
#ijiranaidenagatoro #season2 #2ndattack

#senpai #nagatoro


  1. Ive heard all kinds of waifu noises, but that squeel was precious…
    Like, Kaguya (love is war) levels of kawaii

  2. What I love the most about Oneetoro is even if she seems annoying, she is actually hinting to Nagatoro that her Senpai is in fact in love with her.
    In few words, she is providing her precious information.

  3. Dude has to own it to make her feel embarrased why are mc like this man lmaoo

  4. これは最高ですし、好きですし、イジらないで、長瀞さんのキャラクターも最高ですし、好きです。

  5. 成る程、長瀞のウザさは遺伝だったか。という事は長瀞父か長瀞母(もしくは両方)がウザい感じでそれがこの姉妹に不幸にも遺伝してしまったという訳か🤣