Hope you enjoy guys was not expecting this episode today to be about Akito and Ren but wow was it an amazing episode seeing the relationship Akira and Ren had and the not so relationship Akito and Ren had from a young age both went full crazy today and you can see where it came from.. Some massive moments today though again not what I expected at all I’m just hoping its not the worst case scenario.. Looks like next ep we might see Tohru and Kyou confess to each other which will be great to see! We also see Hiro break his bond also which further pushed Akito to do what she did but damn…We also got a glimpse of what Kyou has been thinking about and that must be horrible as well a really down time for the characters atm.. Let me know what you thought about this episode in the comment section though!

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#FruitsBasket #フルーツバスケット #Jordan52
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  1. Hope you enjoy guys was not expecting this episode today to be about Akito and Ren but wow was it an amazing episode seeing the relationship Akira and Ren had and the not so relationship Akito and Ren had from a young age both went full crazy today and you can see where it came from.. Some massive moments today though again not what I expected at all I'm just hoping its not the worst case scenario.. Looks like next ep we might see Tohru and Kyou confess to each other which will be great to see! We also see Hiro break his bond also which further pushed Akito to do what she did but damn…We also got a glimpse of what Kyou has been thinking about and that must be horrible as well a really down time for the characters atm.. Let me know what you thought about this episode below though!

  2. At the start of the episode, when you saw little Kyo you saw his mom killing herself, she committed suicide in front of him and was hit by train. It wasn't Kyoko, Kyoko died in the accident

  3. Imagine seeing your own infant daughter as competition as a "woman" towards your husband huh?

    See? This is why I said Ren is the WORST parent of Fruits Basket.

    Now these are the final puzzles to answer not only why Akito allowed Tohru to live in Shigure's house but also why she clings to the bonds so desperately.

    Akira(her dad) kind had a hand in this mess in an indirect way too by telling her this fantasy of having people love her "indisputably" because of her being the God of the Zodiac.

    That and his last words.

    With Ren constantly saying that she's unwanted Akira's word only came off as confirmation for Akito that she wasn't loved at all.

    So of course this neglected kid would turn to this fairy tale of the zodiac's bond to fill up her emptiness.

    And man those shit ass maids. Feeding into the feud between mother and daughter like that.

    The parallels between Akito and Tohru are the strongest between last episode and this one, not only because of both clinging unhealthily to a "memento" of their parents, but also the whole situation of how their moms dealt with the death of their respective husbands and how said kids view their place in the affections of the parent they are mostly close of.

    It's not talked about much but I feel like Kyoko did the exact same mistake Akira did with Akito.

    Back in season 1, during Uotani's flashback when Kyoko was bragging about Tohru's polite talk being like her dad's it made me wince HARD because it kept feeding Tohru's idea that she has to be a "substitute" for her dad so her mom would love her.

    Kyoko was unknowingly making Tohru compete with her dead dad for her affections and contributed for Tohru's insecurities, inadequacy, loneliness and fear of abandonment if she didn't have a reason to be liked.

    It's quite impressive how this series hurt even more on a rewatch.

    It makes you wince like you are crossing a room full of legos on the floor while you walk on your knees.

  4. YIkes yikes yikes yeah, this episode and the next couple are f*cking hard. You're right that none of this okay, it hasn't been okay for a long time. But it doesn't get better by pretending it's not happening.

  5. Yeah Ren is garbage. Seeing your own kid as competition, forcing them to be raised as a gender they do not identify with, the list goes on. What's interesting though is the minor role that Akira did play in Akito having this distorted God complex. He was the one who told her she is special and has this unique role in the family. Granted, he probably did not anticipate how far Akito was going to take those beliefs. Also, when you have a mother like Ren who is constantly diminishing you it isn't a surprise that you would grab onto any sort of sense of superiority to counter that degradation. So while the things Ren says are right (the bonds being forced, how badly Akito treats the other members) she is doing it out of pure malice rather than actual concern for Akito and the other family members.

  6. Oh yeah, this ep was hella shocking!

    Kyo's mom was the one who committed suicide by walking in front of a train and Kyo witnessed it. Tohru's mom was hit by a car. The only question now is how was Kyo involved in it. It's coming!

    I felt so much for Akito in this episode, particularly young Akito. She didn't deserve the awful childhood that she had. I'm glad that she had her father's love, but at the same time, he didn't do her any favors by telling her that she was born to be loved and no one would ever leave her. I get that he wanted to comfort her and give her more love after Ren's abandonment, but those words she took to heart and ended up harming her. Ren continues to be an awful bitch, and I would've honestly loved to see her get her ass whooped by Akito again.

    Akito has a point here. Everyone enabled her behavior and didn't put a stop to it early before it spiraled out of control. The cycle of abuse just kept repeating. So I do blame the maids and others like Kureno to an extent for how Akito turned out.

    But…. what Akito did, stabbing Kureno, who gave up most of his life for her… you're absolutely right, it was uncalled for. I get that she was going through an emotional breakdown, but that was no excuse. Kureno stayed by her side when he didn't have to. Plus, he was giving her the option to change right there and then – Akito rejected that. And now she's on the loose.

    Oh man… all I'll say about the Kyo and Tohru moment is please prepare yourself. Next ep is going to be difficult. You're heading directly into the climax of the series now.

    Awesome reaction! I love that this ep shocked you so much LOL.

  7. Akito's backstory is just so… like, if you were trying to make someone into a sociopath you probably couldn't do better. Tell her what makes her special is being the zodiac god, that she was born to be loved by the other zodiacs and no one will ever leave her or hurt her, so her whole identity is tied up in those bonds and she believes she is owed their love, and that there's nothing else about her that's worth loving. Raise her as a boy, so she spends her life living a persona, concealing and subsuming her true self. Ren rejects her immediately, and then Akira dies, leaving her in the care of, basically, a cult. Akira at least seemed to genuinely care for Akito, but to the maids she was "the god" – in a way, she was a tool for them like Yuki was for his mother, and they never really saw her as a person.

    If she were a real person, I don't know if I could forgive the things she's done, but as a fictional character I have so much fondness for her. (This will seem more possible as you finish the series, haha.)

    Sidenote with Hiro – his mom realized right away that his curse had broken because he was holding his baby sister to his chest; normally he would have transformed if they made that kind of contact. It's kind of a nice parallel that we get the worst and best zodiac mom moments in the same episode – Ren's rejection and hatred vs Satsuki's acceptance and love.