【対談】アリ・アスター監督×芸人こがけん 「アリ・アスター好き」芸人として単独インタビュー敢行! 映画『ボーはおそれている』公開記念

E hi hi hi nice to meet you nice to meet you I’m a kak Japanese comedian oh good yeah good nice to meet you nice to meet You I’m visiting my mother tomorrow I hit you with my car why I know your adventures will continue for years and years all come true Channel 78 always [Applause] Watching thank you Yeah I want to see your read my note Uh probably although I’m I I wasn’t I’m not not totally aware of what those changes were in how people perceived my work um I can say that the success of hereditary and Midsummer gave me the the um opportunity to make something bigger and more ambitious um and so Bo was afraid was me

Kind of cashing the check that I received for for those first two movies doing well and I kind of knew that if I didn’t do Bo as afraid now I might never be able to cuz it’s such a strange film um and it’s a it’s it’s a big departure

And the way I was putting it was that I had a lot of Goodwill from those first two films so Bo was afraid was me setting that on fire uh and and doing whatever the I wanted to do um and so uh I was very free in the way that I

Thought about B and the way that I made it uh I’m very proud of it yeah oh I I might never be able to make a film like that again So thank You well I was very inspired by could bu uh my uh experience at um just watching Kabuki for the first time uh my last trip to to Japan so first of all it was just it was just inspiring in general that I I I I I was shocked by the the

Colors and the discipline of the actors and the music and the the strangeness of it um and and the even the theater was one of the most beautiful theaters I’d ever seen um and I knew that I had a a big play scene coming up in B was afraid

And so I I used that jolt of inspiration to uh just fuel me as I uh built the scene out um but there’s also uh a scene where Wen Phoenix is walking away from something very traumatic and he has an expression on his face and in the script it says that

He was that he’s in a days um and then Wen said what what else can it be be besides a days we’ve seen this before um and I said okay and then I I showed him a couple images to um as examples of of of Expressions we could play with um one

Was actually an image of nakad and in Ron um but then I I showed him um one f one photo of a kabuki actor making a very extreme I’m a very extreme expression and and that and and that was the the expression we landed on and it’s in the

Film but uh and on this trip uh this last trip to Japan I was just in Kyoto and I saw a no play and that was really really inspiring as Well that’s right yeah it is a comedy it’s a dark comedy ah dark comedy yeah yeah for For It’s very hard to explain um yeah it’s it’s very I mean you know right cuz you’re a comedian that the the the best way to destroy a joke is to explain it um and the mechanics of a joke tend to kind of form themselves I mean it’s

Really just our humor guiding us right um and so the mechanics of a joke form themselves and you execute it to the best of your ability but for me it’s very hard there there’s no structure that I’m really aware of and there’s no uh there’s no methodology

Um I find a lot lot of things in Midsummer to be very funny uh and there are some things in in in hereditary that I find funny um and all the way through the making of bow I was really just trying to make myself laugh with all the

Details um I would say if there is a Trope in the film it’s it’s one of setting up a situation where things could go wrong in several ways but then it goes wrong in a much worse way um but then the other trick was that

I I I see the film as being very sad as well and I wanted to make a film that becomes more and more sad but never stops being funny so I hope the film is funny all the way through even as it becomes darker all He was like holding his breath throughout the last final 10 minutes of the film Um it was it’s not hard to come up with worst case scenarios because my my brain does that on its own um I I am a very anxious person uh I’m very I’m always worried about the consequences of Any Given choice and it prevents me from making choices easily

Even if it just even if the choice is just what will I have for lunch I get stuck on that because I think well what if what if this happens what if that happens um and uh but what makes me most anxious um I couldn’t even decide what makes me

Most anxious because there’s so many things um even doing press makes me very anxious having to uh speak in front of a camera how how like right now I’m wondering is my shirt weird right now is it is it do I need to pull do I I’ve

Done this a couple times cuz I don’t know and and I’m I’m stuck in my head so I’m listening to you speak but at the same time I’m wondering if I should have tucked my shirt in should I stand up and adjust my shirt should I adjust my

Pants why did I even bother getting out of Bed sadly NE I just uh are are there any interesting stories about happy families there there probably are seen a couple I’ve seen a couple that I really that I really enjoy but uh I I find that you know typically the The View taken of the family unit especially in Hollywood is one

Of uh you know Harmony and it’s a place that is safe and it’s a place where you can be yourself and it’s a it’s a Haven from the the cold world right that you can escape the coldness and harshness of the world through your family but the family you’re born into

Is the family you’re stuck with and there’s a lot of obligation that comes with that and there’s a lot of um there’s a lot of uh pain associated with that and and um because you can’t choose who your family is you can choose you can choose the family you create but you can’t

Choose the family you’re born into I think that’s a great uh that’s great fod for drama because who what what what what happens when you don’t get along what happens when the the D the dynamic is not harmonious it’s very hard to achieve Harmony I would say it’s more

Likely that you won’t than that you will um so these are things that interest Me thank you very much thank you thank you thank you very nice to meet you





#アリアスター #ボーはおそれている #こがけん

WACOCA: People, Life, Style.