【Original Goods/オリジナルグッズ】

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◆Shimogamohon-dori (Shimogamohon-dori [1]) is one of the main streets in the north and south of Kyoto City. It runs north-south through the center of Shimogamo, Sakyo-ku, and continues to Kawaramachi-dori in the south via the Aoi Bridge over the Kamo River. Unlike Shimogamohigashi-dori, Shimogamo-chu-dori, and Shimogamo-nishi-dori, which also run through Shimogamo from north to south, it has four lanes and is wide and straight. Until the current route was completed, Shimogamo Nakadori, which is next to the west, was called Shimogamo Hondori. [2]

Since it is a road leading to the Midoro-ga Pond, it used to be a narrow street of about 1.5 ken called “Mizoro Michi”, but in 1919 (Taisho 8) it will be expanded to 12 ken from Kyoto City. The plan was presented. Since this plan pierced the shrine town of Shimogamo Shrine, there was an opposition movement from the residents asking for a review, but in 1922 (Taisho 11), it was decided to proceed as originally planned.

However, the development of urban arterial roads including this expansion did not progress as expected due to financial difficulties, and in 1926 (Taisho 15), Kyoto City began to improve the outer roads (Kitaoji-dori, Nishioji-dori, Kujo-dori, etc.) along the road. It was changed to be done at the same time as the land readjustment project.

Under these circumstances, the “Shimogamo Land Readjustment Association” will be established and the land readjustment project will be carried out with the intention of facilitating negotiations with Kyoto City by actively forming a land readjustment association. became. This land readjustment project was completed in 1932 (Showa 7). On the other hand, a land readjustment project was carried out by the “Rakuhoku Land Readjustment Association” north of the Canal Moisture Line, and was completed in 1930 (Showa 5). By these land readjustments, the widening around Kitaoji-dori was completed, but all the widening including the south was completed in 1942 (Showa 17).

From Kitaoji Dori (at the bus stop in front of Rakuhoku High School (the bus stop at that time was in front of Rakuhoku High School, the bus stop was in front of Rakuhoku High School), and at the intersection, Shimogamohondori Kitaoji), the Kyoto City Electric Shimogamo Line was in 1956 (Showa 31). ) To 1978 (Showa 53).

【The description of the old place name is reprinted from Wikipedia】


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◆下鴨本通(しもがもほんどおり[1])は京都市の南北の主要な通りの一つ。 左京区下鴨の中央を南北に貫き、南は賀茂川に架かる葵橋を介してそのまま河原町通に続く。 同じく下鴨を南北に貫く下鴨東通・下鴨中通・下鴨西通と異なり4車線と広く直線的である。現在の経路が完成するまでは西隣の下鴨中通が下鴨本通と呼ばれていた[2]。



こうした中、積極的に土地区画整理組合を結成することにより、京都市との交渉を円滑に進めることを企図して、「下鴨土地区画整理組合」が設立され、区画整理事業が行われることになった。この区画整理事業は1932年(昭和7年)に完成した。一方、疏水分線から北では「洛北土地区画整理組合」により区画整理事業が行われ、1930年(昭和5年)に完成した。 これらの土地区画整理により、北大路通周辺についての拡幅が完了したが、これより南も含めたすべての拡幅の完了したのは、1942年(昭和17年)のことである。



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