1. 津波かなり大きかったですよね。。これ何処ですか?私は浪江から小高向かってる時、桃内の旧道で6号線に津波きてるのみました。  すごく怖かったです。 

  2. 笑い声を批判する人は災害に遭った事がないんだろうな。うらやましいこった。

  3. 言わんで良いですよ・・・キチンと解ってる人間には解ってます

  4. ここの批判に限らずネット上じゃ主観や二者対立にやたらと拘る人が多いからね

  5. 不安な心を鎮めて平常心を取り戻そうとする時に人は本能的に笑おうとするんだと思うよ

  6. Laughing is a way for the subconscious to evaluate fear and convince us that everything is okay. Sometimes we laugh because we’re having trouble accepting what we see, because we’re in shock. One should never judge the emotional response of another unless they are walking through the same experience in their shoes, actually re-living every second through their eyes. Everyone responds to trauma differently and that is OK. Be a good and kind person, offer your hand in support rather than lifting it up and criticizing those who may not even still be here to defend themselves. 🙏🏽💕

  7. I was excited to see a new video on tsunami… BUT AGAIN,,, as soon as wave hits the person holding camera decides that the once in a lifetime event wasn't worth watching at that EXACT moment so he films people and the inside of the building ??? WTF? Thumbs down