【逛吃廣州美食】最好吃的傳統布拉腸|東川路周邊極少人知的歷史|勝利百貨店|鮮蝦腸|穗銀腸粉|雲香茶樓|風行牛奶總店|東川名店運動城|Canton Food Tour 2024|GUANGZHOU 4K

#美食 #廣州 #guangzhou #廣州旅遊 #廣州美食 #廣州歷史

Google map:https://maps.app.goo.gl/dXGAp24F1yHuzvr69
Baidu map:https://j.map.baidu.com/e4/Y5k
鄰近地鐵:廣州地鐵1號線 烈士陵園站 B出口
餐廳消費:韭王鮮蝦腸¥17 鴛鴦腸¥16

【逛吃廣州美食】上下九寶華路美食掃街|最靚花叉飯|人氣雲吞麵大比拼|能否全程使用現金|多寶路美食|汶記|麗的麵家|寶华面店|美美|Canton Food Tour 2024|GUANGZHOU 4K

🚀【北京路茶樓推薦 – 塗鴉街】
【逛吃廣州美食】北京路茶樓推薦!周邊酒店介紹!府學西街歷史!塗鴉街!飲茶點心!裝修豪華!座無虛席!傳統點心!幸運樓!Canton Food Tour 2024|GUANGZHOU 4K

🚀【龍津路美食掃街指南 – 稀有小食】
【逛吃廣州美食】龍津東路美食掃街!9店連吃!最全美食指南!罕見小食!齋燒鵝!齋紮蹄!純米漿石磨拉腸!手工蛋捲!驛巷!洞神坊!Canton Food Tour 2024|GUANGZHOU 4K

【逛吃廣州美食】大三元酒家重新開業|招牌菜重現|太爺雞|關東遼參|炒水魚裙|手打馬肉燒賣|海珠石|酒店推薦|華夏大酒店|廣州賓館|Canton Food Tour 2024|GUANGZHOU 4K

其出品的雲龍香鳳月餅也曾媲美城西的蓮香樓月餅。 輝煌期更有“西有蓮香,東有雲香”的說法。



Dongchuan Road:
Originally a small river known as Chuanlongkou, its tributaries flowed into today’s Qinglongli on Dongchuan Road.
In 1958, it was expanded into a road, taking the character “Chuan” and adding its location, hence the name “Dongchuan”.
It belongs to the Dongshan District, which was merged into Guangzhou’s Yuexiu District in May 2005.
Yunxiang Restaurant:
Located at No. 342, Donghuadong Road, Yuexiu District, Guangzhou, it was founded in the 30th year of the Guangxu era of the Qing Dynasty (1904), and has a history of 111 years. It is one of the four oldest existing tea houses in Guangzhou, the other three being Ronghua Lou, Taotao Ju, and Lianxiang Lou, all located in the West Gate area.
Its Yunlong Xiangfeng Mooncake was once as famous as the mooncake from Lianxiang Lou in the west of the city. During its heyday, there was a saying, “West has Lianxiang, East has Yunxiang.”
Signature Delights: Ice Flower Egg Tarts, with a translucent and airy texture, the surface syrup glistening, melting in the mouth, sweet but not greasy.
In 1998, it was awarded the title of “Famous Chinese Snack” by the China Cuisine Association.
Before 2007, at 2:30 pm every afternoon, there were performances by a quyi (traditional Chinese storytelling and ballad singing) troupe.

Dongchuan Road Primary School:
Founded in 1905, originally named Dongguan School, it was jointly established by Chinese scholars returning from Japan, such as Xie Juzhuang and Xie Zhitao, in collaboration with the government at the time.
The school has undergone several name changes since the Republic of China era and was officially renamed Dongchuan Road Primary School in 1998.

Huanmengyuan Department Store:
Originally known as Shengli Department Store (established in 1937), it was once renowned with the saying “West has Lihong, East has Shengli.”

00:00 Intro
00:09 烈士陵園地鐵站周邊
00:37 廣東省人民醫院/東川路
01:47 東川名店運動城舊址
03:54 穗銀腸粉
04:56 韭王鮮蝦腸
06:13 鴛鴦腸
08:42 東川路/銀記/東川酒家
09:48 東川一街/東川新街市/東川肉菜市場
12:51 街市物價/長庚門的由來
15:15 前鑒通津/東川三街/蟾蜍崗
19:01 東成北街/東成南街/東成當鋪舊址
19:58 風行牛奶/廣州牛奶公司/雲海通津/牛奶巷
21:20 牛乳基的由來/東川路小學的趣聞
22:50 雲香樓舊址/雲香茶樓的故事
24:08 歡夢園百貨店/勝利百貨店/大象沐浴液
25:33 Ending

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#廣州 #粵菜 #老飯店 #老字號 #傳統點心 #點心 #舊街區 #老建築 #大排檔 #傳統炸物 #荔湾美食 #漫步
#皇上皇 #越秀區 #東山區 #烈士陵園 #廣東省人民醫院 #東川路 #東川名店運動城 #穗銀腸粉 #布拉腸 #抽屜拉腸 #腸粉 #韭王鮮蝦腸 #鴛鴦腸 #銀記腸粉 #東川酒家 #東川一街 #東川新街市 #東川肉菜市場 #街市物價 #長庚門 #前鑒通津 #東川三街 #蟾蜍崗 #東成北街 #東成南街 #東成當鋪 #風行牛奶 #廣州牛奶公司 #雲海通津 #牛奶巷 #牛乳基 #東川路小學 #雲香樓 #雲香茶樓 #歡夢園百貨店 #勝利百貨店 #大象沐浴液
#廣州 #美食 #粵菜 #探店 #人氣 #排隊 #地鐵 #捷運 #交通 #路綫 #Michelin #米芝蓮 #米其林 #必吃 #必食 #街頭小食 #小食 #小菜館 #午餐 #食晏 #晚餐 #街坊 #平民飯堂 #街坊飯堂 #餐廳 #飯店 #大排檔 #美食 #小炒 #廣東話 #飲食介紹 #美食介紹 #街拍 #西華路 #沙面 #永慶坊 #vlog study #Yum Cha #guangzhou 4k #4K #vlog bgm #cantonese food #vlog china #food tour vlog #food tourism #food tour china #廣州美食粵語 #food tour #city walk #Chinese food #walking tour #street walk #town market #china tour #busy street #dlim sum #粵語 #cantonese #Guangzhou #Cantonese cuisine #Chinese Food #Canton Tour Walk in GuangZhou #vlog #guangzhou #street food #eating #chinese food #chinese food recipes #美食攻略 #美食指南 #旅游指南 #旅遊攻略 #旅遊景點 #傳統文化 #嶺南 #food tourism #food tour china #food tour vlog #chinese food tour #vlog study #vlog china #cantonese food #china tourism #chinese street food video #guangzhou furniture market #street food in chinese #chinese food in china #chinese food culture #guangzhou food tour #chinese traditional food #chinese street vendors #amazing chinese food #chinese street food seafood #chinese food vendors #chinese food items #best chinese food in china


  1. 非常感謝觀看~歡迎各位觀眾提出頻道的不足之處,謝謝!



    Google map:https://maps.app.goo.gl/dXGAp24F1yHuzvr69

    Baidu map:https://j.map.baidu.com/e4/Y5k

    鄰近地鐵:廣州地鐵1號線 烈士陵園站 B出口

    餐廳消費:韭王鮮蝦腸¥17 鴛鴦腸¥16





  2. 一開頭見到烈士陵園入口😊好懷念細個佢呢嗰度撐艇仔 我細個都係住喺東川路,但係我完全未食過呢問腸粉,仲見到東川酒家 我以為執咗我細個滿月真係喺呢度擺酒😂😂😂😂

  3. 好似話系銀記嘅分支,另起爐灶,唔知有冇記錯不過食完的確比銀記好而且地點好食住醫院客,實冇死

  4. 翻譯有少少錯誤,改翻去就冇問題了。


    Steamed rice roll is always a quick breakfast for commuters in Guangzhou. It comes with different ingredients like shrimps, thinly sliced beef or pork. A piece of cloth is placed on a very hot flat plate steamer. A ladle of rice batter is poured onto the cloth evenly along with ingredients which will be solidified to become a thin rice sheet on a high heat. The lady will flip the rice sheet and wrap the ingredients in a rice roll served with a sweet soy sauce.

    唔好用intestine, 動物內臟。
    用Steamed Rice Roll 代替 Rice Noodle (米粉)。謝謝!

  5. 東村路好陌生這個地方未去過。 其實我好懷舊, 喜歡你介紹 勝利百貨公司, 床鋪 有大花 床舖 喜歡, 布拉腸又喜歡食, 香港好多地方冇得食, 喜歡你介紹 歷史, 認識 每段歷史 珍藏, 喜歡你 介紹得 非常 好, 辛苦曬, 最緊要飲多啲水, 謝謝你😂😂😂

  6. 曾几何时中午午休搭车去到东川名店城同流前睇电台直播节目加~~哈哈,好耐无去过个边了!~~

  7. 個人認為翻譯腸粉為英文應該沿用香港廣東話音譯後加括弧註明這道菜肴方式較為傳神即 : Cheung Fan(Steamed Rice Roll)既可引導外國友人正確廣東話講法之餘亦推廣粵語。😊支持介紹廣州美食與歷史!👍👍👍

  8. 腸粉碟頭睇落比源記大,去年回國去源記食過,感覺退步咗,想去東川路試吓穗银,但坐在巴士上見唔到招牌,宜家睇片才知道原来在街口拐角處,謝謝靚女

  9. 廣州物價始終略平深圳2家好多地區已拍貼港澳生活不容易…老廣地方總留有一點情懷回憶味道…電雞/送外買喺街上路上左穿右插習慣性不停咇咇…咇,前面無人都㩒制…咇極之煩希望有關交通當局管一管?

  10. 既有美食更有广州街道商铺酒楼各种历史典故,唔会单纯讲美食甘单调,非常好!👍

  11. 布拉腸與普通腸粉吃的感覺上沒多大分別布拉腸反而比較厚最大分別是工序慢主要好壞要看米醬

  12. 香港仍保存傳統, 真係用手拉/卷腸粉, 但廣州百分九十九係剷埋一堆就算!

  13. 這風行牛奶,應該是當今世上最貴的牛奶,是北美和歐洲等先進國家牛奶價錢的兩三倍,一袋風行牛奶,已經可以在美國買到一加侖的非特價桶裝牛奶了 🙂

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