#이태원클라쓰OST #Sondia #우린_친구뿐일까

“사실은 말이야… 새로이야…
너는 나한테… 항상… 지나치게 빛나…” – 오수아
“디펜스!!” – 조이서

거침없는 열풍을 이어가고 있는 ‘이태원 클라쓰’의 일곱 번째 OST가 공개됐다.

JTBC 드라마 ‘이태원 클라쓰’는 메가 히트를 기록한 웹툰 원작의 선명한 스토리를 바탕으로 촘촘하게 더해진 등장인물들의 서사와 인생 캐릭터를 그려내고 있는 배우들의 열연으로 신드롬급 열풍을 일으키고 있는 드라마로 이번 공개되는 OST에는 두 곡의 가창 곡 ‘우린 친구뿐일까’, ‘Maybe’와 스코어 곡 ‘Defence’가 수록되어 있다.

매력적인 음색의 Sondia가 참여한 ‘우린 친구뿐일까’는 누구보다 새로이(박서준)를 응원하지만 현실을 외면할 수 없었던 극 중 인물 수아(권나라)의 이야기를 담은 노래로 새로이를 향한 수아의 미안함과 애틋한 마음을 섬세하고 절제된 감성으로 들려주는 곡이다. 이 곡의 영어 버전인 ‘Maybe’는 할로윈 데이를 배경으로 그려졌던 새로이와 수아의 아름다운 한때를 장식하며 시청자들에게 깊은 인상을 남긴 바 있다.

또 다른 수록곡 ‘Defence’는 그루비한 디스코 사운드의 스코어 곡으로 수아의 키스를 손으로 막아내는 장면 등에 삽입되며 극 중 인물 이서(김다미)의 당찬 캐릭터를 뒷받침하는 곡이다.


‘우린 친구뿐일까’
Lyrics by 서동성
Composed by 박성일
Arranged by 박성일
Vocal Sondia
Piano 박성일
Programming 박성일, 엉클샘

Lyrics by Sondia, Miriam
Composed by 박성일
Arranged by 박성일
Vocal Sondia
Piano 박성일
Programming 박성일, 엉클샘

Composed by 박성일, FRAKTAL
Arranged by 박성일, FRAKTAL
Scat 이현
Guitar 엉클샘
Synthesizer 박성일
Programming 박성일, FRKTAL

Music Director 박성일
Vocal Director 엉클샘

Marketing Planning 이민지, 김민정
Music Video Edited by 김현정, 박진영
Distributor 이민지, 박경민

Recorded & Mixed by 박무일 at Studio Curiosity
Mastered by 권남우 at 821 Sound Mastering

Album Producer 구교철
Executive Producer ㈜블렌딩

[#] Vlending은 MV, 드라마OST를 유통 하는 공식 채널입니다.
[#] Vlending is an official channel distributing MV, drama series soundtracks.

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Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/vlending
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  1. Should've putted Sooah and Saeryoi together instead of Yi Seo like why can't she date that other dude from Extra Circular like why. Bitch should've not met Saeryoi. Blocking the kiss is a bitch move saying no consent bro the bitch just saw saeyori leaning in to kiss her my fucking gahh but nice k drama i didn't even finish after hearing that sooah doesn't get with saeryoi

  2. Sebernarnya dia mencintai lelaki itu tetapi ia takut akan melukai lelaki itu karna dia sedang tidak berada di pihaknya, dan untuk sekarang dia hanya menahan diri untuk mengikhlaskan dia bersama wanita lain

  3. I feel sad for this character. She was quietly working towards a goal she's set out to years ago, and achieved it in the end. Saeroyi never had faith in her though. It's easy to dismiss what she did for all those years as only motivated by her own self-interest, but she actually had principles and her own way of execution. Her flaw, I'd say, would be that she couldn't ask for help; how could she? It's not anybody's else burden. If anyone was to empathize with or help in her cause it would have been him, but he was busy blinded by his own anger and rough revenge. Saeroyi's character played the long game, but in comparison to Sooah, it's nothing. She played an even longer, colder, quieter game, like a tsunami's force, calm, slow, steady, unstoppable destruction, she was calculated and pierced an infliction of pain from the inside where maximum effectiveness could have been achieved from her position, given her circumstances. All for what, though? She was alone and only had revenge for company, at least and it's a good thing that this character was just fiction, and some of we the viewers acknowledge her hard word and feel that relief for her because we didn't have to wait years. What's worse is she allowed that wretched man to steal the joy from her, in that she probably didn't dare allow herself any joy before first finishing her revenge plot. In the end, revenge never pays off, it will never satisfy by our own hands.

  4. 그냥 친구로 있을 걸
    그럼 지금처럼 널 잃지 않을 수 있었잖아
    너가 날 상종도 안 할 일은.. 없었잖아
    너무해… 정말 너무하다 너

  5. この曲はズルい、、、なんて書き始めるほど当時いや今も続く美しも寂しく心の中を支配される可愛い子に一気に持っていかれる人それぞれ事情があり過ぎてどうしたいいかがわからずでもさあもしこの世の中の摂理道理度外視できるならずっと抱きしめていたい

  6. 今日も1日sayを聴きながら君の事考えたな、、、そんな毎日が愛おしくて締め付けられる心とじっとしてられなくて再び始めたバスケ🏀で汗を流しながら今日を過ごしていたいつか君にこんな姿ではある自分だけど話ができる事心から祈る🙏

  7. 이런게 꿈보다 해몽이요 보고싶은거만 보려고 하는 확증편향의 좋은 예

  8. やっぱりセロイのことを1番分かってるのはスアだよなぁ。