
#廣州 #北京路 #大灣區

GOOGLE MAP:https://maps.app.goo.gl/SmanvbrrV3kvGUBq7
餐廳消費:香煎韭菜餃 ¥10.50,鮮肉雞湯小籠包 ¥10.50,黑椒牛仔骨 ¥13.50,白灼牛肉丸 ¥12.50,白金雪山包 ¥10.50
舊時的北京路,是廣州大南門(今北京路、大南路口)內外的一條南北向主要街道。宋代滅南漢後,拆南城牆,將南城沿至江邊,建「雙闕」。 1156年,廣州向南擴建。 1244年,建造雙門樓,從此北京路中段被稱為雙門底,漸成為商業區。清代時,今北京路由北至南依序為承宣直街、雙門底、雄鎮直街、永清街,以賣書坊、古董市、花市為著名。明清時期,雙門安置了長壺滴漏,週邊百姓透過它安排祭祀活動。清雍正年間,現北京路與沿江路交匯的珠江邊,是天字碼頭的所在地,為清代時是專為迎送官員而設,附近的接官亭正是當時迎接官員的地點。
中華民國九年(1920年),廣州拆城牆開路,將此路改名為「永漢路」(國民政府使用粵音英文名「Wing Hon Road」),取的是清朝已滅,把南街名「永清」變成「永漢」之意。 1936年,曾任國民政府首任立法院長的胡漢民過世後,又胡本身乃廣州人,為紀念之,永漢路更名為「漢民路」。 1966年文化大革命期間被當局改名為「北京路」。
Education Road is a north-south road in Yuexiu District, Guangzhou, China, located south of Jixiang Road and north of Huifu East Road. It is 522 meters long and 15 meters wide.
Since the Ming Dynasty, the Education Road area has been the location of the highest-level cultural and educational offices in Guangdong, with a profound cultural heritage. The Ming Dynasty’s Education Office, the Qing Dynasty’s Education Office, the Education Committee in the Republic of China, and the current Guangzhou Education Bureau are all located in the Yaozhou area of ​​Education Road.
In 1932, the municipal government expanded Guanlian Street and built Education Road through the Education Office into Shufang Street. Since the Education Office was the Guangzhou Education Association during the Republic of China, it was named Education Road. During the Cultural Revolution, it was named “Education South Road” and was renamed Education Road in 1982.
Education Road is close to Beijing Road Pedestrian Street, and there are many shops specializing in suits, leather shoes, and ties along the entire road.
The West Lake Road Flower Market during the Spring Festival every year is composed of the entire West Lake Road and Education Road. It is also the most famous and busiest Spring Flower Market in Guangzhou.
In the old days, Beijing Road was a main north-south street inside and outside Guangzhou’s South Gate (now the intersection of Beijing Road and South Road). After the Southern Han was destroyed in the Song Dynasty, the southern city wall was demolished, and the southern city was extended to the riverside to build “double gates”. In 1156, Guangzhou expanded to the south. In 1244, the double gate tower was built. From then on, the middle section of Beijing Road was called Shuangmendi, and gradually became a commercial district. In the Qing Dynasty, the current Beijing Road from north to south was Chengxuanzhi Street, Shuangmendi, Xiongzhenzhi Street, and Yongqing Street, which were famous for selling books, antiques, and flowers. During the Ming and Qing Dynasties, a long pot dripping water was placed in Shuangmen, and the surrounding people arranged sacrificial activities through it. During the Yongzheng period of the Qing Dynasty, the Pearl River where the current Beijing Road and Yanjiang Road meet was the location of Tianzi Wharf, which was specially built for welcoming and seeing off officials in the Qing Dynasty. The nearby reception pavilion was the place where officials were welcomed at that time.


★开平楼价 鵝城 白切鵝 煎豆腐角★

★台山廣海鎮 食足一日海鮮★

★中山美食一日遊 紅燒乳鴿★


★廣州最大海鮮市場 食海鮮必去★


00:00 Intro
00:28 廣州地鐵一號線/公園前地鐵站/中山五路
02:37 樂陶軒下午茶/點心4.8折/讀餐牌時間
06:49 香煎韭菜餃/鮮肉雞湯小籠包/黑椒牛仔骨/白灼牛肉丸/白金雪山包
19:01 北京路步行街/放暑假/大批遊客殺到
36:13 惠福東路美食街/餐廳大排長龍
42:38 教育路/日料店越來越少
46:56 Ending
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  1. 廣州 酒樓 點心新鮮, 價錢中肯, 我比較喜歡食街邊小食! 畢 先生伉儷, 天氣炎熱補充水分最緊要, 你們的介紹最精彩! 分享😂😂😂

  2. 我已經準備好簽證等12月份去廣州旅遊因為看到你們介紹過後很喜歡👍😊

  3. 来到北京路,最想入去母校看看,最闭就系变了13中,最近稳翻个班主任,点知生癌,真系世事难料

  4. 北京路見過你去好多次,唔該去吓上下九步行街,睇吓係唔係十室九空。

  5. 畢生,聽說閣下有牙週病,如一起食你一啖女一啖,據說病菌會傳染的,想觀眾為你女兒著想😊

  6. 牛肉球點都會加肥豬肉夠滑!😂😂廣州茶餐廳冇師傅學足香港絲襪奶茶?今個星期日我蝦子餅又同我去深圳飲茶🫖!😂😂

  7. 見到著古裝影相的小姐姐,我想起福州同泉州都有很多,泉州的建築物閩南風格很有特色,福州很多美食😊

  8. 謝謝分享,每次我都追看你的视频,题材独特,不與别人重覆,介绍食肆很合口味。有机会会试🎉

  9. 輝哥你好👋我在社交媒體看到有間牛雜店好火爆,名叫中漢良牛雜,微信同埋小紅書都有睇到!你可否去試一試,分享下是否真係咁好食呢?謝謝你🙏🏻😊

  10. 畢生,你介紹地方非常唔錯,陶陶居座得舒服,幸運樓有少少貴,雍和够經濟味道幾好!

  11. 同大家分享四月份去沙灣古鎮玩經歷(全部租衫影相的舖頭全部都是苗藏服式好九吾搭八同古鎮格格不入而且多數是零零後遊客冇乜我地D五六十後😅古鎮食肆不多,金榜好玩得多😅

  12. 十年前在廣州上班時爭搶上巴士、前門拍卡後門上車、幫全車人拍羊城通的體驗歷歷在目
    我認為時下部分網民係唔係都講預製菜(中央廚房)美食荒漠, 連鎖店是必然的, 想要即製點心一分錢一分貨!
    你比很多香港人看的更通透 單看客流真的和香港有好大對比,現在香港八九點已經很少人, 9-10點都準備收爐, 成都更跨張夜晚9點仍要等位, 11點半還是人山人海。現在很多人說北上消費搶走香港餐飲零售生意, 其實他們都未搞清楚自已的定位, 現在(中價位)中餐食雞食牛肉火鍋比不過深圳廣州佛山, 但同時日本菜牛扒西餐深圳廣州性價比也沒有香港高

  13. 试下火车站附近流花宾馆,闲日早茶点心16.8/碟,关键无乜人好清静,位置又够阔落

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