身体能力ではなく思考力で勝負したサッカー人生 / ロアッソ熊本が再生させてくれた / 柏の子供は雄太の背中を見て育つ(南雄太)

I’ve been a goalkeeper coach for about 30 years, and I’ve had experience in all categories from junior to top , but I believe that being a keeper is a position where you grow by playing in games , and I’ve always believed that it’s better for players to

Play in games and gain experience. I’ve been talking to him about it, but I’m a little shocked to hear that he was able to improve and grow during the two years he couldn’t play, but I don’t know why the two years he couldn’t play are quite a long time. However, by accepting the

Situation where the arrow wasn’t pointing towards me, I started hearing other people’s stories and developed a mentality of stealing something from rival players , so I had an inquisitive mind for those two years. This may have been the first time I genuinely wanted to get better.

Things were going well up until that point, but somehow I felt that if there was no substance, the results wouldn’t follow, and then Kanno came along and I couldn’t perform, and through this series of events, I started to feel better. After realizing this, I realized that I wanted to change and become

Better, so I thought that was the best thing I needed to do to improve.There was a moment in my late 20’s when I honestly accepted it. So those two years were big for me, because I tried to imitate Sugano, so what about his play? He’s not just a player,

He’s a stoic guy, and he seems like he’s thinking about soccer 24 hours a day.If I were in my previous role, I wouldn’t have thought to ask him how he eats, how he trains, etc.Of course, I’m also proud of him. Yes, there really wasn’t any of that, and

Regardless of whether he was younger than me, I had a lot of respect for Sugano, and it was easy for me to join in. (Sugano) I feel like he taught me a lot of things . , Yuta became a substitute and was out without being able to protect Kashiwa Reysol’s goal mouth ?

The year I finished playing was the only year in my 26 years as a professional that I did n’t play in a game.I never played in a single league game.If you ask me if this applies to all goalkeepers, it’s definitely better to play in games. I think that’s true, but from my perspective,

The time I wasn’t playing (in games) wasn’t just about the big plays, but also because I was able to train my mental side, and then I was able to play for 14 years (two years). ) It was a big event, and I

Don’t even know if I would have made it to the age of 35 if I had stayed in Kashiwa like that.Looking back, I’m glad that period happened.When was the turning point for all the players and people ? I never thought it would be a shock to hear that

! ? I often hear people say that this event was a turning point for them , but I guess it was at that exact timing that Kashiwa reached the end of their career.In that sense , the two years when I was 29 and 30 were a big time for me.

Did I transfer to the next team thinking that I could still do more ? Or should I embrace the joy of being able to play soccer and somehow express it on the pitch ?I wonder what it would be like to play in a match right now .

At that time, Kumamoto had only been in J2 and had only three years of history, so I also lowered the terms and conditions (of the transfer).If I didn’t express myself like this, it would all be over. I ‘m 30 years old, and I thought that if I

Was on some team for the next 2 to 3 years , as a sub or in 3rd place, that would be the end for me, so I somehow managed to show that Yuta Minami can still do what he does. I wanted to show off

My skills, and I felt like I was getting better, so I had a strong desire to go out and express myself even more.I also worked as a goalkeeping coach at Roasso Kumamoto for four years starting in 2015 . I was on the coaching staff with

Kitajima-kun, who will be the manager in Shinjuku starting next year , and when it comes to goalkeepers, Yuta only talks about Yuta, and here he is talking like this. He tightened up the team like this, so he should tell the goalkeepers more like this.I was just replacing Yuta, so

The timing was wrong, but the assets he left behind in Kumamoto are also good for the team. Fans told me that they wish Yuta would be there among the fans and supporters.It would have been like this if Minami had been the goalkeeper.On the other hand, for me, that was a source of inspiration

And made me want to do my best to raise a good goalkeeper. How many years did you stay in Kumamoto? 4 years full time? I had an injury once, so other than that, I was able to do everything else.After my time at Kashiwa Reysol expired, I realized that

I could do more, and on the contrary, I was just looking forward to it.Were you able to perform like that for four years? It’s a little difficult to say all four years, but for me, the first year was one of the highest performances of my soccer career, and I

Was filled with a lot of things that made me feel fulfilled , and the environment changed, too . From the bottom of my heart, I am glad that I went to Kumamoto, where so many things that I didn’t have when I was at Kashiwa Reysol were fresh and revived.For

Example, as the categories are upgraded, many things are improved, and it’s the opposite. I think it’s normal for things to scale down when the division goes down, but even though I was in the latter category, I was able to perform at a high level. Not only was my body moving, but

I also felt like I was able to organize my head . I think it’s both, but I think that’s a big thing for a goalkeeper.The mental aspect is big , and I really enjoyed my four years in Kumamoto.I love the soccer, the life, and the place called Kumamoto. Even though I

Was only there for four years, I have a lot of fond memories of it.It was a place that regenerated me in many ways, so I still think those four years were a big deal.What was the reaction from the fans and supporters? of? Yuta Minami came from Reysol and Yuta was guarding the goalmouth.As

I was often told, so many people said thank you for coming and I was very surprised.It ‘s rare to say that I’m humbled, but it’s strange. It felt strange at first because he came from below, and I felt like I had to respond to that since he was telling me that.It

May not have been the case, but over the course of my career at Kashiwa Reysol, I felt like I had to respond to that. If you had gone to Kumamoto without 2017 , I wonder how you would have expressed it if the fans and supporters had said something like that to you.

Yes, yes, I understand, I understand. I wonder if it was something like that. I took it for granted. I’m not sure if I would have honestly accepted that as something I’m very thankful for.It means that the humble Yuta Minami is here now.There ‘s talk of Kumamoto’s fans and supporters.

Kashiwa Reysol fans and supporters say that the children of Kashiwa grew up watching Yuta’s back.It ‘s a famous phrase, or rather, it’s amazing.I don’t think there are many players who can say that , but is that true? I think he’s one of the rare players whose feelings were clearly conveyed

To him in that way.It’s been 15 years since Kashiwa Reysol, Roasso Kumamoto, Yokohama FC, and Omiya Ardija . Even though it’s been a while, there are still people who say that, and I’m thankful that there aren’t many words that people remember.When I talk about Yuta,

I often see the children in the training program. I often talk to him about this, but I’m someone who really respects Yuta, and the reason for that is that no matter what team he’s on, I always wonder why he’s the captain, and no matter what game I watch, I

Always have this left-handed guy on his back. Yuta wears an armband and wears the captain’s armband, and of course he’s in the goalmouth position.I’ve never heard anything bad from fans or supporters, and I’m indebted to soccer junky. However, I had heard nothing but good things about Yuta from President Aoki , but

He contacted me several times , maybe 4 or 5 days before he announced his retirement , and told me that he was retiring and that you would know if you watched the news . When I contacted Yuta to say hi and let him shoot this video,

I was like, where is Yuta now? I ‘m at Haneda Airport. Where are we going now? I thought it was time to go on an overseas trip or vacation, but when I heard that I was going to go to Roasso Kumamoto to say hello,

Of course I would go to Kashiwa, Yokohama, and Omiya myself to say hello. I really felt like I was able to accomplish something great. Isn’t everyone doing this? What do you think? I have heard and seen many retired players , but by far I think there are people who are grateful for that

, although Yuta may not feel the same way. But I think it’s really important to be able to communicate through words, letters, or just go and say hello.As athletes grow as goalkeepers, their skills improve and they gain confidence. Some players are enriched with their feelings, ways of thinking, and their mentality and

Mind, and as they improve, their skills are multiplied and their mentality and mind become bigger, and I feel this once again after watching various players. It’s a great learning experience for me because it makes me wonder why Yuta Minami was able to become such a great goalkeeper.Thank you for saying that.Also

, when I was growing up, I took a closer look at Yuta. I would like to say that I have become like this, and I think Yuta will receive offers from various jobs in the future, but I would like to speak out loud in the training field and tell

Him that if he does this in this way, he can become like me and guide him. If I could get it , I’d be in trouble if you didn’t surpass me. It’s really not a big deal, so it’s not a big deal . Yuta, I can say it because

I’m the one who has it. I’ve always thought to myself that I don’t have anything at all. I used to feel envious of the players who have made it this far with their high physical abilities , but that’s why I wonder how they can use their brains, move people, and

How they can move in order to move people. I think I thought about it more than others, so I think that’s what made my career last longer, and I think it was actually a good thing that I didn’t rely solely on my ability ,

But when it comes to going out into the world, physical ability is essential. There are a lot of goalkeepers like Zion who are half-Japanese, and when I see them, I’m really envious of them.Even though they’re that big, they have that much speed and power, which is something I don’t have. So I

Think it’s purely good, but I also think that Zion-kun, whose name has just come up, Schmidt Daniel, Tani-kun, who is working hard overseas, and of course Eiji is doing his best, but he’s blessed with his size, and he’s blessed with I think everyone can see his athletic ability , but

As Yuta mentioned earlier , the invisible things are his way of thinking, his thoughts, and in the case of a goalkeeper, his voice.

▼ チャンネル登録・高評価をお願いします

▼ 動画概要
#Jリーグ 通算666試合出場は、GKとしての #歴代最多出場 記録。2023シーズン、惜しまれつつ現役を引退した #南雄太 。彼が人生で最も成長できたと語るのは #柏レイソル で出場機会に恵まれなかった2年間。自身の価値観を変えた #人生のターニングポイント とは?


▼ 前編

▼ 中編

▼ 後編

▼ 目次
00:00 ダイジェスト
01:02 一番上達を実感した二年間
04:05 悔しさと自信を抱いて移籍
07:39 輝きを取り戻した熊本時代
10:51 どのチームでも信頼される理由

▼ 特別サイトで全ての映像番組を公開中

▼ #南雄太
1979年9月30日生まれ、神奈川県出身。元プロサッカー選手。#ヴェルディ の下部組織から #静岡学園高校 に進み、#全国高校サッカー選手権 で優勝。高校生ながらU-20日本代表にも選出され、ワールドユースでは正GKとして準優勝に貢献。1998年に#柏レイソル でプロデビューを飾り、2009年に退団。その後は #ロアッソ熊本 、#横浜FC 、#大宮アルディージャ でプレーし、2023年12月に現役を引退。#Jリーグ 通算666試合出場は、GKとしての #歴代最多出場 記録。

▼ #澤村公康
GKアカデミー「 #ゴーリースキーム 」代表
#サンフレッチェ広島 、#ロアッソ熊本 、#なでしこジャパン などでGKコーチを歴任。
指導者の駆け出しを大津高校で過ごし、#平岡和徳 総監督を恩師として慕う。#シュミットダニエル や #大迫敬介 など日本代表GKをはじめとするプロ選手や指導者を多く輩出。現在は、小学生から大学生までの毎月200 – 300人のGK指導に携わる。

▼ Footballcoach(フットボールコーチ)とは?
サッカーを切り口とした人生に役立つ新たな視点をお届けする共育メディアです。 ビジネス、子育てに活かせるヒントを、サッカーを題材に映像コンテンツとして配信しています。 サッカー界で活躍するプロ選手、指導者、そして経営者などの経験が詰まった学びコンテンツをお届けします。

▼ その他、SNSでも情報発信中



  1. 在籍したどのクラブのサポーターからも愛される南さんのお人柄がにじみ出る動画でした! いつかどこかのクラブで指導者としてまた戻られる日があるのか?楽しみです

  2. お世話になった方々にちゃんと足を運ぶ。
