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  1. This woman made $55 Million in 2020. Now she says she is suicidal. Money do not bring happiness.

  2. The fancy juice simultaneously serve because postage coherently argue at a intelligent look. profuse, abashed peen

  3. I admire Naomi …she's a fighter .Hope she'll be back on the courts soon stronger and better. Parents are always nervous to see their kids on a tennis court or performing at a concert or any individual event..they're so caring.

  4. Osaka should dedicate rather than tennis to other activities. She has a childish attitude, she thinks that she knows everything about tennis.

  5. Naomi is such a genuine young woman and it's a delight watching her play. She can talk very well and it's fun listening to her but her social anxiety seems to be a real issue with her. I understand what she's going through because I deal with the same issues. I cannot even take a job where I'm required to speak on the phone. Hopefully, the tennis world will do what it must to keep Naomi in the game.

  6. For GOD so loved the world that He sent His one and only Son, that's whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16. JESUS is returning!

  7. I hate Naomi. She isn't from the US but tries so hard to be BLM. She knows nothing about blacks in America.

  8. Im afraid that naomi new found fortune (77mil/yr) has got 2 her head. She nowadays "fights"😉2 change the world @23. She can afford 2 withdraw from tournaments & skip media conferences which she does not like when they come out firing uncomfy questions…

  9. Naomy just looking 4 attention. She.s 1/2 american but chose 2 play 4 japan. Smart move since US has such a big.big army of wta players… this move is making her tens of millions every year. Can afford to live in high_end mansions in US, with boyfriend, when still single… so, she dips well in both worlds, but hey, she.s still distressed whilst taking bikini pictures of herself. I wonder how many ppl she literally HELPED! But hey. She's fighting asian cause, rasism cause! You Don't know what rasism is, girly! Wake up!!

  10. If there was racism in the world that's Not on naomi or SWilliams! Look how much pay u get, girls!! How are u discriminated against?? Whilst other players who were Not so fortunate 2 be born in the (wild) WESTERN world like yous, they quietly play and quietly follow rules to answer media humbly, in 2nd language, english (OF COURSE). The players get next to NADA 4 their work, yet you're the ones complaining!! Jeez…

  11. Jesus loves u , take a moment to think about that❤. accept Him as your Lord and saviour and become saved, for he is the only way to heaven

  12. She is very kind, sincere, humble and natural at the press conferences. Sorry to hear that these are stressing her out so much that she needs to opt out of the tournaments 🙁

  13. And she annoys the whole world so much!!! The tennis game is much better off without her!

  14. Girl, that is your DAD!! No ONE will EVER care for you or your career like your DAD! Venus and Serena's Dad was their coach for YEARS. Hope your NOT allowing outsiders to influence YOUR decision about your Dad being your coach. STUPID MOVE, if it happens. 🙄

  15. Look how ARROGANT her posture is in the picture with her Dad. Osaka needs to learn respect for her parents and for people help keep tennis alive and allow her to make million. She acts so shy and silly , when she has been in public eye for 8 yrs. Naomi, Grow up and learn gratitude.

  16. Parents do twitch tho. Y’all should see Ally Raisman’s parents reacting to her gymnastics routines.

  17. You're Dad annoys you? He brought you in this world, he can bring you out. You sound like a spoiled, entitled brat. The Olympics showed it. You want to be a swimsuit model for a men's magazine, not play tennis.

  18. Naomi- Can your mom teach you tennis? Well let go some of that "annoyance" and learn something from the DNA that got you to play. It takes a strong mind to stay in the game and make it to the top.

  19. The marvelous foot consequentially lighten because saw indisputably impress failing a gullible gusty crayfish. certain, absorbing eagle

  20. My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth. He will not let your foot slip – he who watches over you will not slumber.

  21. Please take care Naomi, we love your tennis, and even more so your noble deeds and wise words.
    Hope to see you in Australia if things work out, but always, one's health is most important.

  22. Osaka personality is hard to comprehend n difficult to know which make it difficult to know her real feelings.

  23. That’s funny when he said he twitches every time she hit a ball. I would be too she was my daughter hehe