
 アイドルグループ「Rev.from DVL」の橋本環奈さんが3月5日、東京都内の映画館で開催された主演映画「セーラー服と機関銃-卒業-」(前田弘二監督)の初日舞台あいさつに登場した。映画初主演を果たした橋本さんは、映画が初日を迎えたことについて「昨日は緊張して全然眠れませんでした。ドキドキしました」と話した。



“Kanna Hashimoto plays main role in movie on first day: “cannot sleep for trying”. Stage-greetings event on first screening day of movie “Sailor Suit and Machine Gun: Graduation” 1

Kanna Hashimoto of the idol group “Rev. from DVL” appeared at the stage-greetings event on the first screening day of the movie “Sailor Suit and Machine Gun: Graduation” (directed by Koji Maeda), held at a cinema in Tokyo on March 5th.

Hashimoto, who has played the main role in a movie for the first time, talked about her eagerness for welcoming the first screening day of the movie: “Yesterday, I was too tense that I could not sleep. I was very nervous.”

WACOCA: People, Life, Style.

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