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  1. She’s so right. People can’t stand that accidents happens. It always has to be somebody’s fault.

  2. Camilla could not be Queen if Diana still alive. The English people would not stand for it. The world would not stand for it. Like it or not people still love Diana.

  3. If Diana was home looking after her babies instead of galavanting around other countries with men, then she would be alive today.

  4. I love Lady C and her no BS approach. Love it, love it, love it. 🤌

  5. Was wiped out In exactly the way she told us she would be!! Not all Muslims are the same & Dodi is the only one she went public with!! She would have been more important than royal family remember- nobody interested in the others!!

  6. Like princess Margaret after her death ,it was released she was screwing around and had pictures of politicians screwing the movie the bank job is based on this story ,and after Charles dies you will hear of him getting rid of Diana ,it was a hit job .

  7. Yet here we muslims are making dua (supplications),for the Queen at her pasing for being a just ruler.

  8. There was no benefit to the royal family for Diana to die, she was getting along with Charles, raising their sons together.

  9. l think she only want male companionship, because, she was afraid of sons, were heirs to the throne, and head of the church of England

  10. So many things wrong : Wish Diana never dated King Charles 3, even after knowing Charles, when he was dating her elder sister.
    Wish The Queen allowed Charles&Camilla to marry when both were unmarried. They were and in love.
    Wish Lady Di broke up while dating, as Charles was also seeing Camilla then.
    Wish Camilla held her up away from the marriage, wish Lady Di didnt have several affairs, which eventually made her to boycott Palace security, to be secretive, which cost her life. Wish Diana didn't tip press about her whereabouts before & after the divorce, which she never played up qhich led to the racing and getting killed.
    No one talks about how Prince Philip & QE2 stood by Diana from Day one. 
    Her Majesty was proud of Lady Di, till she spoke to the media, which we know now, how her vulnerability was manipulated by BBC.

  11. The best ever is it was The Queen mother orchestrated the entire scenario with mi6 unbeknown to The Queen or Prince Phillip so her darling Grandson Charles could marry Camilla & remain head of Church of England
    If Diana lived this could never happen only one Queen at a time .

  12. No serious Muslim would take Diana in. She was used goods. Had slept with too many men. Also, i think Diana would've hated being married to one, because she would have to give up a large part of her Autonomy and independence to her husband. Also, would she have converted to Islam? You can't just swap religions because of a crush you have. You gotta be serious about this kind of stuff. What if you had children with the guy and then want to divorce him? He would keep the kids most likely as he'd want them to be raised in his religion.

    I don't think Diana knew what she wanted out of a relationship. She was messed up by childhood Trauma within her own family.

  13. Another Theory that nobody seems to be bringing up is the case of Jill Dando (BBC reporter) and Jimmy Sa ville – the Notorious celebrity PEDO , who was only exposed in the 2000's, many years POST his Death. He was close Buddies with Charles and frequented the royal family often. I think they even knighted the dude?

    Diana was planning to expose "Something Big" . And likely with Jill, who worked at the BBC and knew about Jimmy's bad behaviour around children, especially orphans he used to visit.

    BOTH ladies got taken out.

  14. My Pappy (mom's father) cut my Granny's (mom's mother) brakes one time. My Granny said "you're stupid & crazy and that's a bad combo! I DON'T CARE WHAT CAN HAPPEN TO ME, BUT THE GIRL'S (my mom and my aunt Marlene) COULD OF BEEN KILLED, RONALD!
    T H I N K!"

  15. for me she was never the target. she was never going to have children and marry again without the children's approval, she had just gotten out of a toxic relationship. and why was he never considered the target? being who is? pregnancy was the best excuse to justify her death. without that there is nothing, after all nothing has ever happened before with your partners

  16. God is the master and only He can decide who lives and who dies. Sad case but only God can have the Final say.

  17. The royals can marry muslins or any other religion, but they can’t be in line to the throne, as the monarch is defender of the Protestant Church of England. Same rules goes for independent Church of Scotland. Royals can even marry a catholic, but they just won’t be in the line of succession.

  18. oh come on it's obvious that judas has full delusional neurosis and the wife is full on encouraging and feeding it

  19. Because Hasnat Khan was no longer a threat to the royal became he was no longer in her life and plus he was more whiter and Dodi was darker and had kinky hair ! The British also hated Dodi father and would not have wanted them to be apart of the Royal ! How about that missy ! 🙄

  20. Diana had no intention of marrying Dodi.
    She was just enjoying the summer with him on his father's yacht.
    It was a getaway from the high profile life she lived.
    She was also trying to make Hasnat Khan jealous as he didn't want to marry her and live in a goldfish bowl. .
    Dodis father bought the engagement ring and the duke and duchess apartment in Paris, not Dodi. .
    Alfayed had his own axe to grind with the Royal Family, he had been pushed out of the inner circle and was desperate to get back in again.
    He told many lies about the relationship between Diana and Dodi. The engagement was the first……


  22. Um Mr Khan didn’t continue to date Diana. If he had he would have been killed for sure.

  23. Meanwhile, Diana told us before she died that the royal family was going to have her killed.

  24. The cameras, ALL OF THEM , were suddenly broken at the time of the alleged accident. It took the ambulance over an hour to bring her to the hospital that was 10 minutes away. Those who were there were shut up quickly. These are only the main points.

  25. Camila divorced 1995
    Charles divorced 1996
    Diana died 1997 in car accident (just like she said she would in her diary and it will be orchestrated by Charles )
    Charles was free to marry Camila. 🐫
    This old vampire should stop talking bad about Diana just to suck up to Camila

  26. Hasnat Khan pulled the plug on Diana he didn’t come from that life style and didn’t want to be in the limelight. There was nothing to finish as he did it himself.

  27. I still believe it, why keep Di in an ambulance for 45 mins, when they are 5 mins drive from the hospital?