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#入国禁止 #入国制限 #日本留学の扉を開く会


  1. English and Japanese captions are avaialbile on Youtube!

  2. I am so happy about these news, I hope we can enter Japan in October since the classes are starting soon

  3. Ty for your effort davide. Lets stay positive. Hopefully there will be a good news after the election.

  4. If you remember on the last event Mr. Nakagawa (if i'm not mistaken) said that before opening the border for students the government needs to explain to the people how important the students for the country and how the government will handle the new entry safely.. And our issue finally being covered in NHK TV program which is for me it's a good sign that the government do what Mr. Nakagawa said.. Remember that NHK is a government's own media company.. From now on we have to stop saying that the government doesn't care or doesn't aware of our situation.. If they doesn't care then why PM Suga clearly said that he will consider the new entry for student during his yesterday's press conference? Although the date still unclear but the end of this suffer is near.. We have to keep positive and throw away our negative mind 🙂

    Note: Some of us has been contacted by schools and universities to start preparing for visa application and other things for departing to Japan.. My school also asked me to start preparing my things

  5. honestly now I actually think we're getting somewhere and something may happen soon. I don't think its October soon, I believe that ship has sailed, BUT I do think restrictions will ease in a few months. suga (the head guy I believe) actually brought it to his attention that borders should be eased up for students to enter, plus nhk mentioned what suga said about students and thats the first time I saw nhk news bring up anything involving foreign students entering the country, so I do think this is a huge step forward in the right direction.

  6. Thankyou so much for always updating us about the Travel Ban. I really hope we can enter Japan in October.😭 Our class will start soon.

  7. I don't want to be a pessimist, but October starts tomorrow. I don't think we could enter Japan for the October classes term. Maybe we could in December/January. It's taking forever for them to take action on the subject. I hope they finally let us in before I give up and ask for my refund. It's making me really sad, I'm taking anxiety meds and even then, it's so difficult to manage the situation. Thanks Davide as always.

  8. I might get in trouble with a government agency here if I don't go soon or can give them concrete dates at least.
    Really hope that mofa thingy tomorrow will bring good news.
    Anyhow, いつもありがとう🙇‍♂️🙇‍♂️🙇‍♂️

    Plus, I really hope this G7 travel and health minister meeting won't lead to an open for all. If everybody can go again we're as …… as before. The embassy here in the capital is the only one on this side of the country. I really don't feel like cueing or camping in front of it. Apart from the fact that my camping gear was part of the belongings I had to throw away 🏕🚮😅
    But seriously, if they pull something like that things are going to be mad. 😱

  9. Será que tendremos la posibilidad de entrar en octubre y poder ingresar a las clases? 🙁 las clases empiezan en la primera semana y segunda semana de octubre 🙁

  10. @davide not sure if you know this but I heard firsthand about many Taiwanese students whose student visas expired but were able to return to Japan. Any clues about that?