ジェイク・ギレンホール、同僚殺害の容疑者に「浮気は隠したが、殺してない」 “推定無罪の原則”が問われる、極上のサスペンス Apple TV+『推定無罪』予告編映像

can somebody call my phone I’ll call it who is this Mrs Jaden can you tell your mom she looks beautiful okay bye you guys bye I just want to make sure that we have everything exactly right let’s get started you aware the car murder when was the last time you were in car’s apartment uh we had cases together sometimes who would work after hours at her apartment your fingerprints were found in her bedroom were you and Carolina romantically [Music] involved my suspect because I did not kill her you were there the night now you better get yourself an attorney if you’re arrested there’s not an if I will be arrested they’re going to see that I was obsessed with her I was basically stalking her you know the night she was killed he texted her 30 times 30 times this is the darkest hour of my life but you and I will fight to save our family we need a credible alternative to me she was tied up like a prior victim Carolyn and I work that case together you’re saying that we put an innocent man behind bars you’re desperate are you a suspect I did not kill her you really think that I killed Carol it’s a question everyone’s asking I am not a liar well you are I lied about the affair but I didn’t kill her does your wife think you’re guilty you know me did you strike Carolyn your DNA was found at the scene they could put you away forever is there something else I did not kill her he sick they have no case to they trying to free me nobody is above the allall I didn’t kill her I don’t know how many times I have to say this I did not kill her I I did not kill her I kill her did not kill her do you swear to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help you [Music] God I didn’t kill her

ど話題作の出演が続くジェイク・ギレンホール主演&製作総指揮!エミー賞&ゴールデングローブ賞受賞を誇るデイビッド・E・ケリー、「スター・ウォーズ」シリーズの J・J・エイブラムスらが製作総指揮として手がける法廷サスペンス、Apple TV+リミテッドシリーズ「推定無罪」が12 日より Apple TV+にて全世界配信開始。

#ジェイクギレンホール #推定無罪

WACOCA JAPAN: People, Life, Style.