#イラスト #アナログイラスト #イラストメイキング #水彩イラスト #illustration #watercolorpainting


  1. Islamic Prohibition in Drawing Cartoon Animation (Living Being) So, all of you Muslims must know about this Prohibition, (or maybe some don't know yet…?) OK, here's the hadith.

    •"from [Ibn Abbas] he said, 'Rasulullah shallallahu 'alaihi wasallam said:

    "Whoever makes a picture, then on the Day of Judgment he will be tortured until he breathes a soul into the picture, even though he will not be able to." (HR Nasai no. 5624)"

    bro, don't you guys read carefully "He will be tortured until he breathes a soul into the image, even though he will not be able to." this means doom forever, eternal in hell forever.

    Drawing animate creatures is also one of the branches of shirk (associating partners with Allah) in terms of competing Allah in creating creatures.

    and very often we hear that Allah DOESN'T FORGIVE the sin of shirk (meaning that at the reckoning it is not forgiven, but in the world it is forgiven if you repent)

    No matter how much they argue about the meaning of this ban, going back and forth about takwil here and there, or this ustad's opinion…

    But actually the hadith is very clear, right? this is not just about statue, and not only for worship (meaning those who are afraid the image being worshiped) based on this audition of hadith

    "I heard the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam say:

    "Allah 'azza wajalla said; Who is more unjust than the one who "creates like My creation"

    means "Create as I create"

    and God's prohibition to make pictures by threatening to blow the spirit not because of the image, worshiped besides Him but because those people compete Allah in create being so that it is challenged to breathe in the spirit

    Don't narrow your life with excuses,

    "I don't have any hobbies other than drawing" "I'm already talented here" "already have a lot of followers"


    Insya Allah, if you leave something because of Allah, Allah will replace it with something better.

    "Isn't Allah's earth wide, so you can emigrate on that earth?" (annisa: 97)

    "And whoever migrated (hijrah) of Allah, surely they will get this earth migration wide and (provision) a lot." (annisa: 100)

    "Indeed, if you leave something because of Allah, surely Allah will give you something better" (hr.ahmad)

  2. あのね凄すぎなのよ🙍


  3. もうCGはいらない、全てこの人に描いてほしい。と思えるような作品が目白押しなので是非他の投稿も見てほしい。

  4. この人が全力を出すと誰も超えられないほどの美しい絵が完成するのをみんなは知っているかな?

  5. 映画を観ましたが、とても素晴らしかったので、この絵を見て思い出したので、もう一度観てみようと思いました。