This movie is starting to grow on me after my 3rd watch. Here is the storyboard and I’m sure some of you got this from Amazon.


  1. If anyone knows how to get the storyboard book of the Boy and the Heron other than ordering it on Amazon Japan, please chime in. I don't have a clue. Thx!

  2. The storyboards ofHayao Miyazaki’s Films are drawn by only Hayao Miyazaki.
    In Japan, most directors make storyboards themselves.
    This is a Japanese animations’ feature.
    His brain is infinite.

  3. When I was watching this film I was getting the feeling that the characters in this film were somehow deeply connected to Miyazaki-sensei’s personal life.

    Later after I watched the movie I reflected back on all the emotions, characters, and themes that were present throughout the film, and I became lost on what the main lesson of the story was…

    I wanted to know it. To know why Miyazaki-Sensei was so resolute on calling this his last film. I wanted to come to a conclusion on my own.

    Then about 2 or 1 week ago (I can’t remember) I came across a video detailing how Boy and the Heron was Miyazaki’s most personal movie ever. I didn’t watch it. I still want to come to a resolution on my own terms. I’m going to contemplate the meaning of this film till the day I die.

  4. 真人くんが一生懸命積み上げた積み木を、大叔父様、神を象徴する存在が見つめ周りの圧力によって崩すべきか悩んでいる姿。いつしむような目で眺めながら。真人くんが間違った選択を神様にしたにも関わらず、恵みによって残されたピースは4つに増えていた。🍎聖霊に象徴される少女が抱擁によって送り出すと無数の扉によって表出される涅槃の世界へと送り出される。🍎