





The Japan News: https://the-japan-news.com/news/article/0007790977

J-select: https://jselect.net/japan-entry-ban-students/?lang=en



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#入国禁止 #入国制限 #日本留学の扉を開く会


  1. 僕はDavideさん、山本さん、そして留学生のために頑張っている人たちに本当に感謝しています!☺️

  2. I‘m studying at Kai right now from Germany and I am so happy to see you, Davide, and especially my school leader involved in all this.

    皆さん、私たちは祖国まだにいるうちに頑張ってくださいね♪ やる気はとても大切だと思います。

  3. Hoping to hear good news as soon as possible, and good news for EVERYBODY (students of all types, workers, spouses..), I hope no one will be left out. Thanks again to everyone involved in this huge thing <3

  4. Hi Davide,

    I just wanted to thank you and all those who have been supporting us international students waiting to enter Japan. Unfortunately my university says if the restrictions don't ease by the end of this month I won't be able to study in Japan, which is quite saddening since you and others have made so much progress throughout this year. Although it's not the end of the month, I'm losing hope since there hasn't been any significant news regarding easing of the borders. We will see.

    I hope everyone who is waiting to enter the borders including workers and families can enter Japan soon. For those students who still have a chance to enter Japan even at a later date, please don't give up. Not only Davide, but many others not mentioned in his channel are actively trying to open the borders again. 頑張りましょう!

  5. I've been stuck here for a whole year attending classes via online through zoom. Its been a very hard time for me to continue my studies since I am an engineering research student. It's because I need to access the university laboratory to be able to conduct my research effectively.

    Right now, all I hope is to be able to enter Japan as soon as possible. We (international students) are ready to enter Japan at anytime. We are fully vaccinated and we will follow all the safety procedures.

    Btw, thanks to Davide and others that supports international students to be able to enter Japan. Let's just hope they'll remove the entry banned restriction on October.

  6. I think that japan government will not going to open the border for students in the months of October still not tell anything about students japan government that why i don't have believed of japan government 😭 I fuck japan government

  7. Estoy muy feliz porque pronto podremos entrar a Japón para poder continuar con nuestros estudios

  8. Thank you Davide, Ms Yamamoto and the team of Educationisnottourism for all your work. You achieved so much these past weeks. I wish every day to wake up with good news… stay strong guys 💛!

  9. of course I don't know any of these political figures in Japan, but the people the women spoke to, what real power do they have to make any real push into getting students into the country? just curious.

  10. Hi Davide, thanks for the update. Do we know what was said on the meeting on the 22nd about easing border restrictions?

  11. Thank you for the effort. Hope the border will be open soon for international students!