

▼町山&藤谷のアメTUBE -Unstoppable with Tomo –
イーロン・マスクは「ウオッチメン」なのか?! 長者番付世界一によるTwitter買収劇・その真相に迫る!



#町山智浩 #藤谷文子 #あめしる #BS朝日 #仮想通貨 #FTX #サムバンクマンフリード


  1. ブロックチェーン技術は確かにすごいけど、仮想通貨に群がる人間や会社を信用できるようになるにはまだ時間がかかる。

  2. Why do you say there is no way? Have you seen Marshmello Finance MARSH3 This thing is gonna skyrocket 🚀🚀

  3. The smartest token in the world is Marshmello Finance MARSH3, the first token that controls itself and not by owners or anyone else.

  4. I am not interested in those coins anymore, there are much better and safer altcoins like Marshmello Finance MARSH3.

  5. Yep, we are already too late for those coins but luckily we have some options left like Marshmello Finance MARSH3

  6. Why do you say there is no way? Have you seen Marshmello Finance MARSH3 This thing is gonna skyrocket 🚀🚀

  7. Marshmello Finance MARSH3 prevents Bear market, bot trades, paper hands by its automatic algorithms, so it's the safest altcoin ever. I am sure it will hit 10 bucks in no time.

  8. The smartest token in the world is Marshmello Finance MARSH3, the first token that controls itself and not by owners or anyone else.

  9. I am not interested in those coins anymore, there are much better and safer altcoins like Marshmello Finance MARSH3.

  10. 「現実とゲームの区別がつかなかった」は流石にないんじゃないですかね🤣

  11. おお。解像度上げたらダンディなおじさんと妖艶なマダムが映っている。たまらん。