[ 島根県 鹿足郡 津和野町 D51200 「デゴイチ」 SLやまぐち号ドローン空撮 4K動画 ] 4K Drone Aerial Video of D51200 Steam Locomotive “SL YamaguchiGou” in Tsuwano Town, Kanoashi District, Shimane Prefecture, Japan.

現在、「貴婦人」の愛称で親しまれる「C571」、「デゴイチ」の愛称で知られる「D51200」は、土日、祝日等で1日1往復のみ運行しており、山頭火が愛した「新山口」を出発し、「湯田温泉」、大内文化の香り漂う「山口」、四季折々の情緒を楽 しめる「長門峡」、そして「津和野」までの62.9kmを約2時間で運行しています。


☆☆ 少しでも興味を持っていただけたら、高評価・チャンネル登録よろしくお願いいたします m(_ _)m ☆☆

津和野駅 : 〒699-5605 島根県鹿足郡津和野町後田

使用機材:DJI Mavic3 Pro

In the 1960s, as part of the modernization and rationalization of Japanese National Railways, steam locomotives were phased out across the country, and in October 1973, steam locomotives also disappeared from the Yamaguchi Line.
After that, momentum for the revival of steam locomotives grew among many steam locomotive fans and local municipalities, and with the bold decision of the then-president of Japanese National Railways, steam locomotives were brought back to the Yamaguchi Line on August 1, 1979.
Currently, the C571, affectionately known as “The Lady,” and the D51200, affectionately known as “Degoichi,” operate one round trip per day on weekends and holidays, departing from Shin-Yamaguchi, beloved by Santoka, and passing through Yuda Onsen, Yamaguchi, with its scent of Ouchi culture, Chomonkyo, where you can enjoy the changing atmosphere of the seasons, and then Tsuwano, covering the 62.9km distance in about two hours.

SL Yamaguchi homepage: https://www.c571.jp/

☆☆ If you are even a little interested, please give us a high rating and subscribe to our channel m(_ _)m

Tsuwano Station: Ushirota, Tsuwano Town, Kanoashi District, Shimane Prefecture 699-5605

Equipment used : DJI Mavic3 Pro

#4k #drone #aerialview #video #dji #mavic3 pro #japan #shimane #tsuwano #steam locomotive
#Spectacular views #beautiful places #nostalgic #d51200 #デゴイチ


  1. 始めまして、以前からよく拝見しております。超絶技巧です!鉄道✕ドローン作品の傑作です😊

  2. 素晴らしい作品ですね👍✨

  3. 撮影技術や作品の構成はもちろん、KODさんのセンスが本当に素晴らしい!!何度観ても、涙が出ます。応援しています!!

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