Flying Lotus presents Yasuke, the original soundtrack from the Netflix original anime directed by LeSean Thomas & starring LaKeith Stanfield. Brought to life by Studio MAPPA, Yasuke tells the story of a samurai warrior of African descent in a fantastical alternate universe version of feudal Japan full of magic, mechs, and of course, swordplay.

Available now for streaming & pre-order:

Visualizer by Ryan Celsius:…


  1. Flying Lotus, hmu so I can send you your name on Decentraland, I own it but would be happy to send it your way 🤩🤩🤩

  2. I'm glad to be here to hear this today. I'm always 3 days late to your posts. Love you Steve!

  3. i love a visual that screams "where is the F*GGIN tracking button!?!?!?:

  4. Does anyone where I can find the song from the trailer. It's not on the soundtrack.

  5. Yeah this song and hiding in the shadows is a song I'll pick over any other artists songs all day everyday!!!!

  6. It's been exposed that celebs slaves are fake personas not real people professional liars and their lives are scripted debased demonic lonely and they live by no rules and multiple govt lookalikes secret androgynes can play the same fake persona at the same time or switched out at different times and given another fake persona to play and have an expiration date. They are brand names only and mind controlled programmed hypnotized trained mimicks human robots suffering from MPD DID alters triggered by handlers to perform whatever tasks their owners the satanic elite wants them to do to promote their satanic agendas and narratives. Their compartmentalized fragmented mind has amnesia walls built in to forget their core personality so they don't know who they truly are and actually are insane and forget about ungodly deeds performed behind the scenes. They are chosen from satanic cult family bloodlines and related to each other and to the Royal Family and most of the original prototypes celebs slaves are discarded and replaced by the age of 18. The satanic elite determines the net worth of each celeb slave who are not rich but given a black card with an allowance of no more than 1 million dollars. They don't write their own material but given material written in witch language to send out secret messages in double or triple intenders. Relationships are arranged not love matches and children are produced at the satanic elite's breeding facilities by means of breeders surrogates IVF twinning adoption and stolen children and used as props to make up the fake families especially for secret inverted couples/people.
    2 Tim 3:1,13; Psalm 26:4;Rom 1:24-28