At TED2010, Bill Gates unveils his vision for the world’s energy future, describing the need for “miracles” to avoid planetary catastrophe and explaining why he’s backing a dramatically different type of nuclear reactor. The necessary goal? Zero carbon emissions globally by 2050.

TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world’s leading thinkers and doers give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes. TED stands for Technology, Entertainment, Design, and TEDTalks cover these topics as well as science, business, development and the arts. Closed captions and translated subtitles in a variety of languages are now available on, at Watch a highlight reel of the Top 10 TEDTalks at

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  1. Войдут в Царство Бога смиренные и нищие только тогда, когда они будут смиренными и нищими не оттого, что они не сумели сделаться славными и богатыми, а оттого, что не хотели грешить, чтобы стать знатными и богатыми.

    Если же вы нищие только оттого, что не сумели разбогатеть, то вы как соль несолёная.

    Соль нужна только тогда, когда она солона; если же она не солона, то она ни на что уже не годится, и её выбрасывают.

  2. Wouldn’t it just be easier to find a way to make it so plants are photosynthesising 24/7, doubling their oxygen output ?

  3. Funny thing happened when I watched this back then,, and people are just now realizing what he said, he said 0 carbon,,, what the heck., WE EXHALE CARBON.. Shaking my Head some people just don't get it.. and they all clapped at him, for saying * basically he's gonna kill all of us*.. my gosh. and people say they are awake .. how bout this, Wake Up TO HIM—> YEHOSUA WINS! THE WAR HAS ALREADY BEEN WON, THE GAME IS OVER, an we are playing our part in our ALMIGHTY FATHER'S PLAN.. SO WAKE UP TO HIM..REPENT AND PRAISE YEHSOUA…because HE IS OUR ONLY HOPE ..PERIOD!!!!!!!!!! May God (Yehsoua) Bless and forgive us all.. PRAY FOR FORGIVENESS ..GOD BLESS

  4. 你係黑海長大,越大越驚,D叔叔阿姨朋友從吾食素,我地都和目相處到,應該帶佢哋边到解決手腕粗大問題.

  5. At the end of the day they have to do wat it take to keep the ice wall frozen for the "alien" the one thing I noticed is that when they say aliens did it they talking about black ppl 😂😆

  6. If what he’s saying were true, perhaps he’d also address mind blowing energy technology that is being kept black and as a minimum encouraging local crop production, finding a local farmer and buying meats and eggs locally, growing home gardens and not eating fruit out of season like we were once used to as northerners. But the likes of Cargill, Tyson foods and ADM etc., wouldn’t appreciate that as they truck food all over this country emitting what Gates was appointed to reduce. Any solutions which encourages independence from the system is never promoted.

  7. It wouldn't surprise me to hear him again on TED talking about how he "saved the world", by solving the P problem.

  8. That moment when you realize that out of 17000 comments this video has, almost 5000 are from only 3 youtube accounts (and all their 5000 replies are only from last 2 years):
    joe public
    joseph publico

    And if you read their comments they don't look at all like the crypto-bots you're used to.

    Most people got convinced they're real people and engaged in longer conversations with them.