


  1. もしましろちゃんが委員長になったら日頃からからかわれてる透子のこと強く叱ってそう

  2. Wow, they are really awesome, they cant just stuck on one note role, they are doing some other notes too

  3. 린코랑 레이 같은 성우인 건 알았는데 나나미 린쿠 같은 성우였구나….

  4. me just thinking about how shiro’s VA voices soft-spoken mashiro then she switches to haruna mode and starts screaming at kurumi

  5. D4DJ の方が声優らしいですね。声が全然違いますよ。りんくの声優さんが好きです。

  6. All of them are amazing matches except for Nanami and Rinku. Rinku and Kokoro would be better…

  7. バンドリ声優さんも上手くなったな(上から目線ww
    正直バンドリのキャラとしてはキャラと合っててうまいけど、他のキャラとか演じ分けは(一部を除いて)上手くないと思ってたけど、みんな普通にうますぎてびびった。  ましろちゃんびびった

  8. Layer was supposed to be here as well because she voiced shano (the singer from wow war tonight)

  9. This is what I would call "2 characters in 1 voice." I like how you can tell for example… Nanami sounds calmer and slower-paced while Rinku sounds cheery and always full of energy. Rinko sounds shy and more reserved while Rei sounds more open and social. Chu is louder and sounds more firm while Saki is soft-spoken and sounds more laid back. Aya sounds a little higher-pitched than Ibuki from what I hear. And Mashiro sounds more soft-spoken than Haruna. This is just my perspective opinion on this, but I really relish this about anime. I think this is proof that the Japanese have talents beyond imaginable.

  10. i would suggest: bang dream/d4dj and cookie run kingdom same voice actors

    aimi – kasumi/kyoko and parfait cookie
    azuzsa tadokoro – kaoru and gumball cookie
    sachika misawa – moca and poison mushroom cookie
    tomoyo kurosawa – misaki and mango cookie

  11. おゆちゃん……じゃない、広町もりんくちゃん恐ろしいくらい可愛いけど、やっぱチュチュさま……じゃない、むぎがやばい(*´ω`*)