This video looks back at 2.6 million years of history, weaving together computer graphics and actual imagery to view the history and majesty of the Beppu Hot Springs on a global scale. This video is as powerful and as gripping as a real movie.
Our hope is that now, when an in-person visit to Beppu is not possible, that viewing the video will let everyone see how miraculously situated Beppu is, with its wealth of natural hot spring resources, and see how wonderful it will be to enjoy those hot spring resources to the maximum extent.

You can read about why Beppu is one of Japan’s most acclaimed onsen hot spots here:

And you can find more Information about Beppu on “Enjoy Onsen”.


  1. 7分20秒の壮大な映画!!!

  2. This is surely a masterpiece! I couldn't take my eyes out of it any seconds. Amazing work chi Phuong & Bill!!!

  3. 別府住んでるけど毎日タダ同然で温泉入ることができ海も綺麗で美人な外国人が多く刺激的な街です。

  4. 別府市民だけど、こんなの作る金があったのかwめっちゃ金かかってるやんw

  5. 吹き替え版も作って欲しっすねえ☆

  6. 子供の頃、亀川に住んでいたから別府は第二の故郷。大分県は温泉キャンペーンが上手だと思っていますが、この動画は、また出色の出来栄えですね。コロナが収束したら世界中からお客さんが来る事を祈っております。

  7. このビデオ作成にアドバイスした由佐悠紀( 別府温泉地球博物館理事長、京都大学名誉教授)の「上総掘りが別府および温泉科学に与えた影響」のURLはこちらです。


  8. 高速で別府に行くと、温泉成分の匂いがすごくする。とても良い匂いで、「着いた~」って思わせてくれる。別府に行こうと思えば行ける距離に住めて幸せだ❗

  9. 製作費気になります。ハリウッド映画も製作費を売りにPRするので、製作費どれほどかも公開したら更にPRになりそうですし、こちらとしても嬉しい。

  10. Ahhh wonderful. Wish i could go there and corona be over. Beppu is truly a kind of mekka for onsen enthusiasts.
    Thank you for making such good video!

  11. let’s admit that japanese words and names in english pronunciation sound disgusting

  12. I would go to Beppu back in April…. sadly due to coronavirus I couldn't go to Japan…. Maybe next year!!!

  13. Unfortunately the announcer made it difficult to understand. A bit muddle mouthed. Would have preferred subtitles or a crispier more talented narrator. The piece otherwise was amazing. Can't wait to visit.

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