

茨城県龍ケ崎市 au climbing wallにて

その大会の様子をこのTAMY Climbing Channnelで生配信するよーーー🎥🌟



  1. Can't wait!! The format is so cool. Excited to see your first competition, Akiyo!

  2. もうCJCなみに豪華やん(笑)


  3. Looking forward to this! Shame Akiyo isn't competing in her own comp though. But I guess it makes sense ^^

  4. Waaaaa this is going to be so fun !!! Hoping for a Ai/Meichi pairing 😀 Will the livestream be available after ? I don't know if I can watch it live 🥲

  5. 当日は仕事のため生で観られないのでアーカイブは残してほしいです

  6. EHHH SUGOI!! I am so excited for this. Love the idea for the format, especially that the pairs can talk and help one another.
    Will there be vods with English subs?

  7. 😍so exciting!! really wish i could watch it live and chat with everyone during the livestream… looking forward to the event nonetheless!!

  8. Aaaahhh 😱 This sounds so fun and exciting—I CAN’T WAIT 😃😍 I’m really looking forward to seeing Ai and Dohi again! You have such a cool dream Akiyo—I hope this will be one of many cool projects for all of us to support and enjoy 😁 And Ikedai, I think you are going to do an awesome job with “behind the scenes”. Your personality always makes things that much more lively, fun, and upbeat!

  9. amazing idea Akiyo! I hope after the live streaming there will be english subs, would love to understand your commentary in full

  10. This is going to be the best comp this year! I am SO excited 😆 English subtitles would be greatly appreciated 🙏

  11. Ikedai-san, please interview as many climbers as you can because the opportunities to hear their voices are limited at the other competitions.

  12. Unfortunate that we won't get english voice over or subtitles, but it will still be fun to watch I guess for us international people!