中村航輔は名前も顔も知らなくてもすぐに分かった / もっている選手ともっていない選手 / 指導者と選手の上下はない(南雄太)

Is Yuta going to cherry blossom viewing? Are you cherry blossom viewing? I got a question all of a sudden, so I was wondering why we were going to see the flowers. I’m going. I couldn’t go because of the coronavirus, but I’m going to go. Omiya Park

Is amazing with cherry blossoms. I went there last year, so I guess I went to see the cherry blossoms. Where do you look when you do that? picture? Where do you look at the whole thing? It seems like everything is retreating.Yuta ‘s gaze was on top right now, right?

Someone once told me that no one who looks at the roots of this cherry blossom tree in full bloom has ever seen me during cherry blossom viewing . When the cherry blossoms are in full bloom, everyone looks up and everyone looks at the petals, and they

Look at them and think, Wow, that’s amazing, but they don’t care about the roots.The bottom line is that the important things are hidden in the places where you can’t see them.

I understand that Yuta was a goalkeeper with a real aura, such as his preparation for a shot, the way he communicated, his voice, etc., but aura is something you ca n’t really see. Isn’t it? Mr. Sugano, who has become able to see things that cannot be seen, is also small in size, but

The goal mouth looks small, and when he stands on the pitch or in front of the goal, he looks big. That’s what the players say. Shouldn’t it? It’s like you can see things you can’t see, especially when it comes to goalkeepers.What do you think about the goalkeepers you’re facing ? When asked,

The first thing I focus on is the atmosphere.When you’re standing there, it’s the way you act and the way you feel, even though you’re 105 meters away, it feels natural . No, I didn’t look at him and say, “Ah,” but I just looked at him and thought, “Ah, that goalkeeper atmosphere seems to

Be Kosuke Nakamura.” I really felt that atmosphere.I haven’t played with Kosuke-kun. When I was at Kashiwa Reysol, I was in junior high school and (Kosuke was in training), so I went to watch him practice once, and I heard that

There was a great goalkeeper among the junior high school students. When I was listening to Reysol, their ground was next to the top one, and they happened to be playing it when I was there, so I thought I’d go check it out,

But I didn’t know anyone, so I went to watch it, and I caught a glimpse of GK practicing on the ground. As soon as I saw it, I knew it was Kosuke Nakamura.Of course, I wasn’t wrong.I thought it was him , and of course the way he played, it felt like

He was standing under the goal. But it’s not that he looks different from other goalkeepers , or that he’s emitting that aura that Mr. Sawamura mentioned earlier, but that kind of thing does exist, and that’s what I was allowed to face and play against Yuta . Of course, I was a coach, but

I was with Roasso Kumamoto and played against Yokohama FC a few times.Of course, our staff analyzed the goalkeeper as well, so we watched videos of Yuta and of course asked about his personality. Thank you very much. I think that’s the best compliment. I’m happy. Maybe we should end it here. I was just

Kidding, but I was warming up for my team while my opponent was playing. Of course, I’m also researching the opposing goalkeeper, such as what conditions the kicker is kicking the ball in today , but I can tell you now that I’m probably not going to score points.Of course I’ll just

Watch them warm up.Until then. He has had a diverse career, so we see him come out of his locker during warm-ups, enter the pitch, and greet the fans and supporters , but I didn’t know that’s what we were seeing . If you’re a goalkeeper coach, you’ll probably understand that.If

The goalkeeper had a lot of fumbles today, try giving the attacking team a shot, even from a distance.On the other hand, if you kick in an easy ball,

It’ll give you a chance to counter. I was also in charge of telling the press kicker that it would be better to remove the goalkeeper, so when are you going to watch him? After all, isn’t it uploaded? When other goalkeepers or your own team’s goalkeepers are up and

Absorbing water, you take a quick look, and when you kick a cross ball, you change your position.I didn’t know that the goalkeeper coach looked at you at that time.Just in case. They told me to keep it wide, so I lined up and

Saw that he was 185-186cm tall and looked like this, but I knew he was going to be on the pitch.When you put on the uniform and stand on the mouse, the goal looks small and the goalkeeper looks big. I felt like he was so great that

Even if I wanted to, I wouldn’t be able to. After Kumamoto, you went to Yokohama FC. How many years did you play for Yokohama FC? I’ve been at Yokohama FC for 7 and a half years, which is quite a long time.Yokohama FC is also a long time when you think about it.I

Was the goalkeeping coach at Roasso Kumamoto when Yuta was at Yokohama FC, and we played against him a few times. However, for the first time in a game , I was able to watch Yuta standing in the goal mouth from the bench , so I was researching the opposing goalkeeper and placekicker, and

I can tell you now that we didn’t score a single point today. He’s been played in Roasso quite a bit, but he has an aura where he can see the invisible.Whether or not he can create an atmosphere is really up to the goalkeeper.That ‘s important, and of course it’s

Something that can be refined through practice, but it’s something that comes out over time. I don’t know, but is there something you’re born with ? I think there are some people who try to do as much as they can , but I can’t say much about goalkeepers who make good saves

Because I’m in the position of a goalkeeper, but I often say that they do or don’t have the fear of being beaten. Roughly speaking, it comes down to “I have it” and “I don’t have it.” Did you think that you had it after all? I thought that I was good at games,

But I probably practiced normally, like shooting drills. I don’t think he’s a very good goalkeeper , but he can deal with things that happen in a game, and in a game, there are 11 people and the opponent is also 11 people, so he has to

Figure out how to move people around to protect himself. When it comes to defending with just one person , I’m probably not that important at all, so in a game like that, for example , I think one of the best parts of the game is preventing chances before they happen,

So I go up and head the cross. I thought that one of my strengths was being able to take a cross and prevent the opponent’s shot from going in, so being good at games is one of the things that gives me confidence. In today’s soccer world, what is required of a goalkeeper is,

Of course, that he has to be good on his feet, as well as techniques and skills to protect the goal mouth.But I really feel the same way about Yuta. I think the current state of soccer is that the number of field players who can express leadership

, who can give encouragement, and especially who can give encouragement, is decreasing considerably. I think it’s a position that you have to be in. I often think that if it was 1/11, the goalkeeper’s uniform color should be the same

, but the goalkeeper is the only one whose uniform color is different because of the people who created soccer. I think the people who were given the goalkeeper position must have had different thoughts, and it’s deep. I guess they never thought about it that much.

I think it’s okay if the uniforms are the same color. Being able to use your hands is one thing , so I think it’s the only position, and I think he’s one of the goalkeepers who embodies that unique position, so it would be great if he could also become a coach and

Develop other goalkeepers like that. He wore the captain’s armband, played many games in Yokohama, was loved by fans and supporters, and then went to Omiya Ardija, his last club, but it was only two and a half years, but Omiya was in the toughest situation. I originally thought that

Omiya was a club that was in J1 and not a club that would be in J2, but that’s why I transferred because I wanted to help them get back to where they belong . In the end , we were demoted to J3 this year

After fighting to stay in the competition for three years in a row, so I feel a lot of responsibility.To be honest, I felt that we lacked the ability to change the flow both on and off the pitch.I wanted to show my sympathy to Yuta. I was also allowed to go, but

I think it’s only natural that Yuta Minami, who has the same Achilles tendon injury, had high hopes for how things would turn out from here, and I also thought that he would fade out. However , in reality, he made a comeback and was not praised by fans and supporters, but

Of course he has records, but I think he is a player who is also remembered, but what was it like when you tore your Achilles tendon? I’ve never had any major injuries, never been hospitalized or had surgery, so I wonder if that’s the case? I have never been hospitalized or had surgery

Since I was a child, before I started playing soccer , so if I look at it the other way around, I played until this age, so if I had quit in my 40s, I would have ended up with nothing, and this kind of experience is what will help me in the future.

I later wondered if it was a good thing when I thought about life, but did you think that kind of mentality came from playing the goalkeeper position ? Or did you learn that kind of thinking from soccer? Basically, I’m quite positive, so I live my life thinking that everything will work out somehow.However

, when I tore my Achilles tendon, I thought it might be tough.I can’t imagine myself playing soccer, so I can’t live my life. mosquito? That’s why I couldn’t imagine soccer. Before soccer, I wondered if I could walk properly or jump, and I was scared of jumping, right? You can’t imagine it anymore, right?

I can’t imagine it at all. I can’t defy gravity. I wonder if I’ll ever be able to jump or go down the stairs. I’m so skeptical about everything . At first I couldn’t even think about how things would turn out like this in soccer, so I started learning

How to walk properly. At first, I couldn’t do things like stand up so I could run properly, so in that sense , I thought it was wonderful that so many things are taken for granted.Having that experience will help me for the rest of my life.

It was a time when I felt an even greater sense of gratitude for the people around me, who will definitely help me.Yuta just said thank you to the doctors who performed the surgery, the trainers who did the rehabilitation, the team staff, and the goalkeeper coach. Thanks to a lot of people, including him

, he was able to return to the pitch and put in a good performance, which I personally think is amazing.When I think of the people around him, for example, he watched this video. Some of you are soccer coaches, parents , and everyone who surrounds the players, including the sport of soccer.What

Do you think of Yuta? I am the person I am today because of all the coaches, fans, supporters, and parents who have helped me so far.If you have any stories like this, please let me know.There is no doubt that there are many people who have been involved. But as I said earlier,

It’s very easy to put it into words, but having a feeling of gratitude is the most important thing.I’ve been a professional for 26 years, and that’s what I feel most about. Sometimes those around you help you, and

Sometimes you are helped by those around you, and it would probably be a good thing if both those playing soccer and those teaching soccer could respect each other and have a sense of gratitude. I think it can be done, and when a feeling of gratitude is lost,

There are various things like power harassment, but I think that if both parties lack a sense of gratitude, it becomes unbalanced, and that’s what happens . I think things will go well if you always treat yourself with feelings, and there’s no hierarchy ; it doesn’t matter if you’re a coach and you

‘re a coach, or if a player is subordinate to you and you’re a coach. That’s the case with anything, and I tend to make it myself that way. For example, in youth soccer, the coach is the boss, and of course there is a position,

So I think it can’t be helped that there is a hierarchical relationship, but in the heart of the world , since the other person is a child, there is no respect or gratitude. For example, if you are a teacher, you

Won’t be able to teach if you don’t have children, no matter how much you want to teach them.In that sense, it’s the children who are making the most of themselves, and if you have that kind of feeling, the way you interact with them will change. I think that it

Doesn’t matter where you are in the world or what your position is, something is extremely necessary.If you have that feeling, you will become richer.When I was young, I didn’t have that feeling of gratitude. There was a time when I had the misconception that I was amazing, but that

Wasn’t the case, and the people around me were making the most of me, and when I forgot to be grateful for that, I ended up receiving a lot of things back from myself. It’s a very simple part of being a human being, but it’s something that we tend to forget,

But I think it’s the most important part.I think it’s the gratitude we give to coaches, parents, players, and our own children . I think that if you approach things with empathy, things will go well.From what I’ve heard, we are in the world of goalkeepers, so

There are some similarities with goalkeepers’ basic techniques, basic movements, and correct positioning.I think it’s the basics. However , this is something that is surprisingly often forgotten , and I think that if everyone could have this, the Japanese soccer world would become even better.Lastly

, as part of the Footballcoach project, I begged Yuta Minami to speak with him. I was a big fan because of that , so I was asked to talk to you today about how you were the kind of player you were because you were

The kind of person you were.You were loved by the fans and supporters.I really understood that the team entrusted you with the captain’s armband. I enjoyed listening to Yuta’s story today even more than the people watching the video.I wish Yuta all the best in his future endeavors, so I hope

We can work together again.Japan ‘s goalkeeper I would love to have you do that type of work that will help you improve your skills.

▼ チャンネル登録・高評価をお願いします

▼ 動画概要
#Jリーグ 通算666試合出場は、GKとしての #歴代最多出場 記録。2023シーズン、惜しまれつつ現役を引退した #南雄太 。彼が人生で最も成長できたと語るのは #柏レイソル で出場機会に恵まれなかった2年間。自身の価値観を変えた #人生のターニングポイント とは?


▼ 前編
大きい先を見る目標は立てない / 菅野孝憲にレギュラーを奪われ変わった価値観 / 一喜一憂しない(南雄太)

▼ 中編
どのクラブでもキャプテンを任された理由 / 柏の子供は雄太の背中を見て育つ / 身体能力ではなく頭で勝負したサッカー人生(南雄太)

▼ 後編
中村航輔は名前も顔も知らなくてもすぐに分かった / もっている選手ともっていない選手 / 指導者と選手の上下はない(南雄太)

▼ 目次
00:00 ダイジェスト
01:24 名GKたちの共通点
10:47 現役最後のクラブでの日々
12:43 人生最大の怪我を経験して
15:46 サッカー人生で得た学び

▼ 特別サイトで全ての映像番組を公開中

▼ #南雄太
1979年9月30日生まれ、神奈川県出身。元プロサッカー選手。#ヴェルディ の下部組織から #静岡学園高校 に進み、#全国高校サッカー選手権 で優勝。高校生ながらU-20日本代表にも選出され、ワールドユースでは正GKとして準優勝に貢献。1998年に#柏レイソル でプロデビューを飾り、2009年に退団。その後は #ロアッソ熊本 、#横浜FC 、#大宮アルディージャ でプレーし、2023年12月に現役を引退。#Jリーグ 通算666試合出場は、GKとしての #歴代最多出場 記録。

▼ #澤村公康
GKアカデミー「 #ゴーリースキーム 」代表
#サンフレッチェ広島 、#ロアッソ熊本 、#なでしこジャパン などでGKコーチを歴任。
指導者の駆け出しを大津高校で過ごし、#平岡和徳 総監督を恩師として慕う。#シュミットダニエル や #大迫敬介 など日本代表GKをはじめとするプロ選手や指導者を多く輩出。現在は、小学生から大学生までの毎月200 – 300人のGK指導に携わる。

▼ Footballcoach(フットボールコーチ)とは?
サッカーを切り口とした人生に役立つ新たな視点をお届けする共育メディアです。 ビジネス、子育てに活かせるヒントを、サッカーを題材に映像コンテンツとして配信しています。 サッカー界で活躍するプロ選手、指導者、そして経営者などの経験が詰まった学びコンテンツをお届けします。

▼ その他、SNSでも情報発信中



  1. JリーグのレジェンドGKが語る、GKに必要な『見えないもの』。



  2. 先日とあるJクラブの選手に撮影させて頂くのに、選手たちが泊まるホテルに滞在させてもらいました。



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