You make it seem like the war killed his family when he was 9! Let's stop making this conflict something it isnt!

  16. This man reminds me of me if my animals died idk what I would do may you see god and your friend in heaven

  17. Poor guy. Caught in the elitist’s war. Doesnt have anything to do with the bio labs. Like The ones a young senator named Obama put jn?

  18. Before I comment I need to know who this person is I could say this man is good or bad person he talks the talk but could he walk the walk

  19. We wish him and all the rest of Ukraine . Much happiness in the future . And hope he finds a good women to love and will love him . And of course a cat !