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#入国禁止 #入国制限 #日本留学の扉を開く会


  1. Hey Davide, thank you for everything you've done so far, please convey my regards to Yamamoto San too. Its been a while since I commented on your video so fast.

  2. Davide san and Yamamoto san, I hope the government of Japan realizes how much you are doing for the students, businesses, and even the nation. I, with life on pause, make the majority of choices based on your reports and action with strong confidence. Thank you again!

  3. Great job.
    I`m a software engineer working in Japan. I married last year and apply for the dependent visa to my wife. I got the COE after about 3 months. But then border was closed.
    I even changed my apartment to family one. I`m very frustrated. We even pay all the taxes, pension etc. But it seems they don`t care.
    So, It would be great if you can point out my opinion also.

  4. Davide san How you learned japanese ? Did you learn with grammar ?
    I found the grammar too hard please share me with your methods

  5. Im grateful for what you have done davide sir 🙏🏻..you are most helpful person in this situation .. But however im losing hope that japan will open other channels have been saying Japanese government will do nothing they are just too political .. ,😔

  6. David There are no words to thank you for all this you do for us.

  7. I appreciate very much all you do, and the effort to help student to be permitted to pursue their study in Japan. Wish we have good news soon.

  8. いつもありがとうございます!協力したら、状況を変えられる気がします!だから、一緒に頑張りましょう!

  9. Davidekun! Please rename the video, the information is so important, i was almost going to miss it! If not just for pure interest if there was any additional info, i stayed to watch.

  10. My daughter (mext student) finally heard from University! She has to do health report for next 14 days and they said they are working to bring students to Japan! She started class online, Japan time (we're in CA) on 10/01. Hopefully this means she'll be in Japan very soon!!

  11. I feel like Japan government and Japanese language schools rob The money of students because online class all of time but the still keep the school fee as the same before.The have no any policy for this situation 🥲😃😅 What we have learned can’t use because we are still staying in our country