


  1. ネビンは大谷を我が子の様に可愛がっていて気にしている感じがする。最後の握手が感動しました。本当に優しい人ですね。

  2. ネビンさんも、マドンさんも

  3. ネビン元監督の息子さんタイラーネビンがドジャース招待選手でキャンプに参加しているかも?

  4. 怪しい判定をする審判に、血管が浮き出るくらい激昂し抗議をしてくれて、試合中のアベマとかのチャット欄では「ネビン、血圧上がるぞ」とか、血管切れないか皆心配してたり(笑)懐かしいです。

  5. Shohei, how are you? 👋 It's been a while but I've been following you and watching you everyday and everywhere in my life. I was so happy when I saw your smile and happy face at Dodgers training camp. As time goes by, you will be the Main Character and FACE of the DODGERS TEAM. I've been praying for your happiness and peace in your heart ❤ and I want to tell you that you have to study why you hit better when you are pitching. You always hit much better when you are pitching on the mound. Especially this season, you will only hit without pitching so I hope you study hard and find out the way you maintain your batting like when you are pitching. I kept thinking it's because of your mentality of your play. It's because of the URGENCY in your mind, Alertness, FOCUSING of the game and also Fighting Spirit in your mind on the game you are pitching. I understand you couldn't sleep at night when you were pitching because of your Alertness and High Tension on your body and mentality. This season, you must focus and study how you maintain your ALERTNESS and FOCUSING and HIGH TENSION on your batting every game. If you find the way, you will have another new level of batting history in your baseball career and MLB history. I will keep supporting and praying for you to find out the way through Almighty GOD. SHOHEI FIGHTING !!! 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

  6. Shohei, how are you? 👋 It's been a while but I've been following you and watching you everyday and everywhere in my life. I was so happy when I saw your smile and happy face at Dodgers training camp. As time goes by, you will be the Main Character and FACE of the DODGERS TEAM. I've been praying for your happiness and peace in your heart ❤ and I want to tell you that you have to study why you hit better when you are pitching. You always hit much better when you are pitching on the mound. Especially this season, you will only hit without pitching so I hope you study hard and find out the way you maintain your batting like when you are pitching. I kept thinking it's because of your mentality of your play. It's because of the URGENCY in your mind, Alertness, FOCUSING of the game and also Fighting Spirit in your mind on the game you are pitching. I understand you couldn't sleep at night when you were pitching because of your Alertness and High Tension on your body and mentality. This season, you must focus and study how you maintain your ALERTNESS and FOCUSING and HIGH TENSION on your batting every game. If you find the way, you will have another new level of batting history in your baseball career and MLB history. I will keep supporting and praying for you to find out the way through Almighty GOD. SHOHEI FIGHTING !!! 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

  7. ネビンさん、大谷選手のこと大好きなんですよね😊大谷選手の1号ホームラン⚾見れたネビンさん安心したのでは😊👍

  8. お世話になった方々に、「元気に回復しています❗️」という報告が出来て本当に良かったですね\(^o^)/

  9. 会えて嬉しくもあり、心配でもあり! ネビンさん元気な姿見れて良かったですね~😊  この2人の姿見てじ~んとしてます!

  10. ネビンもマドンもあのオーナーとフロントに振り回されて自分の思うチーム作りが出来ず可哀想だった。ネビンが握手した手を離そうとしない姿に何だか切ない気持ちになる。

  11. ちゃんと最後にはネビンさんに挨拶して引き上げるところ、普通と言えば普通なんですけどなんか安心します

  12. ネビン監督どうしてるんだろと思って調べてた。どっかの番組でコメントしてたの一つくらいしか見つけられなかった。




  13. 良い関係です😊コーチの時から変わらず息子のように大谷くんに接してくれてましたね😊

  14. ネビンさんがこうやって現れるってことは、大谷くんとの関係性は良かったんですね。なんかホッとします。

  15. ネビンさんの正面からの映像


  16. エンゼルス時代、大谷がバッターの時に審判が完全なボール玉をストライク判定した時、顔をゆでダコのようにしてネビン監督抗議してたな~もちろん退場させられてたけど。
